自2018年12月10日起,商户可以前往商户平台的账户 > 付款设置页面,在“货币设置”部分查看您的本地货币代码,并以相应的货币为单位设置现有产品和新产品的定价。
在 UTC 时间2020年1月14日凌晨0时之前,系统根据商户的营业地点设置本地货币代码。自 UTC 时间2020年1月14日凌晨0时起,系统将根据商户接收付款的货币设置本地货币代码。例如,如果商户在特定时间段内接收美元付款,则该商户的本地货币代码将被设置为 USD(美元)。
自 UTC 时间2019年7月2日凌晨0时起,部分商户账户将以人民币结算,即在此时间点之后释放(即可供履行)的订单将以人民币支付。支付的人民币金额基于商户平台“产品”页面所显示的产品金额(以人民币为单位)。未设置人民币金额的产品也会自动进行折算。人民币新金额将按现有美元金额的6.7557倍(这是2019年2月27日至2019年5月28日的平均汇率)进行折算。
自 UTC 时间2020年5月29日凌晨0时起,更多商户账户开始以人民币结算,即在此时间点之后释放(即可供履行)的订单将以人民币支付。支付的人民币金额基于商户平台“产品”页面所显示的产品金额(以人民币为单位)。未设置人民币金额的产品也会自动进行折算。人民币新金额将按2020年3月19日至2020年5月18日这60个自然日内的美元兑换人民币平均汇率(即1美元=7.0783元人民币)进行折算。
自 UTC 时间2020年9月3日凌晨0时起,余下的所有中国商户账户开始以人民币结算,即在此时间点之后释放(即可供履行)的订单以人民币支付。支付的人民币金额基于商户平台“产品”页面所显示的产品金额(以人民币为单位)。未设置人民币金额的产品也会自动进行折算。人民币新金额按2020年7月26日至2020年8月25日这30个自然日内的美元兑换人民币平均汇率(即1美元=6.9575元人民币)进行折算。
请注意,对于上述商户,部分政策赔款及金额还会以人民币计算,可能是各项政策所显示的美元金额的七 (7) 倍。有关人民币赔款金额的详情,请参阅下文。商户和 EPR 也应注意相关的 API 更改,如下所述。
再次声明,Wish 可自行决定随时更新商户店铺的本地货币代码,并要求商户按其本地货币代码对应的货币提供产品价格;因此,对商户的付款也将使用其本地货币代码对应的货币。
Frequently Asked Questions for China-based merchants:
1. What does the ‘Local Currency’ mean to merchants?
Starting December 10, 2018, merchants have the ability to set localized pricing for their existing and new product listings based on the Local Currency Code in the Currency Settings section of the Merchant Dashboard Account > Payment Settings page.
Before January 14, 2020 12:00AM UTC, the Local Currency Code was defined based on where the merchant does business. Starting January 14, 2020 12:00AM UTC, the definition of the Local Currency Code is updated to reflect the currency that a merchant is receiving payments in (for example, if at a given time after January 14, 2020 12:00AM UTC, the merchant is receiving payments in USD, the merchant’s Local Currency Code will be set in USD).
As of July 2, 2019 12:00AM UTC, some merchants’ accounts will be in CNY, meaning that orders released (i.e. ready for fulfillment) after this time will be paid in CNY. The CNY value is based on the CNY cost of a product as seen on the Merchant Dashboard Products page. Products that did not have the CNY amount set will automatically be converted over as well. The new CNY amount will be converted based on 6.7557 times the existing USD amount (this is the average exchange rate from February 27, 2019 to May 28, 2019).
As of May 29, 2020 12:00AM UTC, more merchants’ accounts will be in CNY, meaning that orders released (i.e. ready for fulfillment) after this time will be paid in CNY. The CNY value is based on the CNY cost of a product as seen on the Merchant Dashboard Products page. Products that did not have the CNY amount set will automatically be converted over as well. The new CNY amount will be converted based on the 60-calendar-day average USD <> CNY exchange rate from March 19, 2020 to May 18, 2020 (i.e. 1 USD = 7.0783 CNY).
As of September 3, 2020 12:00AM UTC, all remaining China-based merchants’ accounts will be in CNY, meaning that orders released (i.e. ready for fulfillment) after this time will be paid in CNY. The CNY value is based on the CNY cost of a product as seen on the Merchant Dashboard Products page. Products that did not have the CNY amount set will automatically be converted over as well. The new CNY amount will be converted based on the 30-calendar-day average USD <> CNY exchange rate from July 26, 2020 to August 25, 2020 (i.e. 1 USD = 6.9575 CNY).
Note that for the above-mentioned merchants, select policy penalties and amounts will also be issued in CNY and may be equal to seven (7) times the USD amount as reflected in each policy. Please see below for detailed penalty amounts in CNY. Merchants and EPRs should be aware of the relevant API changes as well, as noted in detail below.
Again, Wish may, in its sole discretion, update the Local Currency Code of merchant stores at any time, and request that merchants provide product prices in a currency consistent with the Local Currency Code; accordingly, merchants will also receive payments in the same currency consistent with the Local Currency Code.