商户的本地货币代码功能于2018年12月推出,您可以在商户平台的账户 > 付款设置页面查看。这篇常见问题解答文章向商户介绍了有关本地货币代码 CNY 的所有必要信息(如需了解更多有关本地货币代码 EUR 的信息,请浏览此篇常见问题解答)。
商户的本地货币代码可以设置,以降低汇率波动带来的经济风险,并简化商户的定价流程。对于中国大陆的商户,Wish 目前仅支持以下本地货币代码:CNY(人民币,¥)和 USD(美元,$)。欧洲地区以外的商户不得对其店铺的本地货币代码提出申诉或进行手动修改。
在 UTC 时间2020年1月14日凌晨0时之前,系统根据商户的营业地点设置本地货币代码。自 UTC 时间2020年1月14日凌晨0时起,系统将根据商户接收付款的货币设置本地货币代码。例如,如果商户在特定时间段内接收美元付款,则该商户的本地货币代码将被设置为 USD(美元)。
Wish 可自行决定随时更新商户店铺的本地货币代码,并要求商户按其本地货币代码对应的货币提供产品价格;因此,对商户的付款也将使用其本地货币代码对应的货币。
CNY Local Currency Feature for Merchants
Introduced in December 2018, a merchant’s Local Currency Code can be found in the Currency Settings section of the Merchant Dashboard Account > Payment Settings page. This FAQ article walks merchants through all necessary information regarding CNY Local Currency Code (to learn more about EUR Local Currency Code, please visit this FAQ article instead).
A merchant’s Local Currency Code may be set in order to reduce the economic risk of fluctuating currencies and simplify the price-setting process for merchants. Currently for Mainland China-based merchants, Wish supports these Local Currency Codes: CNY (¥) and USD ($). Merchants based outside of Europe cannot dispute or manually alter their stores’ Local Currency Code.
Before January 14, 2020 12:00AM UTC, the Local Currency Code was defined based on where the merchant does business. Starting January 14, 2020 12:00AM UTC, the definition of the Local Currency Code is updated to reflect the currency that a merchant is receiving payments in (for example, if at a given time, the merchant is receiving payments in USD, the merchant’s Local Currency Code will be set in USD).
Wish may, in its sole discretion, update the Local Currency Code of merchant stores at any time, and request that merchants provide product prices in a currency consistent with the Local Currency Code; accordingly, merchants will also receive payments in the same currency consistent with the Local Currency Code.