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符合要求的 ASIN 会自动显示在【促销控制面板】中。


  1. 选择商品

  2. 安排促销时间

  3. 配置促销

  4. 查看并提交


  • 【选择符合要求的商品】: 您可以根据促销开始日期和促销类型筛选符合要求的商品。也可以按照 ASIN 和 SKU 搜索符合要求的商品。

  • 【商品变体】: 您可以选择想要包含在推荐促销中的任何符合要求的变体。但是,建议您包含尽可能多的商品变体(如尺寸、颜色、款式),以免促销被拒。对于某些商品(如服装和鞋靴),促销活动应至少包含 65% 的变体,但此标准可能会因地区而异且在一年中的不同时段会有变化。

    • 提交促销后,不要向最初在创建促销时未被推荐的父商品分配新的变体。否则可能会导致您的促销被暂拒或取消。对于某些商品(如服装和鞋靴),包含的变体种类不得少于要求的最小比例。

  • 【促销时间安排】: 秒杀活动可以持续进行 4 到 12 个小时,但不同地区可能有所差异。7 天促销活动将持续进行 7 天。您可以选择在哪一周推出促销,但无法选择具体日期或时间。如果获批,您可以于促销计划开始前一周在【促销活动管理】中查看促销计划的开始日期和时间。

  • 【促销价格】: 创建促销时建议的最高促销价格会参考提供该商品(状况为新品)卖家的最低价格。如果对当前价格进行更改,促销价格可能会有所波动,您无法在秒杀进行期间提高价格。

    注意: 促销折扣会与同时进行的其他促销活动提供的折扣进行叠加,包括优惠券、促销活动、优惠价格、企业商品价格和赠品。例如,某件价格为 $100 的 ASIN 通过秒杀提供 20% 的折扣,同时进行的促销活动又提供 5% 的折扣,那么促销活动的折扣 (5%) 会与秒杀的折扣 (20%) 进行叠加。叠加后的总折扣为 $25。


    秒杀折扣: 20%

    促销活动折扣: 5%

    总折扣: (100 * 0.2) + (100 * 0.05) = $25

  • 【促销名称】: 促销名称来自参与促销的 ASIN 的商品名称,如果促销包含变体,则为父 ASIN 的商品名称。如果您要更改促销名称,则需要在创建促销前更新 ASIN 或父 ASIN 的商品名称。

  • 【促销数量】: 应至少在促销计划开始日期前 7 天确保商品数量达到促销方案的要求。

  • 【促销图片】: 促销图片来自【亚马逊详情】页面上显示的图片。促销图片必须采用纯白色背景,并且不能包含非商品本身所含的任何文本、标志或水印。如果促销中的促销图片违反了亚马逊的商品图片要求,亚马逊可能会取消这些促销并可能会暂停您的账户。如果创建秒杀时提供的促销图片不正确或与详情页面上显示的图片不符,您需要确认是否将正确的图片上传至 ASIN 或父 ASIN(如果商品包含变体)。您可以联系卖家支持,了解商品详情页面上与图片相关的问题。

  • 促销频率: 我们争取每天都为买家提供新的促销。为做到这一点,不能在 7 天内针对同一 ASIN 重复推出秒杀,同时不能在 28 天内针对同一 ASIN 重复推出 7 天促销。如果违反此政策,亚马逊可能在不通知的情况下取消促销。

  • 费用: 请务必在提交秒杀前先查看适用的费用。有关更多信息,请参阅促销费用。

  • 促销状态: 促销可能会立即获批,也可能会因不符合资格条件而随时被暂拒。建议您通过【促销活动管理】监控促销状态,降低促销被暂拒或取消的风险,这可能会增加亚马逊库存和费用。有关更多信息,请参阅了解暂拒的促销。


Create a Deal

Eligible ASINs display automatically in the Deals Dashboard.

There are four ways to create and submit a Deal after selecting the Create a new deal in the Deals Dashboard:

  1. Select Products

  2. Schedule Deal

  3. Configure Deal

  4. Review & Submit

As you follow the prompts to create a Deal, pay attention to the following:

  • Selection of eligible Products: You can filter eligible products on the basis of Deal start dates and Deal types. You can also search your eligible products by ASIN and SKU.

  • Product variation: You can select any eligible variations that you want to include in your Deal that’s being recommended. However, we recommend that you include as many product variations (for example, size, color, style) as possible to avoid rejection. For some products, such as clothing and shoes, at least 65% of variations should be included in the deal, although this can change by locale and time of year.

    • Once the Deal is submitted, avoid assigning new variations to the parent listing that were not originally recommended when the deal was created. Doing so might result in your Deal being suppressed or cancelled. For some products, such as clothing and shoes, a minimum percentage of variations will be specified as a requirement.

  • Deal schedule: Deals can run for 4 to 12 hours; this can change per locale. 7-day Deals will run for 7 consecutive days. You can select the week for your Deal to run; however, you will not be able to select the date or time. If approved, you can see the scheduled Deal date and time in the Deal Dashboard one week before the Deal is scheduled to run.

  • Deal Price: The Maximum Deal price that is suggested when creating a Deal takes into consideration the lowest price from a Seller offering the product in New condition. The Deal price may fluctuate if any changes are made to the current price and you cannot raise the price while the Deal is running.

    Note: Deals discounts will be combined with discounts from other promotions that are running at the same time, including Coupons, Promotions, Sale Price, Business Price, and Giveaway. For example, if a Deal offers a 20% discount on a $100 ASIN and that same ASIN also has a 5% off Promotion running at the same time, the 5% off discount from the Promotion will combine with the 20% discount from the Deal. This will result in a total discount of $25.

    Standard Price: $100

    Deal Discount: 20%

    Promotion Discount: 5%

    Total Discount: (100 * 0.2) + (100 * 0.05) = $25

  • Deal Title: The title for a Deal comes from the product name of the ASIN participating in the deal or parent ASIN if the deal includes variations. If you want to change the deal title, you’ll need to update the product name of the ASIN or parent ASIN before creating the Deal.

  • Deal quantity: Make sure that you have the proposed quantity at least 7 days before the scheduled date.

  • Deal Image: The image for a Deal comes from the images present on the Amazon detail page. Deal images must be on an all-white background and cannot include any text, logos, or watermarks that are not a part of the product itself. Any deal with a deal image that violates Amazon’s Product image requirements is subject to cancellation and may result in your account being suspended. If the available deal images when creating a Deal are incorrect or do not match the images found on the detail page, you will need to confirm that the correct images have been uploaded to the ASIN or parent ASIN (if the product has variations). You can contact Seller Support for image related issues on product detail pages.

  • Deal frequency: We strive to offer customers new Deals every day. In order to achieve this, Deals cannot run on the same ASIN within a 7 day period while 7-day Deals cannot run on the same ASIN within 28 days. Amazon is subject to cancel any Deal without notification if there are Deals violating this policy.

  • Fee: Make sure you review the applicable fee before you submit the deal. For more information, see Deals Fees.

  • Deal status: Some Deals may be immediately approved, while others may be suppressed at any time if they don’t meet the eligibility criteria. We encourage you to monitor the status of your deal on the Deals Dashboard to reduce the risk of your Deal being suppressed or canceled, which could lead to an increase in FBA inventory and fees. See Understanding Suppressed Deals for more information.

