要比较不同竞价策略的业绩,我们建议您采用已使用动态竞价 - 只降低开展的现有广告活动,并将其策略更改为动态竞价 - 提高和降低。
测试竞价策略时,最好选择已投放了一段时间且能够生成足够转化次数的稳定(ACoS 和转化次数在几周内相对稳定)广告活动。
使用“动态竞价 - 提高和降低”策略创建新的广告活动,然后将其与现有的“动态竞价 - 只降低”广告活动进行比较。将具有极少业绩数据的新广告活动与现有广告活动进行比较的结果是不准确的,因为亚马逊用于在动态竞价下优化竞价的预测算法在数据更多时的效果更好。如果新的广告活动与现有广告活动大不相同(例如,所推广的 ASIN 不同、关键词不同等),您可能无法只将业绩差异归因于竞价策略的不同。
Test bidding strategies
To compare the performance of different bidding strategies, we recommend that you take an existing campaign that has been running using dynamic bids - down only, and change its strategy to dynamic bids - up and down.
To change your bidding strategy for Sponsored Products, navigate to the Campaign settings tab and update the Campaign bidding strategy selection.
When testing your bidding strategy, it is best to choose a campaign that is stable (ACOS and conversions are relatively steady across weeks), has been running for a while, and generates sufficient conversions.
We recommend that you limit your changes while testing strategies, so that you can attribute the difference in performance to a specific change. Note that this method is not perfect as conditions may change week over week, but may be helpful. If at any point you'd like to return to your previous bidding strategy, you can do so in the Campaign settings tab.
We do not recommend:
Creating a new campaign with 'dynamic bids - up and down' strategy and comparing it to existing 'dynamic bids - down only' campaigns. A new campaign with sparse performance data will not compare accurately against existing campaigns, as Amazon’s predictive algorithms that optimize bids under dynamic bidding work better when they have more data. If the new campaign is very different from the existing ones (for example, different ASINs advertised, different keywords etc.), you may not be able to clearly attribute the performance difference to just the bidding strategies being different.
Creating two identical campaigns, with different bidding strategies. These campaigns will compete for the same opportunities, and this interaction may skew the result. The cost-per-click for your ad is not impacted by your other campaigns, but as a testing strategy this is unlikely to give you clear results.