1. 定制商品有哪些相关费用?
2. 定制功能集需要多长时间能应用到我的账户?
在您注册后,您的账户最长可能需要 24 小时来启用定制功能。
3. 我是否有资格享受亚马逊 Prime?
由于定制计划仅适用于卖家自配送订单,因此如果您能够在 24 小时内配送定制订单,那么您就有资格享受卖家自配送 Prime。了解有关卖家自配送 Prime 的更多信息。
4. 是否支持上传数据的上传?
支持。使用文本定制的单面 ASIN 支持批量上传数据的上传。有关设置批量上传数据上传的更多信息,请参阅使用“定制商品”发布可定制商品。
5. 我能否在所有分类中发布商品?
6. 买家如何发现我的商品?
7. 一个 ASIN 是否可以兼具标准和定制属性?
可以。您需要创建两个不同的 ASIN,一个标准 ASIN 和一个定制 ASIN。然后,您可以创建一项父子商品关系,并将其中一个子商品设置为可以定制,另一个设置为不可定制。要了解有关创建变体的更多信息,请查看我们的为变体添加新商品帮助页面。
8. 如何对单项商品禁用定制功能?
- 转至【管理库存】。
- 选择【定制商品】,然后选择【查找商品】。
- 点击【编辑】旁边的箭头。
- 删除定制信息。
9. 如何批量销售商品?
目前,我们不支持在 ASIN 级别提供基于数量的定价。但是,您可以利用我们的商品配置或选项功能进行动态定价,支付额外的费用来提供批量商品。此外,您也可以使用数量主题创建变体。
10. 如何知晓我的某个 ASIN 与其他卖家的非在售商品 ASIN 是否重复?
当您尝试启用定制功能时,您将收到这样的一条错误提示:“此 ASIN 有多个商品。” 如果您收到此错误提示,请先创建一个新的 ASIN,然后再启用定制功能。
11. 定制是否适用于 B2B?
只要 Amazon Business 卖家列出了商品的标准商品价格和企业商品价格,定制卖家就可以将企业定价与定制功能结合使用。他们可以提供文本、图片或商品配置。唯一的例外是,如果“商品配置”中的选项需要额外费用,企业买家无需支付这笔费用。
12. 定制商品的退货政策是什么?
Frequently Asked Questions
What fees are associated with Custom Products?
Our current set of Custom features are free. However, as new featured for Custom are released, charges may apply to the use of those features. Professional selling plan monthly subscription fees and referral fees will still apply while using Custom. For more information on fees, see Selling on Amazon Fee Schedule.
How long does it take for a Custom feature set to be applied to my account?
After you register, it can take up to 24 hours for your account to be enabled with Custom.
Can I qualify for Amazon Prime?
Since Custom is applicable to only seller-fulfilled orders, you might qualify for Seller Fulfilled Prime if you are able to ship custom orders within 24 hours. Learn more about Seller Fulfilled Prime.
Do you support feed uploads?
Yes, bulk feed uploads are supported for single surface ASINs using text customizations. For more information on setting up a bulk feed upload, see Listing a Customizable Product using Custom Products.
Can I list in any category?
Product Customization is supported for almost every Amazon category. You can enable a customizable product listing in categories where you are authorized to sell. The exceptions are some Media categories.
How will customers discover my products?
Custom Products are treated just like other product listings, so discovery is no different. However, Custom has its own storefront, so your items will be visible in both the listing category and the Custom Storefront. To increase exposure for new customized products, optimize your keywords and consider participating in Sponsored Products.
Can I make one ASIN that is both standard and custom?
Yes, you will need to create two different ASINs; one standard ASIN and one custom ASIN. You can then create a parent-child relationship in which one of the children is customizable and the other child is not. To learn more about creating variations, review our Help page, Using Add a Product for variations.
Note: When creating parent-child relationships existing reviews on current products will not be lost.How do I disable customization for a line item?
- Go to Manage Inventory.
- Select Custom Products, and then Find your product.
- Click the arrows next to Edit.
- Remove customization information.
If you would like to remove the entire feature set of Custom, please reach out to Seller Support.
How do I sell items in bulk?
We currently do not support quantity based pricing at an ASIN level. However, you can utilize our product configurations or options feature to include dynamic pricing to offer bulk items for an additional fee. Alternately, you can create a variation with a theme of quantity.
How do I know if another seller has an inactive offer on one of my ASINs?
When you attempt to enable customization, you will receive an error “There are multiple offers on this ASIN.” If you receive this error, create a new ASIN prior to enabling customization.
Does Custom work with B2B?
Custom Sellers can use Business Pricing with Custom features, as long as Business Sellers list an item with a Standard Price and Business Price, they can offer Text, Image or Product Configurations. The only exception is, if there is an additional fee for an option in Product Configurations the Business Buyer will not be charged the additional fee.
What is the Custom return policy?
As a seller of customized products, you can set your own return policy for items that are personalized and therefore not eligible for return under the normal Amazon Return Policy. If you choose not to accept returns on your custom products, be sure to make this clear to customers through your seller policy page. Though we recognize that it can be difficult to accept returns for customizable products, we strongly recommend that you accept them since this helps to build customer trust and reorders.
For details, review the Custom products returns policies page.