准时送达率 (OTDR) 是在预计送达日期前送达的货件占追踪货件总数的百分比。OTDR 仅适用于卖家自配送订单。
我们在确定您有资格设置的运输时间时会考虑 OTDR 绩效,设置此时间可以使您承诺更快的配送时间并提升销售转化率。
我们建议卖家保持大于 97% 的 ORDR 绩效以提供良好的买家体验,但目前我们不会因卖家未达到此绩效目标而施加处罚。
注意: 优先配送订单的绩效目标与上述目标不同。请参阅优先配送和保证配送了解更多信息。
据买家反映,能否准时收到订购的商品以及能否追踪包裹,在很大程度上决定了他们对订单的整体满意度。我们的研究显示,追踪订单的缺陷比普通订单少 60%,并且追踪也有助于减少买家的订单查询。
系统会在发货确认输入后的 48 小时内记录追踪信息。
On-Time Delivery Rate
The On-Time Delivery Rate (OTDR) represents shipments delivered by their estimated delivery date as a percentage of total tracked shipments. OTDR only applies to seller-fulfilled orders.
We consider OTDR performance when determining which Transit Times you are eligible to set, which may enable you to promise faster delivery times and improve your conversion.
We recommend that sellers maintain an OTDR greater than 97% in order to provide a good customer experience, however there is no penalty for not meeting the performance target at this time.
Note: Performance targets for Premium Shipping orders vary from the above. See Premium Shipping and guaranteed delivery for more information.
Customers tell us that receiving their orders on time and having the ability to track their packages are important factors in their overall satisfaction with an order. Our research shows that tracked orders have 60 percent fewer order defects and that tracking also helps reduce order inquiries from buyers.
The importance of on-time delivery
If you meet Amazon's targets for On-Time Delivery and Valid Tracking Rate, you may be eligible to offer reduced shipping or handling times on your products. To learn more, see Modify handling time.
Late or missed on-time delivery
This metric is intended to help you understand the cause of negative feedback and claims. When packages arrive late or are shipped without tracking, buyers are more likely to leave negative feedback or file claims. This directly impacts your performance metrics. Therefore, it is important to review your on-time delivery and tracking-usage rates regularly.
Failure to meet Amazon's target for this metric generally does not result in the suspension of your selling account. However it could cause negative feedback or claims, which could impact your selling account status. To help you monitor your on-time delivery metrics, we have added a performance indicator to the Account Health.
On-time delivery rate calculation
A package is considered on time if the following requirements are met:
Tracking information is recorded within 48 hours of entering the shipment confirmation.
The package is delivered by the estimated delivery date according to the carrier's tracking updates.
To calculate the percentage of packages delivered on time, we divide the number of tracked packages that were delivered on time, as confirmed by the carrier, by the number of packages that have valid tracking information. Your on-time delivery rate typically reflects your shipping performance data as of two weeks prior to the date you view the rate. This allows carriers time to update delivery confirmation data in their databases.
If a package is confirmed as shipped after the estimated delivery date, the package is not considered to be delivered on time.
Relationship between number of packages and on-time delivery rate
The number in parentheses next to your on-time delivery rate is the total number of packages buyers received on time. It is used to calculate the on-time delivery rate.