连连(LianLian Global)官网首页









  • 对于某些分类,您需要获得亚马逊的预先批准,然后才能发布属于这些分类的商品。

  • 对于某些分类,您需要先提供额外信息和/或补充证明,然后才能发布属于这些分类的商品。

  • 参与亚马逊物流 (FBA) 计划的卖家还应查看亚马逊物流商品限制页面,其中列出了不符合亚马逊物流计划要求的商品。

  • 某些商品需遵守加利福尼亚州的其他法规。

  • 如果想要发布在国际范围内销售的商品,您有责任进行适当的调查,以确保发布的商品符合所有适用的法律法规。

  • 声称为“FDA 许可”、“FDA 批准”的商品或相关图片中包含 FDA 徽标的商品需要满足额外要求(有关更多信息,请参阅: 是否确实是“FDA 批准”?和 FDA 徽标政策)


Restricted products

Customers trust that they can always buy with confidence on Amazon. Products offered for sale on Amazon must comply with all laws and regulations and with Amazon's policies. The sale of illegal, unsafe, or other restricted products listed on these pages, including products available only by prescription, is strictly prohibited.

If you supply goods on Amazon, you should carefully review the Restricted Products Help pages listed below before listing a product. The examples provided in these Help pages are not all-inclusive and are provided solely as an informational guide. We encourage you to consult with your legal counsel if you have questions about the laws and regulations concerning your products. Even where a product is listed as an "Example of Permitted Listings," all products and listings must also comply with applicable laws. In addition, any links provided are for informational purposes only, and Amazon does not warrant the accuracy of any information provided in these links.

If you supply a product in violation of the law or any of Amazon’s policies, including those listed on the Restricted Products pages, we will take corrective actions, as appropriate, including but not limited to immediately suspending or terminating selling privileges, destroying inventory in our fulfillment centers without reimbursement, returning inventory, terminating the business relationship, and permanent withholding of payments. The sale of illegal or unsafe products can also lead to legal action, including civil and criminal penalties.

We are constantly innovating on behalf of our customers and working with regulators, third party experts, vendors, and sellers to improve the ways we detect and prevent illegal and unsafe products from reaching our marketplace. Amazon encourages you to report listings that violate Amazon's policies or applicable law by contacting us. We will investigate each report thoroughly and take appropriate action.

Additional related policies

  • Certain categories require you to obtain pre-approval from Amazon before listing in those categories.

  • Certain categories require you to provide additional information and/or a supplemental guarantee before listing in those categories.

  • Those participating in Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), should also review the FBA Product Restrictions page which lists products that are not eligible for the FBA program.

  • Certain products are subject to additional regulation in the state of California.

  • If you wish to list items for international purchase, you are responsible for conducting proper research to ensure that the items listed comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

  • Products that claim to be "FDA Cleared," "FDA approved" or products that include the FDA logo in associated images need to meet additional requirements (for more information, see: Is It Really 'FDA Approved'? and FDA Logo Policy)

