哪些 SKU 符合此计划的注册条件?
评论少于 5 条的 SKU 可能符合此计划的注册条件。此时,SKU 的定价也必须高于 $9.00。如果报价低于 $9.00,我们可能会停止征集买家评论。您仍可在该计划中注册商品,但我们不会征求购买价格低于 $9.00 的买家的评论。
为什么我只能注册在美国销售的 SKU?
目前,此计划仅适用于亚马逊美国商城 (。如果您发布的某个 SKU 同时在美国和其他商城出售,则该 SKU 符合此计划的注册条件,但亚马逊将仅征集在 上购买该 SKU 的买家的评论。
我们仅邀请已购买相应商品的买家分享其真实的体验,无论他们提供 1 星评论还是 5 星评论。我们不会为这些评论者提供免费商品或折扣。在买家购买商品时,我们不会透露商品是否参与了此计划,因为我们希望了解在不知道将来会获得奖励的情况下真正选择购买该商品的买家的看法。
若在评论征集期间提交了真实且符合亚马逊社区准则的评论,评论者将获得一份小奖励(例如,价值 $3.00 的 礼品卡)。该奖励旨在感谢评论者分享他们的真实体验,无论他们提供 1 星评论还是 5 星评论。评论的性质不会影响奖励或今后获得奖励的机会。
卖家可以选择参与此计划的 SKU,但无法对买家评论的内容或星级评定产生影响。此外,我们还禁止卖家与买家就其评论进行交流。只要早期评论者计划符合我们的社区准则,亚马逊便不会修改或移除这些评论。
我的商品获得 5 条评论后会从该计划中移除吗?
商品注册后,亚马逊最多将在一年内或在您通过此计划收到 5 条评论之前继续请求买家评论。通常情况下,我们不会因为商品的评论超过 5 条就停止征集。这意味着,如果您注册的商品评论为 0 条,之后买家撰写了评论且亚马逊未向其提供奖励,我们将继续向买家征集评论,直到通过此计划获得 5 条评论为止。
如何收费? 我是否按每条评论支付费用?
每次注册的费用是 $60,再加上任何适用税费。一次注册包含父 SKU 系列中的所有 SKU 或独立 SKU。您不必单独注册子 SKU。一旦您通过此计划收到第一条评论,您就需要支付 $60 的费用。无论您收到 1 条评论还是 5 条评论,这是对该 SKU 支付的唯一一次费用。如果您未收到任何评论,我们将不会向您收费。
早期评论者注册面向的是父 SKU 级别的独立 SKU 或 SKU 系列。如果您注册一个父 SKU,注册时所有子商品将会一起进行注册并固定下来,这意味着注册后对该 SKU 系列进行的任何更改都不会考虑在内。这是因为评论通常在同一变体系列商品间共享,因此获得的有关某个子 SKU 的评论应显示在该系列的所有其他商品的详情页面上。
Early Reviewer Program
The Early Reviewer Program encourages buyers who have already purchased a product to share their authentic experience through reviews. The program's goal is to help brand owners acquire early reviews, which helps customers make smarter buying decisions and can lead to an increase in page views and ultimately sales. To participate in this program get started by enrolling your first product. Visit the Early Reviewer Program portal to learn more.
Early Reviewer Program FAQ
Early Reviewer Program Fees
Early Reviewer Program Terms
What is the Early Reviewer Program?
The Early Reviewer Program is a program that encourages buyers who have already purchased a product to share their authentic experience through reviews. The program's goal is to help brand owners acquire early reviews, which helps shoppers make smarter buying decisions and can lead to an increase in page views and ultimately sales.
Which SKUs are eligible to be enrolled in this program?
SKUs with less than five reviews might be eligible for enrollment in this program. At this point, the SKUs must also be priced above $9.00. If the offer price falls below $9.00, we may cease requesting reviews from customers. You may still enroll the product in the program, but we may not solicit reviews from customers who purchased for less than $9.00.
Why can I only enroll SKUs that I sell in the U.S.?
Currently, this program is limited to the U.S. ( only. If you have listed a SKU to sell in the U.S. as well as other marketplaces, it will be eligible to enroll in this program, but Amazon will only request reviews from customers who purchased the SKU on
How will I know if my product has received a review from this program?
You can track the performance/status of your enrollments on the program Dashboard in Seller Central. You can also see the reviews directly on the product detail page. You can identify the Early Reviewer Program reviews by the orange badge that reads "Early Reviewer Rewards".
Why should customers trust these reviews?
We only ask customers who have already purchased the product to share their true experience, regardless of whether it is a 1-star or 5-star review. No free products or discounts are given to these reviewers. We also do not disclose at the time of purchase whether a product is participating in the program because we want to hear from customers who have authentically chosen to buy that product without any knowledge of a future reward.
How are reviewers selected for this program?
We want authentic reviews, and we would like to select from as many customers as possible, not just a select few. We select customers randomly from a list of all customers who have purchased products participating in this program, as long as they have no history of abusive or dishonest reviews and meet our eligibility criteria. Note that not all customers who purchase participating SKUs will receive reward offers to write a review. We want this program to generate enough reviews to help customers make smarter buying decisions; this is not a rewards program intended to encourage purchases. Amazon employees, participating sellers and their friends and family are not eligible to participate in this program.
How are reviewers rewarded?
Reviewers will receive a small reward (for example, a $3.00 Gift Card) after they have submitted an authentic review within the offer period and the review meets our community guidelines. This reward is to thank reviewers for sharing their authentic experience, regardless of whether it is a 1-star or 5-star review. The nature of the review does not affect the reward or the chance of getting future rewards.
Can sellers influence these reviews or the reviewers participating in this program?
No. Sellers choose SKUs to participate in this program, but are not allowed to influence the content or star rating of the customer reviews. Sellers are also prohibited from communicating with customers about their reviews. Amazon does not modify or remove reviews from the Early Reviewer Program, as long as they comply with our community guidelines.
Is my product removed from the program after it gets 5 reviews?
Once the product is enrolled, Amazon will continue to request customer reviews for up to one year, or until the enrollment has received 5 reviews through the program. Solicitation does not stop just because the product has more than 5 reviews in general. This means that if you enroll your product with 0 reviews and then customers write reviews without Amazon having provided them with a reward, we will continue asking customers for reviews until we receive 5 reviews through the program.
How much does it cost? Am I paying per review?
Each enrollment costs $60 plus any applicable taxes. An enrollment covers all SKUs in a parent SKU family or stand-alone SKU. You do not have to enroll children SKUs individually. You are charged the $60 fee once you receive your first review through the program. That is the only time a fee is charged for that SKU, whether you receive one review or five reviews. If you receive no reviews, you will not be charged.
How are enrollments shared at the variation level?
ERP enrollments are for stand-alone SKUs or SKU families on the parent SKU level. If you enroll a parent SKU, all children are enrolled and fixed as of time of enrollment, meaning any changes to SKU family after enrollment are not taken into account. This is because reviews are generally shared between products in the same variation family, so a review obtained on one child SKU should display on the detail page of all others in the family.