

  • 男士、女士或儿童服装

  • 某种类型的商品,例如灯具、靠垫或地毯

  • 打折商品

  • 一定尺寸或颜色的商品

  • 季节性产品,如节日贺卡和装饰品。


  1. 在产品系列页面中,点击创建产品系列。

  2. 为产品系列输入标题和说明。

  3. 在销售渠道下,从活跃的销售渠道中进行选择,从而将产品系列提供在选定的渠道上。销售渠道示例包括您的 Shopify 在线商店、Shopify POS、Messenger、Amazon 和 Buy Button 等。

  4. 选择是手动还是自动将产品添加到产品系列。稍后您将无法更改产品系列类型。

  5. 如果您选择自动,则需在条件下添加选择条件。阅读有关产品系列条件的详细信息。

  6. 点击保存产品系列。

  7. 如果您要手动创建产品系列,则可以添加产品。确保在添加产品后点击保存。您可以将同一产品添加到任意数量的不同产品系列中。

  8. 如果创建自动产品系列,则系统将自动添加符合条件的产品。从下拉菜单中选择一种排序顺序,然后点击保存。


Organize your products

You can create product collections to organize your products, making them easier for your customers to find. For example, you can create the following kinds of collections:

  • clothes for men, women, or children

  • items of a certain type, such as lamps, cushions, or rugs

  • items on sale

  • items in a certain size or color

  • seasonal products, such as holiday cards and decorations.


  1. From the Collections page, click Create collection.

  2. Enter a Title and Description for the collection.

  3. Under Sales channels, choose from your active sales channels to make the collection available on select channels. Examples of sales channels include your Shopify online store, Shopify POS, Messenger, Amazon, Buy Button, and others.

  4. Choose whether products will be added to the collection manually or automatically. You won't be able to change the collection type later.

  5. If you choose Automated, then add the selection criteria under Conditions. Read more about conditions for collections.

  6. Click Save collection.

  7. If you are creating a manual collection, then you will be able to add products. Make sure you click Save after adding products. You can add the same product to any number of different collections.

  8. If you are creating an automatic collection, then products matching your conditions will automatically be added. Choose a sort order from the drop-down menu, then click Save.

