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Shopify POS地点管理和POS 订阅套餐介绍

Shopify POSPOS 订阅套餐



大多数地点管理都是从 Shopify 后台处理的。您可以在该后台中根据需要添加、删除、编辑和激活/停用您的地点。您还可以从 Shopify 后台管理 POS 订阅。

选择 Shopify POS 设备地点

您可以直接在 Shopify POS 应用中管理设备地点。您还可以通过启用有限的员工权限来限制对 iPad 上的地点设置的访问。

当您在设备上安装 Shopify POS 应用时,请务必选择您的地点以便应用正确的率。


  1. 在 Shopify POS 应用中,点击  > 设置 > 所有地点

  2. 点击 POS 地点的名称。

  3. 点击切换以确认更改或点击取消以返回。

管理各个地点的 POS 订阅套餐(Shopify 后台)

POS 简装订阅套餐包括 Shopify POS 的基本功能,并且可以与每个 Shopify 套餐一起使用,无需额外费用。如另外为每个地点支付每月费用,Shopify POS Pro 订阅套餐可提供额外零售功能,用于销售交易、库存管理、销售报告和员工管理。请为每个地点选择合适的 POS 订阅套餐。您可以随时更改某个地点的 POS 订阅套餐。



  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到 POS 地点。

  2. 点击管理订阅

  3. 为每个地点选择订阅套餐。

  4. 选择要按年还是按月计费。

  1. 点击下一步

  2. 点击批准订阅


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到 POS 地点。

  2. 点击管理订阅

  3. 为每个地点选择订阅套餐。

  4. 选择要按年还是按月计费。

  1. 点击下一步

  2. 点击批准订阅


Location management

A location is a physical place or an app where you do any or all the following activities: sell products, ship or fulfill orders, or stock inventory. A location might be a retail store, warehouse, popup, or dropshipper. With multiple locations, you have better visibility into your inventory across your business.

Most location management is handled from your Shopify admin. From there, you can add, delete, edit, and activate/deactivate your locations as needed. You can also manage your POS subscriptions from your Shopify admin.

Select Shopify POS device location

You can manage your device locations directly in the Shopify POS app. You can also restrict access to the locations settings on the iPad by enabling limited staff permissions.

Whenever you install the Shopify POS app on a device, make sure that you select your location so that the correct tax rates are applied.


  1. From the Shopify POS app, tap  > Settings > All locations.

  2. Tap the name of the POS location.

  3. Tap Switch to confirm the change or Cancel go back.

Manage the POS subscription plan for each location (Shopify admin)

The POS Lite subscription plan includes Shopify POS's basic features and can be used with every Shopify plan at no extra cost. For an additional monthly cost per location, the Shopify POS Pro subscription plan has extra retail features for sales transactions, inventory management, sales reports, and staff management. For each of your locations, you choose the POS subscription plan that is appropriate. You can change the POS subscription plan for a location at any time.



  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Point of Sale locations.

  2. Click Manage subscriptions.

  3. Select a subscription plan for each location.

  4. Select if you want to be billed annually or monthly.

  1. Click Next.

  2. Click Approve subscription.


  1. From the Shopify app, go to Store > Sales channels > Point of Sale.

  2. Tap Locations.

  3. Tap Manage subscriptions.

  4. Select if you want to be billed annually or monthly.

  1. Tap Next.

  2. Tap Approve subscription.

