I'd like to discuss the matter of discount with you.
2. What would you say about the discount?
3. In principle, we usually won't allow any discount.
4. When we book such a large order with other suppliers , we usually get a 2% or 3% discount.
5. We get little profit from selling this product.
6. I'm afraid we can't allow you any more discount.
7. We've ordered such a large quantity that a discount, no matter how little, should be allowed.
8.As a rule , we won't allow any discount for this commodity.
9. How much discount do you usually allow when such a large order is placed?
10.We usually allow a l% discount for an order of 1 ,000 pieces.
11.We usually get a 3% discount from the European exporters.
12.We hold that at least a 2% discount should be allowed.
13.We'll al1ow you a 2% discount as an exception to our usual practice.
14.We can conclude the transaction with you right away if you agree to allow us a 4% discount.
15.What do you think of a 3% discount?
16.Don't you think a 3% discount is too little?
17.A 3% discount is not a small amount.
18.We think the discount should be no less than 5% .
19.As we have quoted you our rock-bottom price , we cannot give you any more discount.
20.I'm afraid we can't come to terms if you won't give us a 3% discount.
21.We are going to give you a 3% discount if you increase your order by 6.000 pieces.
22.How much discount do you intend to allow us for this order of feather goods?
23.We can only fellow you a l% discount.
24.Would you consider increasing discount to open the market, as this is a new product of yours?
25.Considering this is a new product, well allow you another 1% discount.