管理您的 Shopify Balance 账户

在 Shopify Balance 页面中,您可以访问您的账户活动、查看对账单和进行资金转账。

若要了解有关 Shopify Balance 卡的详细信息,请参阅管理您的卡。若要详细了解奖励计划,请参阅 Shopify Balance 奖励。

Shopify 不针对使用 Balance 卡收取任何费用,但 ATM 提供商可能会收取费用。您可以在服务条款中找到有关费用的更多信息。


  • Shopify Balance 账户要求

  • 设置账户

  • 管理您的账户

  • 使用 Shopify Balance 账户收取收入款项

  • 更改您的收入款项账户

  • 连接到第三方应用

  • 启用低余额提醒

  • 现金流洞察

Shopify Balance 账户要求

并非所有商家都可获得 Shopify Balance 账户。若要开设 Shopify Balance 账户,您需要满足以下要求:

  • 经营位于美国或波多黎各(不支持其他美国领地)的商店

  • 已设置 Shopify Payments 或已在注册 Shopify Payments 时注册 Balance

  • 拥有有效的美国社会安全号码 (SSN)

  • 有一位 Shopify Payments 账户所有者(您可以有合作伙伴)

  • 使用 Shopify Plus 以外的任何 Shopify 套餐


如果您选择使用 Shopify Balance 抢先体验版,则可以使用以下步骤设置您的账户。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到财务 > Balance

  2. 点击开设账户

  3. 查看您的 Shopify Payments 信息,然后点击确认

  4. 输入您的 SSN 和手机号码,然后点击确认

  5. 勾选此复选框以确认您同意《Shopify Balance 账户协议》和《Shopify Balance 卡协议》,包括金融机构合作伙伴隐私政策和 E-SIGN 披露,然后点击开设账户

设置 Shopify Balance 账户后,该账户将成为与 Shopify Payments 账户关联的账户。您的收入款项(包括您通过 Shopify Capital 收到的任何融资)都将存入您的 Shopify Balance 账户。


设置账户后,您可以从 Shopify Balance 页面执行任何管理任务。

查看您的 Shopify Balance 账户信息



  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到财务 > Balance

  2. 点击管理账户

  3. 点击显示详细信息


查看您的 Shopify Balance 账户报表



  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到财务 > Balance

  2. 账户活动卡上,点击查看对账单

  3. 选择要查看的对账单。对账单将在新标签页中打开。

使用 Shopify Balance 账户收取收入款项

您注册 Shopify Balance 账户后,它会自动设置为您的 Shopify Payments 收入款项账户。通过使用 Balance 账户,您最快可在交易处理日期后的一个工作日内收到 Shopify Payments 收入。工作日不包含周末或美国节假日。


您可以随时更改用于存入您的 Shopify Payments 收入的账户。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到财务 > Balance

  2. 在 Shopify Balance 页面上,点击管理账户

  3. 在 Shopify Balance 账户页面上,点击更改收入款项账户

  4. 确认旧的银行账户下,输入 Shopify Balance 账户信息。

  5. 输入新的账户信息,然后点击保存

  6. 选择您更改账户的原因,然后点击确认

  7. 点击完成


借助我们与 Plaid 的合作,您可以将您的 Shopify Balance 账户连接到第三方应用,例如 Venmo 或 Wise,以便您能使用您的账户执行更多工作,例如转账、直接向厂商付款以及跟踪费用。若要详细了解您可以连接到哪些第三方应用,请参阅 Plaid 应用页面。


  1. 登录第三方应用并按照步骤设置付款方式。

  2. 选中以添加银行,并立即登录来验证您的账户。

  3. 选择 Shopify Balance 账户。

  4. 在登录屏幕上,登录您的 Shopify 商店。

  5. 第三方应用中,完成连接账户的步骤。


激活低余额提醒后,当您的账户余额低于预设值时,您将收到一封电子邮件。默认值为 100。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到财务 > Balance

  2. 在 Shopify Balance 页面上,点击管理账户

  3. 通知下,点击切换按钮来激活或停用低余额提醒。

  4. 可选:点击更改金额以更改将触发低余额提醒的账户余额值。


现金流洞察叠加会显示过去两个月现金流的一览视图。您可以将收入和支出进行比较,以了解盈亏。现金流洞察会将您的支出细分为五大支出类别,让您确保您的资金用在应该花的地方。您还可以在即将上线的 Shopify 账单上查看总额。



  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到财务 > Balance

  2. 在 “本月的现金流”下,点击 “查看所有洞察”


Managing your Shopify Balance account

From the Shopify Balance page, you can access your account activity, view statements, and transfer funds.

To learn more about your Shopify Balance card, refer to managing your card. To learn more about the rewards program, refer to the Shopify Balance rewards.

Shopify doesn't charge any fees for using your Balance card, but ATM provider fees may apply. You can find more information about fees in your Terms of Service.

On this page

  • Shopify Balance account requirements

  • Set up your account

  • Manage your account

  • Receiving payouts with a Shopify Balance account

  • Changing your payout account

  • Connecting to third-party apps

  • Enabling low balance alerts

  • Cash flow insights

Shopify Balance account requirements

Shopify Balance accounts are not available to all merchants. To open a Shopify Balance account, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • be a store based in the United States or Puerto Rico (other United States territories are not supported)

  • have Shopify Payments set up or sign up for Balance when signing up for Shopify Payments

  • have a valid US Social Security Number (SSN)

  • have a single account owner for Shopify Payments (you can have partnerships)

  • be on any Shopify plan except for Shopify Plus

Set up your account

If you are selected for Shopify Balance early access, then you can use the following steps to set up your account.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Balance.

  2. Click Open account.

  3. Review your Shopify Payments information, and then click Confirm.

  4. Enter your SSN and mobile number, then click Confirm.

  5. Check the box to confirm that you agree with the Shopify Balance Account Agreement and the Shopify Balance Card Agreement, including financial institution partner privacy policies and E-SIGN disclosure, then click Open account.

After your Shopify Balance account is set up, it becomes the account connected to your Shopify Payments account. Your payouts will be deposited into your Shopify Balance account, including any financing that you receive through Shopify Capital.

Manage your account

After you have set up your account, you can perform any management tasks from the Shopify Balance page.

View your Shopify Balance account information

You can view your account number and your routing number.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Balance.

  2. Click Manage account.

  3. Click Show details.

For security reasons, you might receive a prompt to authenticate your account again.

View your Shopify Balance account statements

You can view your monthly account statements.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Balance.

  2. On the Account activity card, click View statements.

  3. Select the statement to view. The statement opens in a new tab.

Receiving payouts with a Shopify Balance account

When you sign up for a Shopify Balance account, it is automatically set as your Shopify Payments payout account. Using your Balance account, you can receive your Shopify Payments earnings in as little as one business day from the transaction processing date. Business days do not include weekends or US holidays.

Changing your payout account

You can change the account that your Shopify Payments earnings are deposited into at any time.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Balance.

  2. On the Shopify Balance page, click Manage account.

  3. On the Shopify Balance account page, click Change payout account.

  4. Under Confirm old bank account, enter your Shopify Balance account information.

  5. Enter the new account information and click Save.

  6. Select your reason for changing your account and click Confirm.

  7. Click Done.

Connecting to third-party apps

Through our partnership with Plaid, you can connect your Shopify Balance account to third-party apps, such as Venmo or Wise, to enable you to do even more with your account, like send money, make payments directly to vendors, and keep track of expenses. For more information about which third-party apps you can connect to, refer to the Plaid apps page.


  1. Log in to the third-party app and follow the steps to set up a payment method.

  2. Select to add a bank and to instantly verify your account by logging in.

  3. Select Shopify Balance account.

  4. From the login screen, log into your Shopify store.

  5. In the third party app, complete the steps to connect your account.

Enabling low balance alerts

When you have low balance alerts activated, you are sent an email when your account balance drops below a preset value. The default value is 100.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Balance.

  2. On the Shopify Balance page, click Manage account.

  3. Under Notifications, click the toggle to activate or deactivate low balance alerts.

  4. Optional: Click Change amount to change the account balance value that will trigger a low balance alert.

Cash flow insights

The cash flow insights overlay displays an at-a-glance view of your cash flow for the last two months. You can compare your income to your spending to see if you are earning or losing money. Cash flow insights breaks down your spending into the your top five spending categories so that you can ensure that your money is being spent where it should be. You can also view the total on your upcoming Shopify bill.

For a more detailed overview of your store's finances, refer to the Finances overview.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Balance.

  2. Under Cash flow this month, click View all insights.

