亚马逊物流库存赔偿政策: 移除索赔
对于在运输至退货配送地址途中丢失的商品,请务必在距离移除货件的最后一次确认转移后的 14 天内提交索赔。对于在运输途中残损的商品,您可在收到商品后立即提交索赔。所有索赔必须在商品从亚马逊物流移除之日起的 18 个月内提出。
请查看您的赔偿报告,了解您是否已经获得丢失或已残损商品的赔偿。按 FNSKU 搜索以筛选结果。
受影响的 ASIN/FNSKU 和相应数量
LPN 编号(如有)
FBA inventory reimbursement policy: Removals claims
This page applies to eligible items lost or damaged by Amazon or a carrier used by Amazon while removing your inventory from a fulfillment center to your returns shipping address. The item must not have been returned to you because you violated a program policy or other terms and conditions that apply to your use of any Amazon selling service. The damage or loss must have occurred after the item left an Amazon facility.
The process to a file a claim varies by where in the fulfillment process your item is lost or damaged:
Shipment to Amazon
Fulfillment center operations
FBA customer returns
Claim window
For items lost in transit to your returns shipping address, you must submit your claim no sooner than 14 days from the last confirmed movement of your removal shipment. For items damaged in transit, you may submit your claim as soon as you receive the items. All claims must be filed within 18 months of the date the item was removed from the Amazon fulfillment network.
Before you submit a claim
Check your Removal Order Detail report to confirm the date and status of your removal orders.
Check your Removal Shipment Detail report for shipment status and information, including tracking IDs.
Check your Reimbursements report to see if you have already been reimbursed for the lost or damaged item. Search by FNSKU to filter the results.
Submit your claim
After reviewing and reconciling the reports above, if you still believe a lost or damaged item is eligible for a reimbursement, you can file a claim.
When filing a claim for lost units, you must provide the following information and documents:
Amazon Removal Order ID
Shipment ID and active tracking ID or proof of delivery, which the carrier can confirm from the packing slip
ASINs/FNSKUs and quantities affected
LPN number if available
Images of the affected units
Images of the affected units' product packaging
Images of the shipping box