
亚马逊物流远程配送让您可以向加拿大和墨西哥买家销售商品,而无需将库存发运到这些国家/地区。当您在 和 上注册该计划并创建商品时,亚马逊物流将使用您在美国运营中心的库存,通过 Amazon Services LLC 直接向买家跨境配送订单。

该计划为墨西哥和加拿大的 Prime 买家提供免费配送服务。配送到墨西哥需要 5 至 9 天,配送到加拿大需要 7 至 12 天。在配送公司从美国运营中心取件后,买家要为其订购的商品支付进口关税,方可取得商品的所有权。退货会直接退回至美国,且遵从亚马逊物流买家退货政策


注意: 远程配送与亚马逊物流出口不同。借助亚马逊物流出口计划,卖家可以向全球买家提供其在 上销售的商品。


有关计划费用的详情,请访问亚马逊物流远程配送费用。计划配送费用仅适用于 和 上销售的商品。在 上进行销售需支付标准美国配送费用。我们将针对买家在其中购买商品的商城收取销售佣金。

注意: 买家需要为通过远程配送购买的商品支付进口关税,该笔费用与卖家无关。



  • 可在美国、加拿大和墨西哥商城使用亚马逊物流

  • 通过亚马逊的监管风险评估

  • 符合所有贸易合规性要求和国内各项法规


  • 受限商品

  • 禁售商品

  • 危险品

我们会不断监控可能影响 ASIN 资格的因素,保证商品足够安全,以便买家从海外购买。当 ASIN 不符合要求时,很有可能是因为贸易合规性法规或亚马逊风险评估的更改。

在某些情况下,ASIN 可以使用其他配送方式(如本地亚马逊物流配送或卖家自配送)进行跨境物流配送,但不符合亚马逊物流远程配送的要求。这可能是因为监管风险较高,或者我们尚未评估风险,或者是因为存在运输限制。商品被处于高风险的原因可能包括:商品过境时需要提供其他文件,以及买家所在国家/地区的监管审查力度较大或存在相关商品限制。

提示: 如果您的 ASIN 不符合远程配送的使用要求,但您仍想在加拿大或墨西哥销售此商品,您可以通过亚马逊物流直接将商品发送到相应的国家/地区进行销售,或者将其发布为卖家自配送商品


要注册远程配送,您必须在美国、加拿大和墨西哥注册亚马逊物流,并且拥有已启用亚马逊物流出口的北美联合账户。完成注册之后,只要您在 和 上为符合条件的 ASIN 创建商品,那么这些 ASIN 就可以在加拿大和墨西哥商城面向买家出售。


  1. 转到远程配送页面,通过卖家平台的【库存】下拉菜单,您同样可以找到该页面。

  2. 在注册工作流程时,设置您的首选项,然后点击【注册】。注册完成后,亚马逊将评估您的库存,并自动将所有符合要求的商品添加到该计划。在此之后,我们会自动将如下商品添加到该计划:

    • 添加到美国库存的任何新的符合要求的商品

    • 任何当前不符合要求但之后才符合要求的商品

  3. 如果您未在设置首选项中启用【自动创建商品信息】,则必须为加拿大和墨西哥商城创建商品,以便在这两个商城中销售您的美国商城库存。

  4. 从“远程配送”页面下载您的 ASIN 状态报告,以:

    • 查看您的哪些 ASIN 已添加到该计划

    • 了解该您是否必须针对任何 ASIN 采取措施,才能将其添加到计划中

      从计划中移除您不想在特定商城销售的 ASIN

注意: 注册亚马逊物流远程配送后,最多可能需要 24 小时才能确定您的 ASIN 是否符合要求。


启用【自动创建商品信息】可在加拿大和墨西哥商城快速销售美国商城商品。在商品上架销售之前,您无需手动创建商品,也不用考虑定价问题。它还将对配送费用和外汇汇率的差异进行调整。(如果国家/地区之间的销售佣金存在差异,或者与将您的货币兑换回美元的相关费用存在差异,则不会更改定价。) 注册完成后,您在美国商城销售的任何符合条件的新商品将自动面向加拿大和墨西哥商城销售。

注意: 如果您仅针对自动创建商品信息功能选择了一个商城,则表示您选择让亚马逊仅在该商城中为您创建商品。但是,您仍然可以在加拿大和墨西哥商城注册远程配送。因此,如果您在未选择的商城中已有商品,这些商品将自动添加到该计划中。如果您想移除这些商品,可通过 ASIN 状态报告执行此操作。有关更多信息,请参阅下面的“管理商品”部分。


大多数卖家不会为卖家自配送商品和亚马逊物流商品使用相同的 SKU 在美国商城销售。如果您是这样做的,那么当您注册远程配送时,我们的系统会将卖家自配送商品的库存量设置为零。只要 SKU 还是亚马逊物流商品,您便无法向 SKU 添加卖家自配送库存。对于您希望继续销售的卖家自配送商品,如果其与同一亚马逊物流商品使用相同的 SKU,建议您为其创建单独的 SKU。如果 SKU 原本就有对应的亚马逊物流商品,则管理库存页面不会显示其对应的卖家自配送商品。卖家自配送商品只会显示在亚马逊店铺中。


当您注册时,我们会将无在售信息的亚马逊库存设置项目【自动转换为亚马逊物流】调整为一天,如果无在售信息的原因是【卖家自配送】。例如,如果您将亚马逊物流商品更改为卖家自配送,这将产生无在售信息的亚马逊库存,相关商品将在 24 小时内恢复为亚马逊物流。您可以通过在修复无在售信息的亚马逊库存上点击【编辑自动操作设置】来更改此设置。



借助远程配送,您可以在加拿大和墨西哥商城出售商品,或使用 ASIN 状态报告仅选择其中一个商城。


  • 在注册时或在计划设置页面上选择【自动创建商品信息】。

  • 使用建立国际商品信息批量创建商品。您也可以批量管理美国商品和墨西哥商品、加拿大商品之间的不同定价。

  • 前往各个商城的账户,并通过添加新商品采用标准流程进行操作。请务必使用当地货币计价,相应地调整商品的定价。

如果您的 ASIN 库存已经放在了墨西哥或者加拿大境内,则该 ASIN 不符合使用远程配送要求,只能通过本地库存进行销售。如果您有销往加拿大或墨西哥的商品,但商品的库存不在这些国家境内,那么在您注册加入该计划时,这些商品就能按照现有价格通过远程配送进行销售。

如果您已注册远程配送,但是又决定要在本地销售 ASIN,可以使用 ASIN 状态报告从计划中移除相关 ASIN。对于同一 ASIN,卖家不能既在本地销售,同时又通过远程配送销售。如果您的本地库存售罄,可以使用该报告重新激活这些商品,实现远程配送。

重要: 使用全球 SKU 管理美国、加拿大、墨西哥或这三个国家任意组合的库存。如果您在加拿大或墨西哥商城有与美国商城 SKU 不匹配的商品,当您创建与美国商城 SKU 匹配的远程配送商品时,商城中会出现两个同款商品,但价格可能不同。ASIN 状态报告会显示受此原因影响哪些商品不符合远程配送要求。要将这些 ASIN 添加到远程配送中并避免商品冲突,请移除特定商城中的 SKU。

如果您在 或 上创建商品,但您的 ASIN 状态报告显示相关商品不存在,可能是因为您的商品在美国商城使用了不同的 SKU。要解决此问题,请使用与美国商城 ASIN 相同的 SKU 创建新商品。然后在 24 小时后再次查看您的 ASIN 状态报告。


要追踪您的商品,请在远程配送页面下载 ASIN 状态报告。该文件显示您的哪些 ASIN 属于以下几种情况:

  • 符合通过远程配送销售的要求

  • 需要您执行操作才能将其添加到计划中

  • 已从计划中移除

您可以在 ASIN 状态报告中添加或移除加拿大和墨西哥商城中的 ASIN。进行任何更改后,请将文件上传至远程配送页面。您为其创建了商品的符合要求的 ASIN 应在 24 小时内于 和 上变为在售状态。

ASIN 可能符合远程配送要求,但是却无法销售,导致这种情况的原因有很多,包括商品存在问题或在美国商城缺货。请查看 ASIN 状态报告中的【更多详情】列,了解有关如何解决此问题的信息。

注意: 如果您将远程配送计划中某件商品的配送方式更改为由本地亚马逊物流配送,则价格将保持不变,除非您对其进行调整。您的本地库存售完后,请及时补充库存,或为 ASIN 重新开通远程配送服务。



  • 服装

  • 钟表

  • 珠宝首饰

  • 鞋靴、手提包和太阳镜

  • 箱包



我需要在加拿大或墨西哥申报税费吗? 我是否需要拥有墨西哥的 Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (RFC) 号或成为加拿大的非居民进口商 (NRI)?


从包含亚马逊物流商品的 SKU 中移除卖家自配送商品还将有什么影响?

大多数卖家没有与其亚马逊物流商品使用相同 SKU 的卖家自配送商品。如果您是例外,又注册了远程配送,我们会将相关 SKU 的卖家自配送库存设置为零。这意味着在发布该 SKU 的任何商城中,买家都将不再看到该 SKU 对应的卖家自配送商品。对于该 SKU,只要您注册了远程配送或拥有相关亚马逊物流商品,便无法向其添加卖家自配送库存。如果您希望继续销售相关卖家自配送商品,可以创建新的 SKU。

我在加拿大或墨西哥商城找不到我的 ASIN。我该怎么做?

您可以通过“上传数据”(添加商品的标准流程)或 API 在 和 上创建 ASIN,相关操作与您在 上的操作相同。

我的 ASIN 在 上不存在。如何将我的美国商品信息翻译为西班牙语?


ASIN 状态报告显示我的商品无效。为什么?


如何获得面向加拿大和墨西哥商城的亚马逊品牌注册、图文版商品描述和 A+ 商品描述?

如果您刚开始使用亚马逊品牌注册 2.0,则可以在注册远程配送时完成所有商城的亚马逊品牌注册流程。但是,如果您已经完成了仅针对美国商城的亚马逊品牌注册流程,则需要重复注册针对加拿大和墨西哥商城的流程。


远程配送 ASIN 将在管理库存中显示运费。但是,只有加拿大和墨西哥商城的非 Prime 买家在浏览详情页面时会看到这笔费用。Prime 买家不会看到运费。


您可以将现有 收费和存款方式分配到加拿大和墨西哥商城。如果您想对其中一个商城采取不同的方法,请联系销售伙伴支持,告知您希望进行此项更改。这有助于避免您的账户因我们的防欺诈机制而发生任何中断。此外,您可以使用亚马逊全球收款,将加拿大和墨西哥商城的销售收入汇入您的美国银行账户。





如果您没有通过启用 Prime 的账户在 或 上查看这些商城的商品,那么您的远程配送商品将包含配送费用。这将影响推荐商品的绩效。









Remote Fulfillment with FBA

Remote Fulfillment with FBA lets you sell to customers in Canada and Mexico without having to send inventory to those countries. When you enroll in the program and create offers on and, Fulfillment by Amazon will use your inventory in US fulfillment centers to fulfill orders across the border directly to the customer, through Amazon Services LLC.

The program offers Prime customers free shipping in Mexico (five to nine days) and Canada (seven to 12 days). Customers pay import duties on the items they order, taking ownership after the shipping company picks up the items from the US fulfillment center. Returns go directly back to the US and are subject to the FBA customer returns policy.

Orders will appear in your Canada or Mexico seller account, based on where the customer bought your product.

Note: Remote Fulfillment is different from FBA Export. With FBA Export, sellers make their offers available to customers worldwide for purchase on

Program fees

For details about program fees, visit Remote Fulfillment with FBA fees. Program fulfillment fees apply only to sales of products on and Standard US fulfillment fees will apply for sales on The referral fee will be based on the marketplace where the customer buys the item.

Note: Customers, not sellers, pay import duties on items bought through Remote Fulfillment.

Product eligibility

Not all items are eligible to sell through Remote Fulfillment with FBA. To be eligible, a product must:

  • Be enabled for FBA in the US, Canada, and Mexico

  • Pass Amazon’s assessment of regulatory risk

  • Meet all trade compliance and in-country regulations

The following product types are not eligible:

  • Restricted products

  • Prohibited products

  • Dangerous goods

We continually monitor factors that can affect an ASIN’s eligibility so that products are safe for customers to import. When an ASIN becomes ineligible, it’s most likely because of a change in trade compliance regulations or Amazon’s risk assessment.

In some cases, an ASIN is eligible for cross-border fulfillment under a different fulfillment method—such as local FBA fulfillment or seller fulfilled—but is not eligible for Remote Fulfillment with FBA. That could be because the regulatory risk is high or we have not yet assessed the risk, or because there are transportation constraints. Reasons for an item being high risk can include a requirement for extra documentation at the border and greater regulatory scrutiny or product restrictions in the customer’s country.

Tip: If your ASIN is not eligible for Remote Fulfillment but you still want to sell it in Canada or Mexico, you can send it directly to the country for sale through FBA or list it as a seller-fulfilled offer.

How to enroll in Remote Fulfillment

To enroll in Remote Fulfillment, you must be registered for FBA in the US, Canada, and Mexico and have a North America Unified Account with FBA Export enabled. Once you enroll, your eligible ASINs will be available for sale to customers in Canada and Mexico as soon as you create offers for them on and

Follow these steps to enroll and begin selling:

  1. Go to the Remote Fulfillment page, which you can also find using the Inventory drop-down menu on Seller Central.

  2. Set your preferences as you go through the enrollment workflow, and click Enroll. Once you have enrolled, Amazon will evaluate your inventory and automatically add all eligible items to the program. From then on, we will automatically add to the program:

    • Any new eligible item added to your US inventory

    • Any items that are currently ineligible but later become eligible

  1. If you haven’t enabled automatic listing creation in your setting preferences, create offers for Canada and Mexico so you can sell your US inventory in those marketplaces.

  2. Download your ASIN Status report from the Remote Fulfillment page to:

    • See which of your ASINs have been added to the program

    • Find out if you have to take action on any ASINs so they can be added to the program

    • Remove ASINs from the program that you don’t want to sell in a particular marketplace

Note: After you enroll in Remote Fulfillment with FBA, it may take up to 24 hours to determine whether your ASIN is eligible.

Automatic listing creation

Enabling automatic listing creation quickly makes your US offers available in Canada and Mexico. It saves you the work of manually creating offers and evaluating pricing before your items can be available for sale. It also adjusts for differences in fulfillment fees and foreign exchange rates. (It does not make pricing changes if there are differences in referral fees between countries or for costs related to converting your currency back into US dollars.) After you enroll, any eligible new products that you offer in the US will be available automatically in Canada and Mexico.

Note: If you select only one marketplace for automatic listing creation, you are choosing to have Amazon create offers for your products in only that marketplace. However, you’ll still be enrolled in Remote Fulfillment in both Canada and Mexico. As a result, if you have existing offers in the marketplace you didn’t select, those products will added to the program automatically. If you want to remove them, you can do so via the ASIN Status report. For more information, see the “Managing your offers” section below.

Removal of seller-fulfilled offers

Most sellers don’t have both seller-fulfilled and FBA offers for the same SKU in the US. If you do, when you enroll in Remote Fulfillment, the inventory level for your seller-fulfilled offers will be set to zero. You won’t be able to add seller-fulfilled inventory for that SKU until it no longer has an FBA offer. We recommend that you create separate SKUs for any seller-fulfilled offers that you want to keep active and that share the same SKU as an FBA offer. Manage Inventory does not show seller-fulfilled offers if an FBA offer already exists for the SKU; they are visible only in the Amazon storefronts.

Stranded inventory

When you enroll, Amazon adjusts the stranded inventory setting Automatic change to FBA to one day for the stranded reason Merchant fulfilled. For example, if you change an FBA offer to seller-fulfilled and this results in stranded inventory, the offer will change back to FBA within 24 hours. You can change this setting by clicking Edit automatic-action settings on Fix stranded inventory.

For listings that you don’t want automatically relisted or changed to FBA, select Opt out of auto action in the drop-down menu to the right of each listing. To learn more, visit Resolve stranded inventory issues.

Creating offers and managing inventory

With Remote Fulfillment, you can sell your products in both Canada and Mexico, or use the ASIN Status report to select just one marketplace.

You can create offers linked to your US inventory in three ways:

  • Select automatic listing creation when you enroll or in the program settings page.

  • Create offers in bulk using Build International Listings. You can also manage pricing between US offers and Mexico and Canada offers in bulk.

  • Go to each marketplace account and use the standard process for adding a product. Remember to adjust your price to the local currency.

If you already have inventory of an ASIN located in Mexico or Canada, the ASIN will not be eligible for Remote Fulfillment until you have sold through that local inventory. If you have existing offers for Canada or Mexico but you don't have in-country inventory, those offers will begin to sell through Remote Fulfillment at their existing price at the time you enroll in the program.

If you are enrolled in Remote Fulfillment and decide you want to sell an ASIN locally instead, you can remove the ASIN from the program using the ASIN Status report. Sellers can't fulfill ASINs both locally and through Remote Fulfillment at the same time. You can use the report to add those offers back to Remote Fulfillment after your local inventory has sold out.

Important: Use a Global SKU to manage inventory across the US, Canada, and Mexico, or any combination of these countries.

If you have offers in Canada or Mexico that don’t match the US SKU, you will have two offers in the marketplace, potentially at different prices, when you create offers for Remote Fulfillment that match the US SKU. The ASIN Status report will tell you which offers are ineligible for Remote Fulfillment because of this. To add those ASINs to Remote Fulfillment and avoid conflicting offers, remove the marketplace-specific SKU.

If you create an offer on or but your ASIN Status report says the offer doesn’t exist, it’s probably because your item has a different SKU in the US. To fix the issue, create a new offer with the same SKU as the US ASIN. Then check your ASIN Status report again after 24 hours.

Managing your offers

To keep track of your offers, download the ASIN Status report on the Remote Fulfillment page. The file shows which of your ASINs:

  • Are eligible to be sold through Remote Fulfillment

  • Require an action before you can add them to the program

  • Have been removed from the program

You can add or remove ASINs for Canada and Mexico in the ASIN Status Report. After making any changes, upload the file to the Remote Fulfillment page. Eligible ASINs for which you have created offers should be active on and within 24 hours.

An ASIN can qualify for Remote Fulfillment but not be enabled for sale for a variety of reasons, including a problem with the listing or lack of inventory in the US. Review the More details column in your ASIN Status report for information on how to fix the problem.

Note: If you change an offer from Remote Fulfillment to local FBA fulfillment, the price will stay the same unless you adjust it. Once your local inventory runs out, send in more inventory or re-enable the ASIN for Remote Fulfillment.

Customer returns

Customer returns will be sent back to the US and are subject to the FBA customer returns policy. The FBA return processing fee will apply in categories for which Amazon offers free return shipping:

  • Apparel

  • Watches

  • Jewelry

  • Shoes, handbags, and sunglasses

  • Luggage

For more information, visit Returns processing fee.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to file taxes in Canada or Mexico? Do I need a Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (RFC) number for Mexico or to become a non-resident importer (NRI) for Canada?

When customers buy products through Remote Fulfillment, they take title in the US, are the importer of record, and must pay any import duties, taxes, and fees when the products arrive in Canada or Mexico. Amazon simplifies this process by estimating the amount that will be due (the import fees deposit) and adding it to the amount the customer pays at checkout. The customer authorizes international carriers that partner with Amazon to pay this amount to Canadian or Mexican authorities on their behalf.

What are the impacts of removing seller-fulfilled offers for my SKUs that also have FBA offers?

Most sellers do not have seller-fulfilled offers for the same SKUs as their FBA offers. If you are one of the few who do and you enroll in Remote Fulfillment, we will set the seller-fulfilled inventory on that SKU to zero. This means customers will no longer see the seller-fulfilled offer for that SKU in any marketplace where the SKU exists. As long as you are either enrolled in Remote Fulfillment or have an FBA offer on the SKU, you won't be able to add seller-fulfilled inventory to it. You can create a new SKU for the seller-fulfilled offer if you want to keep it for sale.

I can’t find my ASIN in Canada or Mexico. What should I do?

You can create ASINs on and through feeds, the standard process for adding a product, or API, just as you did on

My ASIN doesn’t exist on How can I translate my US offer into Spanish?

You can find a directory of third-party translation providers on Amazon’s Service Provider Network.

The ASIN Status report says my offer isn’t valid. Why?

This can happen for a number of reasons. It could be that Amazon pulled the offer in the US because of counterfeit concerns, or because the item was out of stock or not approved for sale. Check the US listing to understand what could be wrong.

How do I get Brand Registry, Enhanced Brand Content, and A+ content for Canada and Mexico?

If you are new to Brand Registry 2.0, you can go through the Brand Registry process in all of the marketplaces when you enroll in Remote Fulfillment. However, if you have already completed the Brand Registry process for the US marketplace only, you will need to repeat it for Canada and Mexico.

Why does my Remote Fulfillment offer have a shipping cost?

Remote Fulfillment ASINs will show a shipping fee in Manage Inventory. However, the fee will appear on the detail page only for non-Prime customers in Canada and Mexico. Prime customers will not see a shipping fee.

How do I get paid?

You can assign your existing charge and deposit methods to Canada and Mexico. If you want to use a different method for either marketplace, contact Seller Support to alert them that you are making this change. This can help avoid any disruption in your account that could be caused by our fraud protection mechanisms. Also, you can have the proceeds from sales in Canada and Mexico deposited into your US bank using the Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers.

Can I use Sponsored Products and deals in Canada and Mexico for my Remote Fulfillment items?

Yes, Sponsored Products and deals are available for both Canada and Mexico.

My product is not the Featured Offer even though my offer has the lowest price. Why?

The Featured Offer is affected by more than just price. For instance, your price may be lower but another offer might have faster delivery. Learn more.

If you aren't looking at your offers on or through a Prime-enabled account for those marketplaces, your Remote Fulfillment offers will include shipping. This will affect Featured Offer performance.

To see the local customer experience, use a Canada or Mexico address as the default to your account.

Why am I approved for certain brands or categories in US but not in Canada or Mexico?

Sellers must get approval from Amazon before listing in certain product categories. These approvals are marketplace-specific, so sellers must apply in each marketplace. To request approval to sell in a new product category or check the status of an application, go to the Selling applications tool. To learn more, visit Categories and products requiring approval.

What if I want to stop using Remote Fulfillment?

If you want to leave the program, go to the program settings, click Unenroll from Remote Fulfillment with FBA, and click Unenroll. All of your Remote Fulfillment offers for Canada and Mexico will be removed, but we will not adjust your setting preferences.

Your FBA inventory will remain for sale in the marketplace where it’s located. No new inventory will be enabled for Remote Fulfillment unless you enroll in the program again.

If you have automatic listing creation enabled and want to stop having offers created in Canada and Mexico, you can adjust those settings through Build International Listings.

