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Amazon Renewed 保障有哪些具体条件和要求?


Amazon Renewed 保障

以下要求和政策仅适用于 Amazon Renewed 计划。如需了解有关 Amazon Renewed 的更多信息,请点击此处。

除传统手表和亚马逊设备(例如 Echo、Fire 等)外,均可享受 Amazon Renewed 保障,由所有卖家共同履行。此外,卖家可以自愿向买家提供自己的保障(以下简称“自愿保障”)。对于任何与卖家提供的自愿保障相关的索赔,亚马逊概不负责。

  1. 条件:

    1. 除传统手表和亚马逊设备(例如 Echo、Fire 等)外,销售的所有翻新商品均可享受 Amazon Renewed 保障。

    2. 卖家自配送 (MFN) 卖家必须在卖家平台中选择使用预付费退货邮寄标签,他们的翻新商品才有资格享受 Amazon Renewed 保障。不遵守相关要求可能会导致 Amazon Renewed 销售权限被撤销。

    3. 亚马逊物流 (FBA) 卖家自动有资格享受 Amazon Renewed 保障。

    4. 《商业解决方案协议》中规定的与亚马逊商城交易保障索赔相关的条款将适用于根据 Amazon Renewed 保障提出的索赔。

  2. 涵盖类型:

    1. 与原购买商品相同型号、颜色和版本的换货商品(如果有的话);或

    2. 退款。

    3. 如果翻新商品买家对商品不满意,可以联系亚马逊的“咨询专家”支持团队。

    4. 如果技术故障排除无法解决该问题,或者买家仍对商品不满意,翻新商品买家将有权退回该商品,并收到:

    5. 失窃、意外损坏和篡改设备不在保障范围内。

  3. 涵盖期限: 对于北美地区,Amazon Renewed 保障将在买家收到 Amazon Renewed 店铺中销售翻新商品后 90 天内有效。


“Amazon Renewed 保障”或“自愿保障”均不会影响买家在亚马逊商城交易保障下享有的权利。


The Renewed Guarantee

The below requirements and policies are specific to the Amazon Renewed program. To learn more about Amazon Renewed, click here.

All Renewed products sold in North America, with the exception of Amazon Devices (e.g. Echo, Fire, etc.), are covered by the Amazon Renewed Guarantee, which will be honored by all sellers. In addition, sellers are allowed to offer their own guarantee on a voluntary basis to customers (“Voluntary Guarantee”). Amazon is not responsible for any claim related to Voluntary Guarantees that a seller may offer.

  1. Conditions:

    1. All Renewed products, with the exception of Amazon Devices (e.g. Echo, Fire, etc.), sold in the Amazon Renewed store are part of the Amazon Renewed Guarantee.

    2. Merchant Fulfillment Network (MFN) sellers must opt in to pre-paid return mailing labels within Seller Central to make their Renewed product listings eligible for the Amazon Renewed Guarantee. Lack of compliance can result in the removal of Amazon Renewed selling privileges.

    3. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) sellers are automatically eligible for the Amazon Renewed Guarantee.

    4. The provisions concerning claims under the A-to–z Guarantee set forth under the Business Solutions Agreement will apply to claims under the Amazon Renewed Guarantee.

  2. Type of coverage:

    1. A replacement unit of same model, color, and version of the originally purchased unit, if one is available; or

    2. A refund.

    3. If the customer is not satisfied with the product, Renewed customers will be able to access Amazon’s “Talk to the Expert” support team.

    4. If technical troubleshooting does not fix the issue or if a customer continues to not be satisfied with the product, Renewed customers will have the right to return the product and receive:

    5. Theft, accidental damage and tampering with the device is not covered under the guarantee.

  3. Period of coverage: For North America, the Amazon Renewed Guarantee will be valid for 90 days after a customer’s receipt of a Renewed product sold in the Amazon Renewed store.

A-to-z Guarantee

Neither the Amazon Renewed Guarantee nor the Voluntary Guarantee affect the consumer’s rights under the A-to-z Guarantee.

