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B2B 平台

B2B 平台是一个中心位置,可以让您更好地了解、管理和发展您在亚马逊上的企业对企业 (B2B) 渠道。点击任意小工具右上角的向下箭头,可以最小化、刷新小工具或对其评分。

请通过卖家平台账户的 【B2B】 选项卡访问 B2B 平台。


借助销售快照,您可以查看并比较注册企业买家 (B2B) 和非企业买家(非 B2B)产生的 B2B 销量的增长情况,还可以比较这两个买家群体的同比 (YoY) 销量增长情况。


  • 选择图表下方的 B2B非 B2B 和总计框可以查看业务的不同买家群体产生的销量。
  • 选择与去年对比框可以查看所选的去年某时间段内来自每个买家群体的销量。
  • 使用销量商品数量和“时间范围”按钮可以自定义图表和下方表格中的销售数据。
  • 点击在业务报告中查看可以详细了解销售历史记录。
Note: 注册企业买家是已经在亚马逊上注册为企业的买家。他们拥有以下专属权利:享受您提供的企业商品价格和数量折扣,以及查看企业资料和商品文档。您可以向尚未注册亚马逊企业采购商城的企业销售商品。此类销量将计入非 B2B 买家群体产生的销量中。

B2B 绩效(按行业)

此小部件将按买家所属行业和子行业显示 B2B 销量明细。我们对关于企业买家的细分数据使用内部和外部数据源。


  • 查看每个行业和子行业的同比 (YoY) 增长、销量、订单数量、商品数量和平均订单。
  • 点击任何行业即可展开此小部件并查看子行业指标。
  • 将鼠标悬停在圆环图上即可查看各买家群体产生的销量、商品数量、订单数量和总体销量百分比。
  • 使用销量商品数量时间范围按钮可以自定义图表和下方表格中的销售数据。
  • 其他代表尚未归类的企业买家购买量。
Note: 平均订单列显示的是来自 B2B 买家群体的每个订单的平均销量和平均商品数量。您可以使用此信息来比较您来自亚马逊 B2B 买家的平均历史值。




  • 点击商品名称即可查看该商品的详情页面。
  • 点击 SKU 编号即可在 SKU 平台中查看商品详情。
  • 使用销量商品数量时间范围按钮可以自定义图表和下方表格中的销售数据。



业务操作中心可以显示与您的 B2B 业务相关的任务。列表中的每个任务都包含一个指向卖家平台页面的链接和一个取消按钮。点击链接可完成该任务。如果您在卖家平台中的原有位置而不是通过点击业务操作中心中的按钮来完成任务,则相应任务最长可能需要 48 小时才会从业务操作中心消失。

Note: 点击取消可将相应任务从业务操作中心移除。但是,您仍可以在卖家平台的任务主页面完成该任务。



Note: 如果您未对业务操作中心的某个任务采取任何操作,那么它会在 2 周后自动消失。


  • 买家请求:在注册企业买家针对您销售的 ASIN 请求数量折扣时显示。销售该 ASIN 的所有卖家都会收到该请求。
  • 企业资料:如果您的企业资料中有某些字段尚未填写,则会显示这一任务。买家特别关注以下字段:“关于”、“成立年份”、“员工人数”和“邓氏编号”。填写所有字段可以帮助企业买家更好地了解您的企业。
  • 认证:如果亚马逊发现您符合某种企业认证的条件,则会显示这一任务。如果您准许显示某种认证,该认证将显示在您的详情页面、商品信息和企业资料中,供注册企业买家查看。
  • 欢迎系列:在您开始使用亚马逊企业采购商城时显示。此类任务会为您提供额外的操作步骤和信息,帮助您在亚马逊上发展 B2B 业务。



B2B Central

B2B Central provides a focal point for you to better understand, manage, and grow your business-to-business (B2B) channel on Amazon. Click the down arrow in the upper right corner of any of the widgets to Minimize, Rate, or Refresh the widget.

Access B2B Central through the B2B tab in your Seller Central account.

Sales Snapshot

The Sales Snapshot allows you to view the growth of your B2B sales from registered business customers (B2B) in contrast with that of non-business customers (non-B2B), and to compare your Year-over-Year (YoY) growth among both customer segments.


  • Select the B2BNon-B2B, and Total boxes below the graph to view the different segments of your business.
  • Select the Compare to last year box to view your sales from the selected time period last year for each segment
  • Use the SalesUnits, and time range buttons to customize your sales data on the graph and the underlying table.
  • Click View in Business Reports, to dive deeper into your sales history.
Note: Registered business customers have registered as businesses with Amazon. They have exclusive access to your Business Prices and Quantity Discounts, Business Profile, and Product Documents. You can have purchases from businesses that have not yet registered on Amazon Business. These sales will be included in the Non-B2B segment.

B2B Performance by Industry

This widget shows you the breakdown of your B2B sales by the industry and sub-industry segments of your buyers. We use both internal and external data sources for segmentation data on business buyers.


  • View the Year-over-Year (YoY) growth, Sales, Orders, Units, and Average Order for each Industry and sub-industry.
  • Click on any Industry to expand the widget and view the sub-industry metrics.
  • Hover over the donut chart to view the segments sales, units, orders, and percentage of overall sales.
  • Use the SalesUnits, and time range buttons to customize your sales data on the graph and the underlying table.
  • Other represents your sales to businesses that have not yet been classified.


Note: The Average Order column shows the average sales per order and average units per order from your B2B customer segments. Use this information to compare the average historical value of your B2B customers on Amazon.

Top Products

This widget displays your top five products selling to registered business customers on Amazon.


  • Click the product title to view that product’s detail page.
  • Click the SKU number to view details of the product in SKU Central.
  • Use the SalesUnits, and time range buttons to customize your sales data on the graph and the underlying table.


Business Action Center

The Business Action Center displays tasks that are relevant to your B2B business. Each task in the list includes both a link to the page on Seller Central and a Dismiss button. Click the link to complete that task. Tasks can take up to 48 hours to disappear from the Business Action Center if you complete them in their native location on Seller Central, without clicking the button in the Business Action Center.

Note: Clicking Dismiss removes the task from your Business Action Center. However, you will still be able to complete the task on its primary page on Seller Central.


Tasks appear in order. Some tasks have expiration times, while others do not.

Note: If you leave a task in the Business Action Center without taking action, it will automatically disappear after 2 weeks.

Examples of business tasks:

  • Buyer Request: Appears when a registered business customer requests a quantity discount on an ASIN on which you have an offer. All sellers with an offer on this ASIN receive the request.
  • Business Profile: Appears if you have fields in your Business Profile that have not yet been completed. Buyers are particularly interested in the following fields: About, Year established, Number of Employees, and your DUNS number. Complete all of the fields to help Business Buyers know you better.
  • Credentials: Appears if Amazon identifies that you are eligible for a Business credential. When you approve the credential, it will display on your detail pages, listings, and business profile for registered business customers to see.
  • Welcome Series: Appears when you are getting started on Amazon Business. These tasks provide you with additional steps and information to help you grow your B2B business on Amazon.

Check back on the Business Action Center frequently for additional tasks to complete on Amazon Business.
