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请在 24 小时内回复亚马逊买家消息



请在 24 小时内(包括周末和节假日)回复买家消息。自动回复不被视为有效回复。

如果您的消息回复时间影响了您的整体卖家绩效,以下建议可帮助确保您在 24 小时内回复买家消息:

  • 请确保您电子邮件程序的垃圾邮件过滤器不会屏蔽买家消息。

  • 即使您无法立即解决买家的问题,您仍需在 24 小时内回复电子邮件,告诉买家您正在处理他们的请求。提供一个预计问题能够得到解决的日期。

  • 如果消息无需回复(例如,“感谢”消息),那么请确保将该消息标记为“无需回复”。


Respond to messages

Respond to buyer messages within 24 hours, including weekends and holidays. Auto-responders are not considered a valid response.

If your message response time is affecting your overall seller performance, the following suggestions may help ensure that you respond to buyer messages within 24 hours:

  • Make sure that buyer messages are not being blocked by your email program's spam filter.

  • Even if you can't resolve a buyer's concern immediately, you still need to respond to their email within 24 hours to let them know you are investigating their request. Provide a date by which they can expect a resolution.

  • If a message does not require a response (for example, a "thank you" message), then make sure you mark it as "No Response Required."

