珠宝首饰商品数据更新 - 常见问题
商品类型关键字的当前有效值已在分类树指南 (BTG) 中列出。针对珠宝首饰的分类树指南可在特定分类模板页面上找到。
不分男女 - 成人
不分男女 - 儿童
如何在创建或更新 ASIN 时确保自己的 ASIN 数据会被接受?
珠宝首饰分类政策规定,珠宝首饰卖家必须订阅专业销售计划,可按月支付服务费。只有参与专业销售计划的卖家才能使用库存文件上传工具更新 ASIN。如果您目前未参与专业销售计划,则可以立即切换到专业销售计划。有关更多信息,请参阅切换到专业销售计划。
我上传了新的 ASIN 数据,但新数据未反映在 ASIN 上,或在尝试进行更新时收到了错误。我该怎么办?
尝试针对该 ASIN 上传库存为 0 件商品的库存文件,然后添加您当前有货的实际商品进行重新上传。如果这没有解决问题,请下载一个新的分类商品报告,并检查您的 ASIN 数据。如果您提交的新数据仍未更新,那么原因有以下两个:
原因 1:如果不止一位卖家有在售商品采用某个 ASIN,则无法针对该 ASIN 更新某些规格数据。
如果您创建了一个自有品牌 ASIN,而其他卖家有在售商品采用此 ASIN,那么这些卖家就违反了珠宝首饰分类政策。请按以下步骤操作:
在卖家平台上,举报违规行为。请务必加入卖家姓名、卖家店铺 URL 和提供自有品牌 ASIN 的每位卖家的 ASIN 列表。
如果您不是品牌的所有者、许可证持有人或授权卖家,请为您的商品创建一个新的 ASIN,并将品牌名称指定为“无品牌”或自有品牌。
注意: ASIN 的商品名称、要点和商品描述中提到的品牌必须与指定为品牌名称的品牌匹配。请参阅珠宝首饰分类政策与要求,了解有关品牌名称和 ASIN 匹配政策的更多信息。
原因 2:如果您不是 ASIN 品牌的品牌所有者,那么其他卖家可以是该 ASIN 的“亚马逊品牌注册”品牌所有者,亚马逊零售部门也可以提供该 ASIN。
选择“提供批次编号”选项并予以输入,或者选择“我没有 ASIN 或 SKU 或批次编号”选项,然后点击“下一步”。
点击“添加附件”按钮,附上只包含未在 Amazon.com 详情页面上显示您所提交数据的那些 ASIN 的库存文件模板。
联系原因:我的库存文件模板不更新 ASIN 数据。
请描述您的库存文件问题:我需要针对附件中的 ASIN 更新 ASIN 数据。我已经上传了包含正确 ASIN 数据的库存文件模板。请检查 [品牌] 是否在“亚马逊品牌注册”上进行了注册。如果是,请将此库存文件模板转发给品牌所有者,并要求他们将这些 ASIN 更新为正确的值。如果否,则请要求分类卖家经理更新这些 ASIN。
我成功更新了 ASIN,但现在我的一些商品被取消了。为什么?
为什么我的有些 ASIN 被禁止显示?
珠宝首饰 ASIN 被禁止显示的原因有很多。【“库存”>“管理库存”】菜单下的“已禁止”选项卡通常会提供每个 ASIN 被禁止显示的原因。有关可能原因以及如何修复禁止显示的商品的更多信息,请参阅禁止显示的商品。
Jewelry product data updates - FAQ
What are the 'valid values' for Department Name and Item Type Keyword?
Current valid values for Item Type Keyword are listed in the Browse Tree Guide (BTG). The BTG for Jewelry is available on Templates for Specific Categories page.
Valid values for Department Name are:
What are the 'valid values' for Material Type, Metal Type, Gem Type and Pearl Type?
Current valid values for these attributes are listed in the Valid Values tab of the Jewelry Inventory File Template.
How can I make sure my ASIN data is going to be accepted when I create or update ASINs?
Use the Check My File feature before uploading your inventory file.
I cannot access the inventory file upload tool. What should I do?
Jewelry category policy states that Jewelry sellers must be subscribed to a Professional selling plan, which is available for a monthly fee. Only sellers with a Professional selling plan can use the inventory file upload tool to update ASINs. If you do not currently have a Professional selling plan, you may switch to one immediately. For more information, read Switch to a Professional Selling Plan.
I uploaded new ASIN data, but the new data is not showing up on the ASIN, or I am receiving an error when I attempt to make the update. What should I do?
Try uploading your Inventory File with 0 units of inventory for the ASIN, then upload it again with the actual units you have in stock. If this does not resolve the issue, then download a fresh Category Listings Report and check your ASIN data. If the new data you submitted is still not updated, there are following two reasons:
Reason #1: If there is more than one seller with an active offer on an ASIN, certain specifications data cannot be updated for that ASIN.
If you have created a private label-branded ASIN, and other sellers have active offers on this ASIN, those sellers are violating Jewelry category policy. Follow the steps given below:
On Seller Central, Report a Violation. Be sure to include the seller names, seller storefront URLs and a list of ASINs for each seller offering your private label ASINs.
Once we have removed the unauthorized offer(s), re-try uploading your inventory file template.
If you aren't the owner, licensee or authorized seller of a brand, create a new ASIN for your product and assign a Brand Name of 'Unbranded' or your own private label brand.
Note: the brand mentioned in an ASIN's title, bullets and product description must match the brand assigned as the Brand Name. See Jewelry category policies and requirements for more information on brand names and the ASIN-matching policies.
Reason #2: If you aren't the brand owner for the ASIN's brand, another seller may be the Amazon Brand Registry brand owner for that ASIN, or Amazon Retail may be also offering that ASIN.
If this is the case, the Retail or brand owner's data submission will always take precedence over yours, if you would like to update an attribute to a different value than they submitted. Follow the steps given below:
In Seller Central Contact Us, click Selling on Amazon, Products and inventory and then Issue listing products.
Either select 'Provide a Batch ID' option and enter it, or select 'I don't have an ASIN or SKU or Batch ID' option, then click Next.
Under 'What can we help you with?' click Inventory file upload issue and click Next.
Click the Email tab.
Click the Add attachment button and attach an inventory file template with only those ASINs that are not displaying your submitted data on their Amazon.com detail pages.
Enter the following information before you click Send:
Contact Reason: My inventory template update is not updating ASIN data
Please describe your inventory file issue: I need to update ASIN data for the ASINs in the file attached. I have uploaded an inventory file template with the correct ASIN data. Please check if [the brand] is registered on the Amazon Brand Registry. If it is, please forward this inventory file template to the brand owner and ask that they update these ASINs to the correct values. If it isn't, then please ask the Category Merchant Manager to update these ASINs.
Batch ID: (enter your batch ID)
SKU: See attached file
I updated my ASINs successfully, but now some of my offers have been canceled. Why?
Sellers who wish to sell jewelry made with precious metals, gemstones or pearls must receive special permission to do so. If you do not have this permission, re-apply to the Jewelry category via the link at the bottom of the Jewelry page and indicate your intention to sell jewelry made with fine materials.
Why have some of my ASINs been suppressed?
There are several reasons Jewelry ASINs may be suppressed. The Suppressed tab under the menu Inventory > Manage Inventory usually provides the reason each ASIN has been suppressed. For more information on possible causes and how to fix suppressed listing, read Suppressed Listings.