为买家提供周到服务 — 反馈事宜

在 Amazon.com 上为卖家创造放心购物的环境,对我们而言至关重要。为了建立这种信任感,我们鼓励并帮助我们的合作伙伴提升服务质量,以达到亚马逊买家一贯享受到的服务等级。



  • 配送速度快吗?

  • 商品包装安全吗?

  • 跟踪编号告知买家了吗?

  • 买家电邮是否得到回复,回复是否及时?

  • 取消订单或退货时简单吗?

  • 卖家的客户代表方便联系吗?

  • 当然,商品本身和网上描述的一致吗?



  • 在与买家的所有沟通过程中征求买家反馈,如装箱单。附上链接 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/account-access-login/,并鼓励买家点击“给卖家反馈”链接。

  • 对收到的每一项负面评价都要调查,找到问题的根本原因并加以解决。

  • 在大部分情况下,与买家配合,通过协商退款、换货或赠送礼券,提升购物体验。

  • 每周监控负面反馈,尽力维持 95% 的好评率,反馈评分尽量达到 4.5 或以上。




Serving Customers Well - Feedback Matters

Building a trustworthy environment for customers to shop on Amazon.com is a very high priority with us. To build this sense of trust, we encourage and help our partners to achieve the same levels of service that Amazon customers are accustomed to.

When customers decide to buy a product, they need some assurance from other customers that the merchant is trustworthy. A high positive feedback rating provides the peace of mind that customers need to click that Buy button.

If you go through your feedback—positive or negative—you will notice that most customers care about the following:

  • Was the shipping fast?

  • Was the item packed well?

  • Was the tracking number communicated to the customer?

  • Were the customer e-mails answered, and answered promptly?

  • Was it easy to cancel an order or return an item?

  • Was it easy to reach the merchant's customer service representative?

  • And of course, was the product as good as the way it was described on the Web site?

If you can answer 'Yes' to all these questions, you should congratulate yourself.

We also encourage our merchants to actively manage feedback by doing the following:

  • Solicit feedback in all communications that go out to the customer, such as the packing slip. Include a link to http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/account-access-login/ and encourage customers to click the 'Leave seller feedback' link.

  • Investigate every negative feedback you receive to track the root cause of that problem and then to resolve it.

  • In most cases, work with the customer to make the experience better, by issuing a refund, shipping a replacement item, or even sending a complimentary gift certificate.

  • Monitor the feedback every week, seeking to maintain 95% positive ratings and a score of 4.5 or higher.

Encouraging product reviews

Conversion rate for products with positive reviews on detail pages is much higher than for products that have no reviews. We encourage you to include a link to the product detail page (which the customer just purchased from you) in the shipping confirmation e-mail that requests customers to write a review for the product. You will be surprised how customers respond if you make it easy for them to leave you feedback or write reviews for your products.

