依次转至【广告】 > 【广告活动管理】。
对于商品推广,选择广告活动和广告组,然后转到【否定投放】。 对于品牌推广,选择广告活动,然后转到【否定投放】。
注意: 您也可以通过导航至【广告】 > 【批量操作】,将否定关键词批量上传到广告活动。
否定关键词可与短语匹配和精准匹配类型搭配使用。您不能更改现有否定关键词的匹配类型。在否定精准匹配类型中,您最多可以添加 10 个搜索词;在否定短语匹配类型中,您最多可以添加 4 个搜索词。否定短语匹配和否定精准匹配类型均有 80 个字符的限制。详细了解关键词匹配类型
依次转至【广告】 > 【广告活动管理】。
对于商品推广和展示型推广,选择广告活动和广告组,然后转到【否定投放】。 对于品牌推广,选择广告活动,然后转到【否定投放】。
Add negative keywords or negative products
You can add negative keywords and negative products when you're creating a campaign, or add them later in the campaign manager.
To add negative keywords to a campaign:
Go to Advertising > Campaign Manager.
For Sponsored Products, select a campaign and an ad group, then go to Negative targeting. For Sponsored Brands, select a campaign, then go to Negative targeting.
Click Add negative keywords.
Note: You can also upload negative keywords to a campaign in bulk by navigating to Advertising > Bulk Operations.
Negative keywords can be used with phrase and exact match types. You can't change the match type of an existing negative keyword. You can have up to 10 search terms in a negative exact match type, and up to four search terms in a negative phrase match type. There is an 80 character limit for both negative phrase and negative exact match types. Learn more about keyword match types
To add negative products to a campaign:
Go to Advertising > Campaign Manager.
For Sponsored Products and Sponsored Display, select a campaign and an ad group, then go to Negative targeting. For Sponsored Brands, select a campaign, then go to Negative targeting.
Click Add negative product targets.