您可以使用合作者账户为 Shopify 合作伙伴授予直接通过其自己的合作伙伴控制面板或使用 Shopify 应用访问您的 Shopify 后台的权限。合作者权限仅向合作伙伴授予您希望他们看到的商店部分的访问权限。这些账户不计入您商店的员工限制。
只有店主可以查看合作者访问请求或授予合作者对商店的访问权限。在 Shopify 合作伙伴提交访问商店的请求后,您将收到关于该请求的电子邮件并在 Shopify 主页上收到通知。
当 Shopify 合作伙伴提交合作者请求时,您可以要求他们输入合作者请求代码,以便更有效地控制您收到的请求。在需要输入代码的情况下,只有您与之共享代码的合作伙伴可以申请访问您的商店。
自由职业者是否可以使用合作者权限登录 Shopify 应用?
我是一名 Shopify Plus 商家。我可以控制合作者对特定应用和渠道的访问权限吗?
合作者是有权访问您的商店的 Shopify 合作伙伴。合作者与员工类似,但提供有额外的权益。合作者可以从他们的合作伙伴控制面板登录,从您的商店后台可以删除他们对您商店的访问权限。合作者也不计入您商店的员工限制。
自由职业者和机构可以申请访问您的商店以进行合作。当他们申请访问时,您可以查看他们的请求以决定接受还是拒绝。接受他们的请求后,合作者将在您 Shopify 后台内用户和权限页面上的合作者部分中列出。为了更有效地控制您收到的请求,您可以要求 Shopify 合作伙伴在提交合作者请求时输入 4 位数的合作者请求代码。
当您要求输入合作者请求代码时,自由职业者或机构需要输入正确的代码才能向您发送访问商店的请求。您需要与自由职业者或机构共享代码,以便他们能够发送请求。若要从商店的用户和权限设置中启用代码,请在合作者部分中选择只有具有合作者请求代码的人员才能申请访问。合作者请求代码是在启用要求时自动生成的 4 位数代码。您可以随时使代码过期并生成新的代码。
自由职业者是否可以使用合作者账户登录 Shopify 应用?
可以。但是,合作者必须至少通过合作伙伴控制面板中的商店页面登录您的商店一次,然后才能使用 Shopify 应用登录。
首先,请确保此问题与沟通或期望不匹配无关。Shopify 不对自由职业者或代理商的问题直接负责,但如果您认为 Shopify 合作伙伴未遵循合作伙伴计划协议,请填写举报合作伙伴违规行为表。
查看请求并确认您不想与其合作。如果收到意外请求,或者不认识发件人,则您不应接受其请求。若要举报垃圾邮件,您可以联系 Shopify 支持。在提交合作者请求时,您可以要求自由职业者和代理商输入 4 位数的合作者请求代码,以便更有效地控制您收到的请求。当需要代码时,只有具有代码的合作伙伴可以申请访问您的商店,并且您将不会收到不包含正确代码的自由职业者和代理商的请求。
我是一名 Shopify Plus 商家。我可以控制合作者对特定应用和渠道的访问权限吗?
Collaborator permissions
You can use collaborator accounts to give Shopify Partners access to your Shopify admin directly through their own Partner Dashboard or using the Shopify app. Collaborator permissions give Partners access to only the sections of your store that you want them to see. These accounts don't count towards your store's staff limit.
Only the store owner can view collaborator access requests or grant collaborator access to a store. After a Shopify Partner submits a request to access your store, you receive an email about the request and a notification on your Shopify Home.
You can require Shopify Partners to enter a collaborator request code when you submit a collaborator request, to more effectively control the requests that you receive. When the code is required, only the Partners who you share the code with can request access to your store.
Collaborators can request and be given all available permissions in your store, except permissions to view, add, or remove staff. Carefully consider which permissions a collaborator needs to complete their tasks. For more information, refer to Staff permissions.
Collaborator FAQs
What are collaborators?
I'm working with a freelancer or agency. How do I give them access?
What permissions should I give the freelancer or agency?
Can a freelancer use a collaborator permission to log in to the Shopify app?
I accidentally rejected a request from a freelancer or agency, how can I get it back?
What should I do when I'm finished working with a collaborator?
How do I report an issue with a freelancer or agency?
I got an email from a freelancer or agency that I don’t know or don’t want to work with, what should I do?
I'm a Shopify Plus merchant. Can I control a collaborator's access to specific apps and channels?
What are collaborators?
Collaborators are Shopify Partners who have access to your store. They're similar to staff, but offer additional benefits. Collaborators can log in from their Partner Dashboard, and their access to your store can be removed from your store admin. Collaborators also don't count towards your store's staff limit.
Freelancers and agencies can request access to collaborate on your store. When they request access, you can review their request to accept or reject it. After you accept their request, the collaborators are listed in the Collaborators section on the Users and permissions page in your Shopify admin. To more effectively control the requests that you receive, you can require Shopify Partners to enter a 4-digit collaborator request code when they submit a collaborator request.
I'm working with a freelancer or agency. How do I give them access?
Your freelancer or agency needs to request access to your store. If you have a collaborator request code enabled, then you need to provide the code to freelancers or agencies who want to request access to your store. Refer your freelancer or agency to Requesting access to a client's store to get them started.
How do I require a collaborator request code for access?
When you require a collaborator request code, a freelancer or agency needs to enter the correct code to send you a request for access to your store. You need to share the code with a freelancer or agency so that they can send the request. To enable the code from your store's Users and permissions setting, select Only people with a collaborator request code can request access in the Collaborators section. Collaborator request codes are 4-digit codes that are automatically generated when you enable the requirement. You can expire the code and generate a new one at any time.
What permissions should I give the freelancer or agency?
Give only the permissions that you feel comfortable giving. If a freelancer or agency asks for certain permissions, there might be a good reason. If you aren't sure, then ask the freelancer or agency why they need the permissions.
If a collaborator requires access to your shipping profiles, then you need to give them the Products and Manage settings staff permissions.
For more information about permissions, refer to Staff permissions.
Can a freelancer use a collaborator account to log in to the Shopify app?
Yes. However, collaborators must log in to your store at least once through the Stores page in their Partner Dashboard before they can log in using the Shopify app.
I accidentally rejected a request from a freelancer or agency, how can I get it back?
Ask the freelancer or agency to contact Partner Support. Partner Support will adjust the Partner's account so the Partner can send you another request.
What should I do when I'm finished working with a collaborator?
If you don't need any more help from the collaborator, then remove their account.
How do I report an issue with a freelancer or agency?
First, make sure that the problem isn't because of a communication issue or mismatched expectations. Shopify isn't directly responsible for issues with freelancers or agencies. However, if you believe that a Shopify Partner isn't following the Partner Program Agreement, then fill out the Report a Partner violation form.
I got an email from a freelancer or agency that I don’t know or don’t want to work with, what should I do?
Review the request and confirm that you don’t want to work with them. If you aren't expecting a request, or if you don't recognize the sender, then you shouldn't accept their request. To report spam you can contact Shopify Support. You can require freelancers and agencies to enter a 4-digit collaborator request code when submitting a collaborator request, to more effectively control the requests that you receive. When the code is required, only partners with the code can request access to your store, and you won't receive requests from freelancers and agencies who don't include the correct code.
I'm a Shopify Plus merchant. Can I control a collaborator's access to specific apps and channels?
Yes. When approving access, you can set the same permissions for collaborators that you can for staff. If a collaborator requests access to your store, they can only see the option to request access to apps. Collaborators don't see the list of apps that you currently have installed.