



  1. Shopify 后台中,转到在线商店 > 模板

  2. 找到您要编辑的模板,然后点击自定义

6.点击模板设置。7. 点击下拉菜单和弹出窗口。8. 使用滑动标尺更改边框的外观。9. 使用滑动标尺更改阴影。将阴影不透明度设置为 0% 会移除阴影。10. 点击保存。


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,轻触商店

  2. 销售渠道部分,轻触在线商店

  3. 轻触管理模板

  4. 找到您要编辑的模板,然后轻触自定义

  5. 轻触编辑

6.点击模板设置。7. 点击下拉菜单和弹出窗口。8. 使用滑动标尺更改边框的外观。9. 使用滑动标尺更改阴影。将阴影不透明度设置为 0% 会移除阴影。10. 点击保存





  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到在线商店 > 模板

  2. 找到您要编辑的模板,然后点击自定义

3.点击模板设置。4. 点击抽屉。5. 使用滑动标尺更改边框的外观。6. 使用滑动标尺更改阴影。将阴影不透明度设置为 0% 会移除阴影。7. 点击保存


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,轻触商店

  2. 销售渠道部分,轻触在线商店

  3. 轻触管理模板

  4. 找到您要编辑的模板,然后轻触自定义

  5. 轻触编辑

6.点击模板设置。7. 点击抽屉。8. 使用滑动标尺更改边框的外观。9. 使用滑动标尺更改阴影。将阴影不透明度设置为 0% 会移除阴影。10. 点击保存。


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,轻触商店

  2. 销售渠道部分,轻触在线商店

  3. 轻触管理模板

  4. 找到您要编辑的模板,然后轻触自定义

  5. 轻触编辑

6.点击模板设置。7. 点击抽屉。8. 使用滑动标尺更改边框的外观。9. 使用滑动标尺更改阴影。将阴影不透明度设置为 0% 会移除阴影。10. 点击保存


Dropdowns and pop-ups

Adjust the appearance of navigation dropdowns, pop-up modals, and cart pop-ups.

Customize dropdowns and pop-ups


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.

  2. Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.

  1. Click Theme settings.

  2. Click Dropdowns and pop-ups.

  3. Use the sliding scales to change the appearance of your Border.

  4. Use the sliding scales to change the Shadow. Setting the shadow opacity to 0% removes the shadow.

  5. Click Save.


  1. From the Shopify app, tap Store.

  2. In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.

  3. Tap Manage themes.

  4. Find the theme that you want to edit, and then tap Customize.

  5. Tap Edit.

  1. Click Theme settings.

  2. Click Dropdowns and pop-ups.

  3. Use the sliding scales to change the appearance of your Border.

  4. Use the sliding scales to change the Shadow. Setting the shadow opacity to 0% removes the shadow.

  5. Click Save.


  1. From the Shopify app, tap Store.

  2. In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.

  3. Tap Manage themes.

  4. Find the theme that you want to edit, and then tap Customize.

  5. Tap Edit.

  1. Click Theme settings.

  2. Click Dropdowns and pop-ups.

  3. Use the sliding scales to change the appearance of your Border.

  4. Use the sliding scales to change the Shadow. Setting the shadow opacity to 0% removes the shadow.

  5. Click Save.


Drawers are hidden, interactive containers that appear and disappear when tapped or clicked, for example, a collapsible navigation menu or filter options.

Customize drawers


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.

  2. Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.

  1. Click Theme settings.

  2. Click Drawers.

  3. Use the sliding scales to change the appearance of your Border.

  4. Use the sliding scales to change the Shadow. Setting the shadow opacity to 0% removes the shadow.

  5. Click Save.


  1. From the Shopify app, tap Store.

  2. In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.

  3. Tap Manage themes.

  4. Find the theme that you want to edit, and then tap Customize.

  5. Tap Edit.

  1. Click Theme settings.

  2. Click Drawers.

  3. Use the sliding scales to change the appearance of your Border.

  4. Use the sliding scales to change the Shadow. Setting the shadow opacity to 0% removes the shadow.

  5. Click Save.


  1. From the Shopify app, tap Store.

  2. In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.

  3. Tap Manage themes.

  4. Find the theme that you want to edit, and then tap Customize.

  5. Tap Edit.

  1. Click Theme settings.

  2. Click Drawers.

  3. Use the sliding scales to change the appearance of your Border.

  4. Use the sliding scales to change the Shadow. Setting the shadow opacity to 0% removes the shadow.

  5. Click Save.

