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亚马逊政策要求,通过亚马逊店铺销售的 PFD 必须符合以下规定!


个人漂浮设备 (PFD)

重要: 如果您在亚马逊商城销售商品,则必须遵守适用于这些商品和商品信息的所有联邦、州和地方法律以及亚马逊政策

个人漂浮设备 (PFD) 是一种旨在帮助人们在水中保持漂浮状态的设备。PFD 是一个范围较大的商品分类,其中包括救生衣、划船背心、救生圈、U 形救生圈和可投掷浮垫。在亚马逊网站上发布的所有美国海岸卫队 (USCG) 第一、二、三和四类可投掷个人漂浮设备 (PFD) 必须符合指定标准。

PFD 类型

救生衣是一种无袖 PFD,适用于所有水域、开阔海域、波涛汹涌海域、或救援到达速度缓慢的偏远水道。商业船只和载客船只必须携带这些救生设备。救生衣可以是固有浮力式第一类 PFD、充气式第一类 PFD 或混合型 PFD。这些救生衣均属于坚固耐用型 PFD 且色彩明亮,还会使大多数失去意识的穿戴者在水中正面朝上。

近岸浮力背心比救生衣小巧,适用于救援速度较快的内陆水域进行一般划船和水上活动。这种浮力背心属于固有浮力式第二类 PFD、充气式第二类 PFD 和混合型第二类 PFD。虽然体积较小,但在紧急情况下,这些 PFD 不会让无意识穿戴者的身体发生翻转。

个人漂浮辅助用品比救生衣和近岸浮力背心更为轻巧。适用于一般划船或专业水上活动,例如在救援速度较快的平静内陆水域上进行滑水、水中捕猎、钓鱼和皮划艇运动。这些 PFD 风格迥异(背心式、外套式),属于固有浮力式第三类 PFD、充气式第三类 PFD 和混合型第三类 PFD。不适用于在可能存在失去意识风险以及某些穿戴者必须向后倾斜头部以保持漂浮状态的情况下使用。

浮力式可投掷个人漂浮设备是一种特定类别的 PFD,专门用于投掷给水中有意识人员。标记为第四类或拥有第四类性能的第五类的 PFD 视为可投掷 PFD。除非另有特别说明,否则,可穿戴 PFD 不可视为可投掷 PFD。浮力式可投掷 PFD 由诸如纤维玻璃或泡沫塑料等浮力材料制成,通常为白色或鲜亮颜色。这些商品可与也可不与绳索、“应急救生”杆、定位灯或烟雾信号一同使用。被救援者抓握住浮力式可投掷 PFD,直至被救起。

救生圈是可投掷的环状 PFD,用于帮助人们在水中保持漂浮状态。

U 形救生圈是可投掷的 U 形 PFD,用于帮助人们在水中保持漂浮状态。

浮垫是可投掷的正方形 PFD,用于帮助人们在水中保持漂浮状态。


USCG 第一类救生衣

USCG 第二类浮力背心

USCG 第三类漂浮外套

USCG 第四类救生圈

USCG 第四类 U 形救生圈

USCG 第四类浮垫


如果您在销售 PFD,亚马逊可能会要求您提供相关文件来证明商品的安全性和合规性。对于您申请销售的每件商品,亚马逊需要您提供证明其通过检测符合标准或法规的文件。USCG 认证是在亚马逊上销售 PFD 的必要条件,已纳入以下 UL 标准。亚马逊可能随时要求您提供这些文件,因此我们建议您将这些文件放置在易于存取之处。

PFD 必须符合下列标准和法规要求:

救生衣ANSI/UL 12402
浮力背心ANSI/UL 1177、1517 或 1180
浮垫ANSI/UL 1175
救生圈和 U 形救生圈ANSI/UL 1123
漂浮外套UL 1123

亚马逊政策要求,通过亚马逊店铺销售的 PFD 必须符合法律规定的安全与合规性标准。如果亚马逊与您联系,请将以下信息提交至 product-compliance-us@amazon.com:

  1. 公司名称

  2. 卖家编号

  3. 电子邮件地址

  4. 电话号码

  5. 您申请销售的 ASIN 列表

  6. 您申请销售的所有 ASIN 的商品图片,其中必须包含所有相关信息

    • 安全信息

    • 合规标志

    • 商品危险警告

  7. 适用于您申请销售的所有 ASIN 的商品手册

  8. 由 ILAC ISO 17025 认证的实验室出具的检测报告,确认每件商品均已经过检测,符合上述要求。


注意: 测试报告必须包含测试商品的图片,包括包装和警告标签。测试报告上的图片必须确认商品与详情页面上提供的图片相同。您确认您提交的所有资料真实、可信且准确。如果您提交的资料不符合这些安全要求,亚马逊可能会取消您的销售权限。

如果您不提供所需信息,亚马逊可能会取消您的商品、暂停您的发布权限、禁止显示您的 ASIN、扣留您的资金,或者提起民事或刑事法律诉讼。亚马逊保留采取任何必要的进一步行动和自行判定商品是否恰当的权利。



Selling personal flotation devices (PFDs) in the US

Important: If you sell products on Amazon, you must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and Amazon policies applicable to those products and product listings.

On this page, you will find:

  • What is a personal flotation device (PFD)?

  • Examples of PFDs

  • What is Amazon’s policy on selling PFDs in the United States?

  • What information do I need to provide to Amazon when requested?

  • What will happen if I do not follow Amazon’s policy on selling PFDs?

  • How do I request product removal from Amazon fulfillment centers?

  • Additional resources

What is a personal flotation device (PFD)?

A PFD is a piece of equipment designed to assist a person with remaining afloat in water. PFDs are a large category of items, which include life vests, boating vests, ring buoys, horseshoe buoys, and throwable cushions. The listing of all United States Coast Guard (USCG) Type I, II, III and IV personal flotation devices (PFDs) on the Amazon website must meet specified standards.

Life jacket: A life jacket is a sleeveless PFD and is best for all waters, open ocean, rough seas, or remote waterways where rescue may be slow to arrive. Commercial vessels and vessels carrying passengers must carry these live-saving devices. Life jackets may be Inherently Buoyant Type I PFDs, Inflatable Type I PFDs, or Hybrid Type PFDs. These are robust PFDs and are bright in color, but will also turn most unconscious wearers face-up in the water.

Near-shore buoyant vests: Near-shore buoyant vests are less bulky than life jackets and are suitable to be worn for general boating and water activities in calm, inland waters where a fast rescue is likely. These vests are Inherently Buoyant Type II PFDs, Inflatable Type II PFDs, and Hybrid Type II PFDs. While less bulky, these PFDs may not turn over unconscious wearers in the case of an emergency.

Flotation coats:Personal flotation aids, such as flotation coats, are garments providing both warmth and flotation assistance to the wearer. These are intended for general boating or specialized water activities (water skiing, hunting, fishing, kayaking, etc.) in calm, inland waters where a fast rescue is likely. These PFDs are Buoyant Type III PFDs, Inflatable Type III PFDs, and Hybrid Type III PFDs. These PFDs are not for use where a risk of unconsciousness may exist, and some wearers may have to tilt their heads back in order to stay buoyant.

Buoyant throwable personal flotation devices: This specific category of PFDs intended to be thrown to a conscious person in the water. A PFD marked as Type IV, or Type V with Type IV performance, is considered a throwable PFD. Unless specifically marked otherwise, a wearable PFD is not a throwable PDF. Buoyant throwable PFDs are made of a buoyant material (fibrous glass or plastic foam), and are often white, or brightly colored. These items may or may not be used with a lanyard, a "man-overboard" pole, locator light, or smoke signal. Buoyant throwable PFDs are intended to be held by the user until they are rescued.

Ring buoy: A throwable, ring-shaped, PFD used to keep a person afloat in water.

Horseshoe buoy: A throwable, U-shaped, PFD used to keep a person afloat in water.

Buoyant cushion: A throwable, square-shaped, PFD that is used to keep a person afloat in water.

Examples of PFDs:

USCG Type I Life Jacket

USCG Type II Buoyant Vest

USCG Type III Flotation Coat

USCG Type IV Ring Buoy

USCG Type IV Horseshoe Buoy

USCG Type IV Buoyant Cushion

What is Amazon’s policy on selling PFDs in the United States?

If you are selling PFDs, you may be asked to provide documents to confirm the safety and compliance of your products. Amazon requires documentation that indicates testing compliance with standards or regulations for each product you are applying to sell. USCG approval, which is incorporated into the UL standards below, is a requirement to sell PFDs on Amazon. Amazon may require these documents at any time so we recommend you have them easily accessible.

PFDs must meet the standard and regulation requirements listed below:

ProductRegulation/Standard Requirements
Life jacketsANSI/UL 12402
Buoyant vestsANSI/UL 1177, 1517 or 1180
Buoyant cushionsANSI/UL 1175
Ring buoys and horseshoe buoysANSI/UL 1123
Flotation coatsUL 1123

What information do I need to provide to Amazon when requested?

Amazon’s policies require that PFDs sold through the Amazon store meet required safety and compliance standards. If you are contacted by Amazon, please submit the following information to product-compliance-us@amazon.com

  1. Company name

  2. Seller ID

  3. Email address

  4. Phone number

  5. A list of ASINs you are applying to sell

  6. Product images for all ASINs you are applying to sell, which must include all relevant

    • Safety information

    • Compliance marking

    • Product hazard warnings

  7. Product instructions and/or manuals for all ASINs you are applying to sell

  8. Test reports from an ILAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory confirming each product was tested to applicable requirements listed above

Some labs provide special Amazon rates for testing. A list of these Compliance Solutions providers is available here.

Note: Test reports must contain images of the tested products including packaging and warning labels. The images on the test reports must confirm the product(s) is (are) the same as the images provided on the detail page. You certify that all materials you submit are true, authentic, and accurate. Amazon may remove your selling privileges for failing to meet these safety requirements.

What will happen if I do not follow Amazon’s policy on selling PFDs?

If you do not provide the required information, Amazon may:

  • Cancel your listing

  • Suspend your listing privileges

  • Suppress your ASIN(s)

  • Withhold your funds

  • Pursue civil or criminal legal action

Amazon reserves the right to take any further actions that are necessary and to make judgements in its sole discretion about whether or not a listing is appropriate.

How do I request removal of my products from Amazon fulfillment centers?

To request a removal order, please go to the Remove Inventory Overview page.

