发往亚马逊运营中心的商品入库问题一览表part one
问题 | 发往运营中心的货件中发现的问题类型 |
问题 SKU | 有问题的商品数量 |
问题商品数量 | 具有已发现问题类型的商品数量 |
已接收商品总数 | 某个时间段内接收的商品总数 |
已接收商品百分比 | 具有已发现问题类型的已接收商品所占的百分比 |
【需要预处理】 - 您货件中的一件或多件商品不符合亚马逊物流 (FBA) 的预处理要求。如果您的商品存在以下一个或多个问题,亚马逊将需要对其进行预处理,以便运营中心接收商品并将其放入您的可售库存中。
问题 | 描述 |
需要使用聚乙烯塑料袋包装 | 商品未进行袋装,需要装袋来防尘和防止残损。 |
需要使用气泡膜包装 | 商品未进行气泡膜包装,需要采用气泡膜包装来防止残损。 |
不透明袋包装 | 商品是成人用品,需要采用不透明袋包装。 |
需要使用胶带封装 | 商品需要进行封装。包含可拆卸零件的商品需要封装,以保证零件在配送过程中不会丢失。未密封的聚乙烯塑料袋和气泡膜包装必须进行封装,以防商品掉出。 |
缺少窒息警告 | 商品装在开口大于 5 英寸的聚乙烯塑料袋中,但未提供窒息警告。 |
安全/包装问题 - 您的商品在到达亚马逊运营中心时发现特定的安全或包装问题。
问题 | 描述 |
货件箱过大 | 您货件中的一个或多个箱子超出了最大尺寸要求。请参阅运输和路线安排要求的“箱子尺寸”部分。 |
货件箱超重 | 您货件中的一个或多个箱子超出了最大重量要求。请参阅运输和路线安排要求的“箱子重量”部分。 |
托拍状况不合格 | 您的托拍货件不符合我们的货车荷载货件要求。 |
尖锐商品危害 | 您货件中的一件或多件商品是不符合我们包装尖锐商品要求的尖锐商品。 |
易外溢商品危害 | 您货件中的一件或多件商品包含了不符合我们包装液体、乳膏、凝胶和乳霜要求的易外溢商品。 |
填充物(包装材料)不当 | 您货件中的一个或多个箱子使用了不合适的包装材料。请参阅运输和路线安排要求的“包装材料”部分。 |
电子商品危害 | 您货件中的一个或多个商品是未正确包装的电子产品。 |
货件箱上未提供货件编号 | 您货件中的一个或多个箱子上未贴有亚马逊物流货件编号标签。您发往运营中心的每个箱子都必须贴有货件编号标签。 |
目录问题 - 商品信息不符合我们的目录要求。
问题 | 描述 |
需要更改商品名称 | 您的商品名称不符合亚马逊物流商品名称要求或与商品标签不符。 |
商品数量 - 您发往运营中心的商品数量与您在入库计划中列出的商品数量不符。
问题 | 描述 |
发现与预期不符的商品 | 您货件中的一件或多件商品未在您的入库计划中列出。 |
出现多余商品 | 您货件中包含的商品多于入库计划中列出的商品。 |
商品或货件运送至错误的运营中心 | 您的商品或货件发送到了与入库计划中指定的运营中心不同的另一个运营中心。 |
商品送达时已残损 | 您的商品在送达运营中心时已残损,且无法添加到可售库存。 |
分布式库存配置问题 - 发送到亚马逊运营中心的商品数量与卖家平台中计划的数量不符。
问题 | 描述 |
收到的商品数量多于预期数量 | 您货件中包含的商品数量超过我们的预期数量。 |
收到的商品数量少于预期数量 | 您的货件中包含的商品数量少于我们的预期。 |
提示: 为避免日后出现这些问题。请查看所有货件,以确保商品数量与您向亚马逊报告的预期数量相同。若此问题未得到解决,可能会导致接收商品出错或延迟。
上报绩效反馈 - 如果在符合货件要求方面反复出现问题,可能会导致亚马逊暂停您创建和修改发往运营中心的货件的权限。
问题 | 描述 |
商品/货件预处理错误 | 您货件中的一件或多件商品不符合我们的包装和预处理要求或运输和路线安排要求。要恢复您的货件创建和修改权限,您可能需要与我们的运营团队先预约进行电话沟通。 |
提示: 也请确保您的供应商和承运人了解并遵守亚马逊物流要求。这将确保运营中心高效、准确地接收和储存您的库存。
重要: 如果由于本页面上详细描述的任何问题导致您的库存接收出现问题,我们将执行计划外服务(费用由您承担)以处理您的商品并将其放入可售库存中。
绩效测评单位 | 问题是属于商品级别、包装箱级别还是货件级别 |
问题组 | 我们将相似的问题分组。例如:
问题发生率计算和指导级别升级均基于问题组。 |
问题类型 | 对货件中发现的任何问题的详细描述 |
指导级别 | 特定问题组的指导级别:标准、提升或重要。 |
问题商品数量 | 具有已发现问题类型的商品的数量 |
入库问题提醒总数 | 按问题类型划分的绩效提醒数量 |
计划外服务费用总额 | 按问题类型收取的计划外服务费用 |
货件问题详情 | 具体货件级别的问题详情 |
问题组: 安全问题 - 箱子相关
注意: 请观看我们的视频,了解如何避免这些问题: 货件安全要求。
问题类型 | 问题描述 | 如何避免该问题 |
货件箱超重 | 您的货件中的一个或多个箱子超出了最大重量限制。 | 将箱子发往运营中心之前,请先进行称重。箱子不得超过 50 磅的标准重量限制,除非内含单件重量超过 50 磅的大件商品。内含珠宝首饰或钟表的箱子不得超过 40 磅。 对于单个大件商品,请务必在箱子顶部和侧面贴上以下标签中的一个:
有关更多信息,请参阅运输和路线安排要求 |
货件箱过大 | 您的货件中的一个或多个箱子超出了最大尺寸限制。 | 将箱子发往运营中心之前,请先进行测量。
*标准尺寸商品包括所有包装后重量不超过 20 磅,最长边不超过 18 英寸,次长边不超过 14 英寸,最短边不超过 8 英寸的商品。 有关更多信息,请参阅:
问题组: 安全问题 - 商品相关
问题类型 | 问题描述 | 如何避免该问题 |
电子商品危害 | 您货件中的一个或多个商品为未正确包装的电子产品。 | 妥善包装电池和硬盘,以防出现电击、短路和火花。
尖锐商品危害 | 您的货件中的一个或多个商品包含包装不当的尖锐商品。 | 尖锐商品必须妥善包装,使锋利或带尖的边缘在配送过程中不会暴露出来。
易外溢商品危害 | 您货件中的一件或多件商品可能外溢。其中包括:
| 会外溢的商品可能会在配送过程中或储存时造成残损。
有关更多信息,请参阅 包装液体、乳膏、凝胶和乳霜。
有关更多信息(包括操作视频),包装和预处理要求中的“散装商品”部分。 |
问题组: 安全问题 - 托拍相关
问题类型 | 问题描述 | 如何避免该问题 |
托拍状况不合格 | 无法正确卸载和接收托拍。 | 堆叠
有关更多信息,包括有关创建托拍的操作视频,请参阅有关汽运零担、整车运输和整箱装载货件的卖家要求 |
问题组: 计划外预处理 - 箱子相关
问题类型 | 问题描述 | 如何避免该问题 |
包装材料(填充物)不当 | 您货件中的一个或多个箱子包含不可接受的包装材料。 | 请务必使用合适的填充物,以便我们可以快速接收您的商品,并保护我们的员工免受伤害。 禁止使用以下包装材料:
有关更多信息,请参阅运输和路线安排要求的“包装材料”部分。 |
问题组: 标签缺失 - 箱子相关
问题类型 | 问题描述 | 如何避免该问题 |
包装箱上没有货件编号或货件编号无法扫描 | 您货件中的一个或多个箱子上未贴有亚马逊物流货件编号标签或者标签无法扫描。 | 您发往运营中心的每个箱子都必须贴有货件编号标签。在发送货件之前,请确保标签未被覆盖、完全可见且可扫描。标签要求
有关更多信息,请参阅向亚马逊发/补货。 |
Inbound Performance Summary
The Inbound Performance Summary provides an overview of problems identified with shipments to Amazon fulfillment centers. To see specific shipment-level details, go to the Inbound Performance report.
Field definitions
Problem The type of problem identified with your shipment to the fulfillment center Problem SKUs The number of products that had problems Problem units The number of units with the identified problem type Total units received The total number of units received during the time period Percent of units received The percentage of units received with the identified problem type
Prep required - One or more of the products in your shipment did not meet the preparation requirements for Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). If your product has one or more of the problems below, Amazon will need to prep it so it can be received at the fulfillment center and placed in your sellable inventory.
Problem Description Poly bagging required The unit was not bagged and required bagging to protect it from dust and damage. Bubble wrap required The unit was not bubble wrapped and required bubble wrap to protect it from damage. Opaque bagging The unit is an adult product and required opaque bagging. Taping required The unit required taping. Products that have loose parts should be taped so the parts are not lost during the fulfillment process. Unsealed poly bags and bubble wrap must be taped to keep the product from falling out. Suffocation warning missing The unit was in a poly bag with an opening larger than 5 inches and did not include a suffocation warning.
Safety/packaging issues - Specific safety or packaging problems were identified when your product arrived at the fulfillment center.
Problem Description Shipping box oversized One or more of the boxes in your shipment exceeded the maximum size allowed. See the "Box dimensions" section of Shipping and routing requirements. Shipping box overweight One or more of the boxes in your shipment exceeded the maximum weight allowed. See the "Box weight" section of Shipping and routing requirements. Unacceptable pallet condition Your pallet shipment did not meet our requirements for truckload shipments. Sharp products hazard One or more of the items in your shipment was a sharp product that did not meet our requirements for packaging sharp units. Spilled products hazard One or more of the items in your shipment contained a spillable product that did not meet our requirements for packaging liquids, pastes, gels, and creams. Improper dunnage (packing materials) One or more of the boxes in your shipment included improper packing materials. See the "Packing materials" section of Shipping and routing requirements. Electrical products hazard One or more of the products in your shipment was an electrical product without proper packaging. Shipment ID was not included on shipping box(es) One or more of the boxes in your shipment did not have an FBA shipment ID label. Each box you send to a fulfillment center must have a shipment ID label.
Catalog issues - The product listing did not meet our catalog requirements.
Problem Description Product title change required Your product title did not meet the FBA product title requirements or did not match the product label.
Unit quantity - The number of items you sent to the fulfillment center was different than what you listed in your shipping plan.
Problem Description Unexpected item found One or more of the items in your shipment were not listed in your shipping plan. Additional quantities encountered Your shipment contained more units than you listed in your shipping plan. Product or shipment sent to the wrong fulfillment center Your product or shipment was sent to a different fulfillment center than what was specified in your shipping plan. Product damaged upon arrival Your product arrived damaged at the fulfillment center and could not be received into your sellable inventory.
Distributed inventory placement issues - A quantity other than what was planned in Seller Central has arrived at the fulfillment center.
Problem Description More items received than expected Your shipment contained more items than we expected. Fewer items received than expected Your shipment contained fewer items than we expected. Tip: To avoid these problems in the future, review all shipments to make sure the number of units is the same as the expected quantity you reported to Amazon. Failure to address this problem can cause errors or delays in receiving your products.
Escalated performance feedback - Repeated problems complying with shipment requirements may cause Amazon to suspend your ability to create and modify shipments to fulfillment centers.
Problem Description Unit/shipment preparation errors One or more of the units in your shipment did not meet our Packaging and prep requirements or Shipping and routing requirements. Amazon may require you to schedule a phone call with our operations team before we can reinstate your shipment creation and modification privileges. Tip: Make sure your suppliers and carriers understand and comply with FBA requirements, too. That will enable efficient and accurate receipt and storage of your inventory at the fulfillment center.
Important: When there are problems receiving your inventory because of any of the problems detailed on this page, we perform unplanned services — at your cost — to process your products and place them in your sellable inventory.
We provide shipment-level details of any problems with your shipments in the following Seller Central locations:
Shipping Queue
Inbound Performance Summary
Inbound Performance report
Additional coaching or product prep requires resources. For repeated problems in the same problem group, Amazon will escalate your coaching level (Standard, Elevated, Critical). For details about coaching level escalations and their corresponding corrective actions by problem type, visit Performance coaching.
Field definitions and examples
Performance measurement unit Whether the problem occurred at the unit, box, or shipment level Problem group We group similar problems. For example:
Safety issues - box related
Label missing - box related
Problem rate calculation and coaching level escalations are based on the problem group.
Problem type Detailed description of any problem identified with your shipment
Coaching level The coaching level for a particular problem group: standard, elevated, or critical. Problem units The number of units with the identified problem type Total inbound performance alerts The number of performance alerts by problem type Total unplanned service fees Unplanned service fees charged by problem type Shipment problem details Specific shipment-level details of the problem
Problem group: Safety issues - box related
Note: Watch our video on how to avoid these problems: Shipment safety requirements.
Problem type Problem description How to avoid the problem Shipping box overweight One or more of the boxes in your shipment exceeds the maximum weight allowed. Weigh your boxes before sending them to a fulfillment center. Boxes must not exceed the standard weight limit of 50 lb, unless they contain one single oversized item that exceeds 50 lb. Boxes containing jewelry or watches must not exceed 40 lb.
For single oversized items, be sure to attach one of the following labels on the top and sides of the box:
Team Lift: for boxes that exceed 50 lb
Mechanical Lift: for boxes that exceed 100 lb
For more information, see Shipping and routing requirements
Shipping box oversized One or more of the boxes in your shipment exceeds the maximum dimensions allowed. Measure your boxes before sending them to a fulfillment center.
Boxes containing multiple standard-size units* should not exceed 25 inches on any side.
UPS allowances for larger box dimensions and weight do not apply to boxes containing multiple standard-size* FBA units.
*Standard-size includes any packaged item that weighs 20 lb or less, has dimensions of 18 inches or less on its longest side, 14 inches or less on its median side, 8 inches or less on its shortest side.
For more information, see:
Shipping and routing requirements
Product size tiers
Problem group: Safety issues - product related
Problem type Problem description How to avoid the problem Electrical products hazard One or more of the products in your shipment was an electrical product without proper packaging. Package batteries and hard drives to prevent shocks, shorts, and sparks.
Batteries must be packaged so their terminals do not touch during any part of the fulfillment process. Unprotected battery terminals can lead to shorts or sparks.
Hard drives must be packed in anti-static packaging to prevent shorts or static shock.
For more information, see
Dangerous goods identification guide
Packaging batteries
Requirements for lithium batteries and products that are shipped with lithium batteries
Sharp products hazard One or more of the products in your shipment was an incorrectly packaged sharp item. Sharp items must be packaged so sharp edges or points will not become exposed during the fulfillment process.
Sharp items such as blades must be covered to prevent them from injuring customers or fulfillment center associates.
Fragile items must either be packaged in a box that has six solid sides or completely secured in bubble wrap.
For more information and how-to videos, see:
Packaging sharp units
Packaging glass ceramic breakable and fragile units
Spilled products hazard One or more of the products in your shipment was an item that can spill. These include:
loose products
Products that can spill may cause damage during shipping and when stored.
Liquids: Products containing liquids without a double seal, including viscous products such as honey, must be packaged securely to prevent the product from spilling.
For more information, see Packaging liquids, paste, gels, and creams.
Dry goods:: All items containing dry goods such as pellets, powders, or granular substances must be able to withstand a 3-foot drop test without the contents of the container leaking or spilling. Products that cannot withstand the drop test must be packaged in poly bags.
For drop-test instructions and additional information, see Packaging pellets, powders, and granular products.
Loose products: Items contained in loose packaging such as sleeves, pouches, or unsecured bags or boxes may be separated during the fulfillment process. These items must be bagged or secured with a non-adhesive band or removable tape.
For more information, including a how-to video, see the "Loose products" section of Packaging and prep requirements.
Problem group: Safety issues - pallet related
Problem type Problem description How to avoid the problem Unacceptable pallet condition Pallets cannot be properly unloaded and received. Stacking
Place heavier boxes on the bottom so they do not damage boxes containing lighter products beneath them.
Stacked pallets should be able to stand on their own without support.
Weights and dimensions
Single pallets must not be taller than 72 inches, including the height of the pallet, unless it is a single unit.
Use 40 x 48 inch, four-way access, wooden pallets that are in good condition.
The contents must not overhang the pallet edge by more than 1 inch.
Total weight of the pallet must not exceed 1,500 lb.
Packaging and labeling
All pallets must be wrapped in plastic with a "do not break stretch wrap" or "do not break down" notification to the carrier.
Each box on the pallet must have an FBA box ID label.
Each wrapped pallet must have an FBA pallet label on each of the four sides, in the center and near the top.
For more information, including a how-to video on building pallets, see Seller requirements for LTL, FTL, and FCL deliveries
Problem group: Unplanned prep - box related
Problem type Problem description How to avoid the problem Improper packing materials (dunnage) One or more of the boxes in your shipment contained unacceptable packing materials. Be sure to use appropriate dunnage so we can receive your products quickly and protect our associates from injury. The following packing materials are not allowed:
All types of packing peanuts
Crinkle wrap
Shredded paper
Accepted packing materials include:
Foam sheets or cushioning
Air pillows
Bubble wrap
Full sheets of paper
For more information, see the "Packing materials" section of Shipping and routing requirements.
Problem group: Label missing - box related
Problem type Problem description How to avoid the problem Shipment ID was not included or is unscannable on shipping boxes One or more of the boxes in your shipment did not have an FBA shipment ID label, or the label could not be scanned.
Each box you send to a fulfillment center must have a shipment ID label. Make sure the labels are uncovered, fully visible, and scannable before sending your shipment. Label requirements
Print the full set of labels. Because each label is unique, do not photocopy, reuse, or modify labels for use on additional boxes.
Each box in the shipment must have its own FBA shipment ID label.
We recommend you print the labels from your Shipping Queue. As an alternative, you can create your own labels, but they must match the Amazon Marketplace Web Service shipping label specifications.
If you are shipping multiple case packs in a master box, apply the unique shipment ID label on the master box. You don't need to apply labels to the individual case packs inside the master box.
If your shipment is on pallets, each box on the pallet must have its own shipment ID label.
Label dimensions and placement
Labels must measure 3 1/3 x 4 inches.
Both the FBA shipment ID label and the carrier label (UPS, FedEx, or other) should be placed on a flat surface of the box. Do not place labels on a seam or an opening on the box, or over edges or corners because the labels could be damaged when the box is opened.
Both labels must remain uncovered and fully visible.
For more information, see Send/replenish inventory to Amazon