
移除订单编号、批次编号或 FNSKU


  • 从【管理库存】页面或【建议移除】报告中创建移除订单。请参阅下面的【创建移除订单】部分。

  • 设置自动移除。请参阅自动移除库存。

  • 通过上传库存文件批量移除库存。请参阅批量移除库存。

您要使用哪种方式取决于您希望移除的库存的类型和状况。它们并不相互排斥。 您可以将库存发送至指定的收件人。或者,如果您不想将库存退还给您,可以请求我们在运营中心对其进行回收或弃置。


注意: 当库存不再可售时,亚马逊会通知您按要求移除。但是,我们还会建议移除即将需要支付长期仓储费的库存。


注意: 亚马逊无法向美国地区;邮局、陆军邮局、舰队邮局或分邮局邮箱;或其他运营中心配送移除订单。 移除订单退货不得用于配送买家订单,也不得用作礼品或促销商品。有关更多信息,请参阅移除库存(概览)。


  1. 执行以下操作之一:

    提示: 如果建议移除列表不止一页,请为每个页面创建单独的移除订单。

    • 在管理库存页面,选择您想要移除的商品,然后从【对选定商品执行操作】下拉列表中选择【创建移除订单】。

    • 在建议移除报告中,点击【开始移除程序】。如果未显示【开始移除程序】,则表示您没有建议移除的库存。

    • 在移除不可售库存页面,选择您想要移除的商品,然后从【对选定商品执行操作】下拉列表中选择【创建移除订单】。

    • 在修复无在售信息的亚马逊库存页面,选择您想要移除的商品,然后从【对选定商品执行操作】下拉列表中选择【创建移除订单】。

  2. 在创建移除订单页面的【移除方法】下,选择以下选项之一:

    • 选择【配送地址】,将您的库存退还给指定的收件人,例如您自己的库房、制造商或回收中心。输入您希望将库存运达的地址。

    • 若您希望由运营中心弃置库存,请选择【予以弃置】。

  1. 对于【设置订单编号】,请执行以下操作之一:

    提示: 保存您的移除订单编号以进行追踪。

    • 输入自定义订单编号。

    • 将该字段留空,由系统创建订单编号。

  2. 在【商品详情】下,您将看到所选商品的详细信息。要向此列表添加库存,请在页面底部的【搜索和添加商品】文本框中输入商品名称、MSKU、ASIN 或 FNSKU,然后点击【搜索】。选择您希望移除的商品并点击【添加选定商品】。

  3. 在【要移除的可售商品数量】下,输入要移除的可售商品的数量。此数量不得大于可移除商品的总数量。

  4. 在【要移除的不可售商品数量】下,输入要移除的不可售商品的数量。此数量不得大于可移除商品的总数量。

  1. 在【可售数量】和【不可售数量】下,查看总库存、可移除的总库存和不可移除的总库存。

    注意: 在【不可移除的总库存】下,点击【图例】查看原因代码以及不可移除库存原因的简要描述。

  2. 检查商品详情,确保所列商品是您想要移除的商品。要更改要移除的商品,请点击【添加】或【删除】。

  3. 点击【检查】。

  4. 检查订单编号、移除方法、配送地址以及所选移除商品的详情。

  5. 点击【确认】以完成移除订单。如果您决定不完成移除订单,请点击【取消订单】。


注意: 移除订单中的库存最长可能需要 30 个工作日才能离开亚马逊运营中心。我们的承运人取走您移除的库存后,将联系您指定的收件人安排配送。如果承运人无法安排配送,亚马逊团队工作人员将与您联系,帮助解决问题。




如果状态为【处理中】,您将无法取消订单。在 Prime 会员日、黑色星期五、网购星期一和假日等高峰期,移除订单可能保持“处理中”状态几周。


  1. 在管理订单页面,点击【高级搜索】。

  2. 在【搜索】下拉列表中,选择【订单编号】,输入您的移除订单编号,然后点击【搜索】。

  3. 在【状态】下,确认状态为【计划中】或【待处理】。

  4. 在【操作】下,点击【取消此订单】。

重要: 在收到取消请求之前,您的移除订单可能已经进入【处理中】状态。请稍后再回来查看,以确认订单已取消。






重要: 提交移除订单,即表示您同意在承运人从我们的运营中心取件后的 30 天内通过您指定的配送地址接收该订单中的所有商品。如果您指定的收件人不接受在此时间范围内配送这些商品,我们可能会指示承运人将其弃置。如果发生这种情况,您需要支付弃置费用,但无权获得亚马逊的赔偿。如果配送仍然失败,您将无法针对自己在运营中心的任意库存提交移除订单。该库存将继续产生仓储费,并可能需支付长期仓储费。


移除的商品到达后,请接受配送并记录任何残损情况。我们将根据亚马逊物流丢失和已残损库存赔偿政策对您的已残损商品进行赔偿。根据上述政策,拒收商品的接收期为 30 天。





Remove inventory from a fulfillment center

Report an order issue, request reimbursement or cancel an order.

To have your inventory removed from an Amazon fulfillment center, submit a removal order. You can do this by:

  • Creating a removal order from the Manage Inventory page or the Recommended Removal report. See the Create a removal order section below.

  • Setting up automatic removals. See Remove inventory automatically.

  • Removing inventory in bulk by uploading an inventory file. See Remove inventory in bulk.

Which method you use depends on the type and condition of the inventory you want to remove. They are not mutually exclusive. You can have your inventory sent to a designated recipient. Or, if you don't want to have the inventory returned to you, you can request that we recycle it or dispose of it at the fulfillment center.

Don't use removal orders to send inventory to customers or as gifts. Removal orders are intended to return inventory to your possession, the manufacturer, or a third-party storage provider or re-shipper.

Note: Amazon notifies you of required removals when the inventory is no longer sellable. However, we also make recommendations to remove inventory that would be subject to upcoming long-term storage fees.

Create a removal order (includes disposals)

Note: Amazon cannot ship removal orders to US territories; PO, APO, FPO, or DPO boxes; or other fulfillment centers. Removal order returns cannot be used to fill customer orders or as gifts or promotional items. For more information, see Remove inventory (overview).

Begin creating a removal order from either the Manage Inventory page, Remove Unfulfillable Inventory page, Fix stranded inventory page, or the Recommended Removal report. From the Manage Inventory page, you can select any inventory that you want to remove. The Recommended Removal report includes only inventory that would be subject to upcoming long-term storage fees, while the Fix stranded inventory page includes all inventory in the fulfillment center that does not have a listing offer.

  1. Do one of the following:

    Tip: If the recommended removal list is more than one page, create a separate removal order for each page.

    • On the Manage Inventory page, select the items you want to remove, and then select Create removal order from the Action on selected drop-down list.

    • On the Recommended Removal report, click Begin removal process. If Begin removal process does not appear, you do not have any inventory that we recommend you remove.

    • On the Remove Unfulfillable Inventory page, select the items you want to remove, and then select Create removal order from the Action on selected drop-down list.

    • On the Fix stranded inventory page, select the items you want to remove, and then select Create removal order from the Action on selected drop-down list.

  2. On the Create removal order page, under Method of removal, do one of the following:

    • Select Ship-to address to have your inventory returned to your designated recipient—for example, your own warehouse, the manufacturer, or a recycling center. Enter the address where you want the inventory shipped.

    • Select Dispose of to have your inventory disposed of at the fulfillment center.

  3. For Set order ID, do one of the following:

    Tip: Save your removal order ID for tracking purposes.

    • Enter a custom order ID.

    • Leave the field blank and an order ID will be created.

  4. Under Product details, you will see the details of the selected items. To add inventory to the list, enter a title, MSKU, ASIN, or FNSKU in the Search and add items text box at the bottom of the page and click Search. Select the products you want to remove, and click Add selected.

  5. Under Fulfillable quantity for removal, enter the number of fulfillable units to remove. This quantity cannot be greater than the total quantity available for removal.

  6. Under Unfulfillable quantity for removal, enter the number of unfulfillable units to remove. This quantity cannot be greater than the total quantity available for removal.

  7. Under Fulfillable quantity and Unfulfillable quantity, review the total inventory, total inventory available for removal, and total inventory not available for removal.

    Note: Under Total inventory not available for removal, click Legend to see the reason codes and a brief description of why inventory is not available for removal.

  8. Check the product details to ensure the items listed are the ones you want removed. To change the items to be removed, click Add or Delete.

  9. Click Review.

  10. Review the order ID, method of removal, ship-to address, and the details of the selected items for removal.

  11. Click Confirm to complete the removal order. If you decide not to complete the removal order, click Cancel order.

A pop-up message that reads, “Removal order has been placed” indicates your removal order submission has been successful.

Note: It can take up to 30 business days for inventory in your removal order to leave the fulfillment center. Once our carrier has picked up your removed inventory, it will contact your designated recipient to arrange delivery. If it cannot arrange delivery, an Amazon team member will contact you to help resolve the issue.

We will return all of the units in your removal order that, at the time you submit the order, are physically available for removal and not bound to another transaction—for example, reserved for an existing customer order.

Cancel a removal order

After you have submitted your removal order, you have only a short time during which you can cancel the order. You can cancel the order if it’s in Planning or Pending status. Removal orders usually are in Planning or Pending status for only a few hours.

If the status is Processing, you will not be able to cancel the order. During peak periods such as Prime Day, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the holidays, removal orders can stay in Processing status for several weeks.

To cancel a removal order:

  1. On the Manage Orders page, click Advanced search.

  2. In the Search drop-down list, select Order ID, enter your removal order ID, and click Search.

  3. Under Status, confirm that the status is Planning or Pending.

  4. Under Action, click Cancel this order.

Important: Your removal order may have moved to Processing status before the cancellation request was received. Check back later to confirm that the order was canceled.

Sellers are not able to cancel a removal order for a required removal. For more information, see Required removals.

Ensure successful delivery

If your removed inventory will be shipped to a third party, make sure that it recognizes your business name, knows to expect your shipment, and is ready to receive all pallets or boxes at one time.

Make sure the phone number you provide in the removal order is accurate. Our carriers will call that number to schedule a delivery time.

If your designated recipient is the manufacturer, Amazon will not reimburse you for any items the manufacturer does not buy back.

Important: By submitting a removal order, you agree to receive all units in that order at your designated ship-to address within 30 days after our carrier picks them up from our facilities. If your designated recipient does not accept delivery of these units within this time frame, we may instruct the carrier to dispose of them. If that occurs, you would pay for the disposal costs and would not be entitled to a reimbursement from Amazon. If delivery failures persist, you could lose the ability to submit removal orders for any of your inventory in fulfillment centers. That inventory would continue to accrue storage fees and could be subject to long-term storage fees.

Damaged or incorrect items

When your removed units arrive, accept delivery and document any damage. We will reimburse you for damaged units in accordance with the FBA lost and damaged inventory reimbursement policy. Refused units are subject to the 30-day receiving period described above.

To claim a reimbursement for a unit, you must provide evidence of the damage to that unit. “Example” images—that is, images of other units—are not acceptable, nor are wide-angle group images.

Likewise, if your shipment contains items that do not belong to you, accept delivery and document the items you received before contacting us.

Providing full, clear pictures of damaged or incorrect items will help our investigation team resolve the issue more quickly.

