亚马逊手工艺品市场: 使用库存模板上传商品和常见问题



  • 【变体】: 手工艺品不支持父项商品与子项商品关联的变体关系。包含变体数据的列不适用于手工艺品专用的库存文件模板。

  • 全球贸易项目代码 (“GTIN”)】: 由于在手工艺品分类中发布的所有商品均为新品,因此手工艺品商品不需要提供诸如 UPC、EAN、JAN 或 ISBN 这样的全球贸易项目代码。


  • 【“示例”选项卡】: “示例”选项卡并不适用于手工艺品 ASIN。对于手工艺品商品,请忽略此选项卡。

使用库存模板发布手工艺品 ASIN

  1. 导航至批量上传商品

  2. 【步骤 1: 选择您想要销售的商品类型】 - 您有两种选择。

    注意: 无论手工艺品分类如何,手艺人均可在其库存模板中选择多个分类。我们对生成包含如下分类的模板不做限制:手工艺品内的子分类(例如“手工艺品”->“家居及厨房用品”)和手工艺品之外的一般亚马逊分类(例如“个护健康”)。如果您仅发布手工艺品商品,请确保选择手工艺品商品内的子分类。

    • 使用搜索工具确定您想要发布的商品分类、子分类和类型(在商品分类工具中选择“手工艺品”作为第一个选项,可显示手工艺品特定子分类)

    • 使用商品分类工具手动缩小到您要发布的商品类型,直至您可以选择点击【选择】。

  1. 【步骤 2: 选择模板类型】 - 我们建议您生成自定义模板并使用【全部添加】功能,因为它包含所有手工艺品属性。

  2. 点击【生成模板】并打开 Excel 文件。请记住,【变体】属性组与手工艺品无关,不会对手工艺品特有的模板产生影响。

  3. 选择【模板】选项卡,您可在此处找到顶行的各种属性以及供您填写的字段。有关填写模板的更多信息,请参阅如何填写模板?。


  1. 导航回批量上传商品,然后选择【检查和上传您的库存文件】选项卡。

  2. 【步骤 1: 检查您的文件】 - 在亚马逊目录中创建商品信息之前,您可以在这里验证您的库存文件模板。有关使用此功能的更多信息,请参阅使用“检查库存文件”。

  3. 【步骤 2: 上传文件】 - 验证文件没有问题后,您现在可以上传它。

    注意: 商品上传后,您可以随时导航至补全商品信息草稿(在“目录”下),查找存在细微错误妨碍商品信息发布的商品。这可以让您更正商品信息中的错误,而无需完整地重新发布商品。

    • 文件类型: 选择【非媒介类商品的库存文件】

    • 文件上传: 浏览至您在电脑上保存模板的位置

    • 邮件提醒: 此字段为选填字段。但是,输入您的电子邮件地址后,亚马逊便可在完成文件上传时提醒您,并提供处理过程中可能发生的任何错误一览以及完整报告的链接。

【管理您的库存】和手工艺品 1x1 发布工具中均显示了已上传的 ASIN。如果您的 ASIN 的数量大于或等于“1”,则只要显示在卖家平台中,它们就立即可供买家购买。如果您打算提供定制商品,则需要将数量设置为“0”,这样您便可以先设置定制商品,然后在手工艺品店铺中提供这些定制商品。

注意: 图片可能不会立即显示在卖家平台中,可能需要一些时间才能显示在商品详情页面上。


您不能通过库存模板添加定制商品。通过导航到手工艺品 1x1 发布工具上传模板之后,使用库存文件模板上传 ASIN 的手艺人就可以向具体的 ASIN 添加定制商品。

在卖家平台中经过处理之后,【数量】大于 0 的 ASIN 就可供买家购买。如果您通过库存模板添加可定制的 ASIN,请使用手工艺品 1x1 发布工具将相关 SKU 的“数量”设为 “0”,之后就可添加定制商品。

对现有 SKU 执行完整更新会将其完全替换为更新后的 SKU。这包括删除与该 SKU 关联的所有定制数据。



编辑现有 ASIN

您可以通过使用批量上传商品工具编辑手工艺品 ASIN。请按照上述步骤下载新的库存文件模板,填写相应的编辑内容,然后将新的库存文件上传至卖家平台。

【update_delete】 属性为手艺人提供了三种选项来按 SKU 更新库存模板中的现有 ASIN: 【删除】、【部分更新】或【更新(完整)】。

  • 【删除】: 移除选定的 SKU。

  • 【部分更新】: 仅更改输入了数据的 SKU 属性单元格。

  • 【更新(完整)】: 覆盖所有现有的 SKU 属性。如果属性单元格留空,则选择“更新(完整)”选项将删除这些属性。执行“更新(完整)”操作也将从现有的 SKU 中删除定制商品。只有对库存模板功能富有经验的用户才能执行“更新(完整)”操作。

在手工艺品库存模板中,输入您要更新的商品的相关 SKU。在之前提到的 【update_delete】 属性下选择相应的选项,然后输入您想要调整的值。输入所有相关信息后,上传模板,等待系统执行操作,最多 15 分钟后更改便会显示在您的商品信息中。



  1. 在卖家平台中,将鼠标悬停在库存上,然后从下拉选项中选择“库存报告”。

  2. 为要编辑的商品选择最符合需求的库存报告类型。

  3. 点击黄色的“请求报告”按钮,生成一个 .txt 文件。您可以选择所有信息,然后将其复制并粘贴到 Excel 文件中。



如果您希望批量创建或编辑手工艺品商品信息,而不是使用“1x1 添加新商品”工具,则应使用库存文件上传。





  • 在对现有的 SKU 执行【更新(完整)】时:

    • 从 【customizable_template_name】 下拉菜单中选择 【GuildCustomization】 值。这将在执行“更新(完整)”时保留现有的定制内容

  • 如果您执行计划外的【更新(完整)】: 此属性将重新启用任何已删除的定制内容。

    • 输入受影响的 SKU 或使用现有模板。

    • 在 【update_delete】 属性下选择 【PartialUpdate】 值。

    • 从 【customizable_template_name】 下拉菜单中选择 【GuildCustomization】 值。

    • 上传库存模板文件。


【商品类型 (feed_product_type)】 属性可确定发布商品所属的分类。手工艺品商品类型以同业协会的形式发布:

  • 配件同业协会

  • 母婴同业协会

  • 美容及个人护理同业协会

  • 家居同业协会

  • 珠宝同业协会

  • 宠物用品同业协会

  • 玩具和游戏同业协会



完成所有必需的步骤后,在卖家平台经过处理的商品就可供买家购买。如果您不希望您的商品立即可供购买,请将商品数量设置为 0。


“精简”选项包含与所选商品关联的“必填”属性。“必填”属性是在亚马逊目录中创建商品时至少要提供的值(例如“商品 sku”)。




可以。例如,如果您在 Etsy 上发布了商品,则可以将某些商品详情转移到您的亚马逊库存文件模板。有关更多信息,请参阅从 Etsy 转移商品详情。


Amazon Handmade: Using Inventory Templates to upload products & FAQ

You can use Inventory Template files to list Handmade items in bulk. Handmade has a unique listing process that differs from other Amazon categories, so there are some differences to keep in mind.

Listing Attributes

  • Variations: Handmade does not support variation relationships where parent products are linked with child products. Columns containing variation data are not available for Handmade-specific inventory file templates.

  • Global Trade Item Numbers (“GTIN”): Because all products listed in Handmade are new, unique listings, Global Trade Item Numbers such as UPC, EAN, JAN or ISBN are not required for Handmade products.

Amazon Template Instructions

  • Example tab: The Example tab does not apply to Handmade ASINs. Disregard this tab for Handmade listings.

List Handmade ASINs using Inventory Templates

  1. Navigate to Add Products via Upload

  2. Step 1: SELECT THE TYPES OF PRODUCTS YOU WANT TO SELL - you have two options for selection.

    Note: Makers can select multiple classifications in their inventory templates regardless of the Handmade category. There is no restriction on generating a template that contains sub-categories within Handmade (such as Handmade -> Home & Kitchen) and general Amazon categories outside of Handmade (such as Health & Personal Care). Make sure that you select a sub-category within Handmade Products if you are only listing Handmade products.

    • Use the Search tool to identify the category, sub-category, and type of product you wish to list (Select “Handmade Products” as your first option in the Product Classifier to display Handmade-specific subcategories)

    • Use the Product Classifier and manually narrow down to the type of products that you will be listing until you have an option to click Select.

  1. Step 2: SELECT THE TYPE OF TEMPLATE - we recommend that you generate a Custom template and use the Add all function, as it includes all Handmade attributes.

  2. Click Generate Template and open the Excel file. Remember that the Variation attribute group is irrelevant for Handmade and will not have any effect in Handmade-specific templates.

  3. Select the Template tab, where you will find the various attributes across the top row, and a field for you to fill in. For more information on filling out your template, see How do I fill Out a Template?.

    Once you have filled in the template and saved it to your computer locally, you are now ready to check your file and upload it.

  1. Navigate back to Add Products via Upload and select the Check and Upload your Inventory File tab.

  2. Step 1: CHECK YOUR FILE – Here you have the opportunity to validate your Inventory File template before creating your listings in the Amazon catalog. For more information on using this feature, see Use Check My File.

  3. Step 2: UPLOAD FILE – After verifying that there are no issues with your file, you can now upload it.

    Note: Once your items have been uploaded, you can always navigate to Complete Your Drafts (under Catalog) for listings that have minor errors which prevent listing publication. This will allow you to correct listing errors without re-listing the item in full.

    • File Type: Select Inventory Files for non-Media Categories

    • File Upload: Browse to where you saved your template on your computer

    • Email Alert: This is an optional field. However, entering your email address will then allow Amazon to alert you when your file upload is complete and a summary of any errors that may have occurred during processing, along with a link to your full report.

Uploaded ASINs are available in Manage Your Inventory and the Handmade 1x1 listing tool. If the quantity for your ASINs is greater than or equal to “1”, they are immediately buyable once they display in Seller Central. If your intent is to offer customizations, you will set the quantity to “0”, which will enable you to set up the customizations first before it is available in the Handmade store.

Note: Images may not immediately display in Seller Central and may also take additional time to display on the product detail page.


You cannot add Customizations via inventory templates. Makers uploading ASINs with an inventory file template can add Customizations to specific ASINs after uploading the template by navigating to the Handmade 1x1 listing tool.

ASINs with a Quantity that is greater than 0 are buyable once they are processed within Seller Central. If you are adding Customizable ASINs via inventory templates, set the Quantity to “0” for the relevant SKU and add Customizations afterwards using the Handmade 1x1 listing tool.

Performing a full Update on an existing SKU will completely replace it with the updated SKU. This includes deleting all Customization data associated with that SKU.

Handmade Apparel and Shoes Categories

Due to required customizations built into the listing process for these categories, the Handmade Apparel and Shoes categories are not currently available in inventory templates.

Edit Existing ASINs

You can edit your Handmade ASINs by using the Add Products via Upload tool. Follow the steps above to download a new Inventory File template, fill it out with the appropriate edits, and upload the new Inventory file to Seller Central.

Here, the update_delete attribute offers three options for Makers to update existing ASINs by SKU in inventory templates: Delete, PartialUpdate, or Update (full).

  • Delete: Removes the selected SKUs.

  • PartialUpdate: Changes only SKU attribute cells where data is entered.

  • Update (full): Overwrites all existing SKU attributes. If an attribute cell is left blank, selecting Update (full) will delete those attributes. Performing an Update (full) will also delete Customizations from existing SKUs. Only users experienced with inventory template functionality should perform an Update (full).

On the Handmade Inventory template, enter the relevant SKU for the product you want to update. Select the appropriate option under the previously mentioned update_delete attribute and enter the value you want to adjust. Once you have entered all relevant information, upload the template and allow the system up to 15 minutes for changes to display to your listings.

Downloading current Inventory information

To facilitate access to the current product information, you have the option to generate a Report with your Inventory details, which you can then copy and paste to the Handmade Inventory template you will be using to edit the listings. To generate this report:

  1. In Seller Central, hover over Inventory and choose “Inventory Reports” from the drop-down options.

  2. Select the type of Inventory report that best meets your needs for the items you want to edit.

  3. Click on the yellow “Request Report” button for a .txt file to generate. You can select all of the information and copy it and paste it on an Excel file.


Why should I use the Inventory File Upload?

You should use the Inventory File Upload when you want to create or edit Handmade listings in bulk instead of using the 1x1 Add a Product tool.

Is this available for all Handmade categories?

You can use the Inventory File Upload feature for all categories, except the Handmade Apparel and Shoes categories. These are currently unavailable.

What is the “customizable_template_name” attribute?

This attribute should only be used in the following situations:

  • When performing an Update (full) on an existing SKU:

    • Select the GuildCustomization value from thecustomizable_template_name drop-down. This will preserve your existing customizations when performing an Update (full)

  • If you perform an unintended Update (full): This attribute will re-enable any deleted Customizations.

    • Enter the affected SKUs or use the existing template.

    • Select PartialUpdate under theupdate_delete attribute.

    • Select the GuildCustomization value from the customizable_template_name drop-down.

    • Upload the inventory template file.

How do I tell from the template if I am listing in Handmade?

The attribute Product Type (feed_product_type) determines the category in which you are listing. Handmade Product Types are listed as guilds:

  • guildaccessories

  • guildbaby

  • guildbeautygrooming

  • guildhome

  • guildjewelry

  • guildpetsupplies

  • guildtoysandgames

You can tell that the subcategory chosen is within Handmade if Valid Values under the Summary of your selected products in Add Products via Upload starts with ‘handmade’; for example – handmade-engagement-rings.

Are products buyable once uploaded?

Once you have completed all the steps required, your items will be ready for purchase immediately once processed within Seller Central. If you do not want your products to be available immediately, set your Quantity to 0.

What are Lite, Advanced, or Custom templates?

The Lite option contains “Required” attributes associated with the selected products. “Required” attributes are the minimum values necessary to create your product in the Amazon catalog (for example, item_sku).

The Advanced option contains all attributes groups associated with the selected products. This option includes “Required”, “Preferred”, and “Optional” attribute groups.

The Custom option allows you to choose attribute groups associated with the selected products that you can add to your template. This option includes the “Required” attribute fields.

Can I transfer information from my other websites?

Yes. If you have products listed on Etsy, for example, you can transfer some product details onto your Amazon Inventory File Template. For more information, see Transfer Product Details from Etsy.

