


  • 商品名称
  • 图片
  • 要点
  • 描述
  • 商品变体(如尺寸或颜色)
  • 买家评论




注意: 如果您是新注册的卖家,那么注册之后可能需要等待 90 分钟或更长的时间,才能在亚马逊上发布商品进行销售。





  • 为商品添加 UPC、EAN 和 ISBN
  • 如何发布没有全球贸易项目代码(UPC、EAN、JAN 或 ISBN)的商品
  • ASIN 创建政策
  • 改善商品信息
  • 申请全球贸易项目代码豁免





重要: 单击【我要开店】后,请查看 Amazon Services 卖家平台页面上提供的所有限制。如果您发现自己未获得添加此商品的批准,请单击【了解更多】链接。





您的报价将于 15 分钟内显示在亚马逊和您的卖家平台库存中。在亚马逊系统负载最大的情况下,报价信息最多可能需要 24 小时才会显示,商品信息最多可能需要 48 小时才会显示。








注意: 如果搜索商品编码(如 UPC、EAN、JAN 或 ISBN),可获得更准确的搜索结果。





重要: 单击【销售此商品】后,请查看 Amazon Services 卖家平台页面上提供的所有限制。如果您发现自己未获得添加此商品的批准,请单击【了解更多】链接。















      • 搜索您商品的类别,然后选择【查找类别】按钮 。
      • 通过浏览“所有产品分类”找到您要销售的商品所对应的分类,然后单击【选择】按钮。准确选择您的分类可以帮助买家更轻松地找到商品。



注意: 您可以选择“高级视图”选项输入有关商品的其他信息。





Product detail pages and offers

A product detail page is where a customer discovers a unique product sold on Amazon. It can include one or more offers from sellers or from Amazon.

This page is a shared space that displays attributes that are common to all offers for the product, such as the following:

  • Title
  • Image
  • Bullet points
  • Description
  • Product variations (such as size or color)
  • Customer reviews


Some categories have additional product detail attributes. For example in Electronics, cameras have attributes such as optical zoom and max resolution that wouldn't be required for other product categories.

You and other sellers can list an offer on a product detail page. You create and control your own offer for a product, including price, shipping options, condition, and other attributes. If a product doesn't exist on Amazon, you can submit a request for a new product listing and Amazon will create a new product detail page. Amazon chooses what information to include on the product detail page based on manufacturer and seller contributions. For more information, see the Get to know the product detail page.

Note: For a newly registered seller, it might take 90 minutes or more after registering in order to list products for sale on Amazon.


Tour the product detail page

​Learn about the product detail page including how to list items and create variations. From the Inventory drop-down menu, select Add a Product. On the Add a Product page, begin by finding your products in Amazon’s catalog by using the search field.

See the following links below for additional information on product detail pages and adding products to your listing:

  • Adding UPCs, EANs, and ISBNs for your products
  • How to list products that do not have a GTIN (UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN)
  • ASIN creation policy
  • Enhance your listings
  • Apply for GTIN exemption


Use the product detail page to add a product offer

You can list an offer for a product directly from its product detail page on the Amazon website.

1、Search the Amazon website for a product you want to sell.


2、Click the Sell on Amazon button on the product detail page.

Important: After clicking Sell on Amazon, review any restrictions provided on the Amazon Services Seller Central page. If you see that you are not approved to add this product, click the Learn More link.


3、If you are approved to sell the product, click Go to your Account.


4、Add your offer details by entering your price, quantity, and condition.


5、Save your updates.


Your offer will show up on Amazon and in your Seller Central inventory within 15 minutes. In case of maximum load on Amazon systems, it can take up to 24 hours for offer information and 48 hours for product information.

Use Seller Central to add a product offer

Use the Inventory tools in Seller Central to search for a product that already has a product detail page for adding your offer.

If you have a Professional Selling Plan, you can download an inventory template file that will help you upload a large number of product offers in bulk. From the Inventory drop-down menu, select Add Products via Upload to get started.

If you have a small number of products to offer or if you do not have a Professional Selling Plan, you can use the method described below to add products one at a time.

1、From the Inventory drop-down menu, select Add a Product.


2、Search for the product you want to sell on Amazon within the List a new product section.

Note: Results are more accurate if you search for a product identifier such as a UPC, EAN, JAN, or an ISBN.


3、In the search results, see all product details next to the product you want to add in your listing.


4、Click the Sell this product button for the product you want to list.

Important: After clicking Sell this Product, review any restrictions provided on the Amazon Services Seller Central page. If you see that you are not approved to add this product, click the Learn More link.


5、If you are approved to add the product, you will be directed to the Offer page.


6、Add your offer details, including price, quantity, condition, and shipping options.


7、Save your changes.


Add products to the Amazon catalog

If you can't find a product on Amazon, you can submit product information so Amazon can create a new product detail page. Detail pages are shared with other sellers who can offer the same product.

1、From the Inventory drop-down menu, select Add a Product.


2、Click on Create a new product listing within the List a new product section.


3、You can choose one of the following options to create a new product listing:

      • Search for your product’s category and select the Find category button.
      • Browse the All Product Categories option for the category that matches the product you want to sell and click the Select button. Choosing your category accurately can help buyers find products more easily.


4、Enter the required information, which will be highlighted in red across the tabs within the workflow.

Note: You can select the Advanced View option to enter additional information about your product.


5、Once you enter the required information in the tabs provided, you can click Save and finish.

