Epson TM-m30II(蓝牙)收据打印机

型号:TM-m30II USB/ETH/BT (C31CJ27212)


若要在您的 Shopify 商店中使用此硬件,您需要满足以下要求:

  • 使用 Shopify POS 应用

  • 具有运行 iOS 12.2 的兼容 iPad 或 iPhone

可在何处购买 Epson TM-m30II 收据打印机

Shopify 硬件商店面向德国、荷兰、丹麦、比利时、西班牙、澳大利亚和新西兰的商家提供 Epson TM-m30II 收据打印机。

其他国家/地区的 Shopify 商家可以使用 Shopson TM-m30II 收据打印机,但不能通过 Shopify 硬件商店购买。


Shopify 硬件商店为位于德国、荷兰、丹麦、比利时、西班牙、澳大利亚和新西兰的商家提供 Epson TM-m30II 收据打印机纸张。


插入您的 Epson TM-m30II 收据打印机

您需要先将 Epson TM-m30II 手机打印机连接到电源,然后才能使用该收据打印机。


  1. 卸下打印机背面的面板。

  2. 将电源电缆的一端插入收据打印机的背面。

  3. 将电缆的另一端插入电源插座,然后打开打印机。


将 Epson TM-m30II 收据打印机与 POS 设备配对并连接

若要将 Epson TM-m30II 收据打印机与 Shopify POS 配合使用,需要通过 Shopify POS 将读卡器与设备配对。在打印机与设备配对后,只要两者都已开机并且位于可连接范围内,打印机就会自动连接到设备。


  1. 将打印机连接到电源。

  2. 在 Shopify POS 应用中,轻触  按钮,然后轻触设置

  3. 点击设置硬件

  4. 轻触收据打印机 > Epson > 蓝牙

  5. 选择 Epson TM-m30II

  6. 依次轻触连接完成

  7. 确认打印机在收据打印机下显示为“已连接”。


  • 将其设置为默认打印机(可选)

  • 打印测试收据

  • 测试与现金抽屉的连接(如果适用)。

ERROR 指示器呈红色闪烁

这是由打印机中没有纸张所致。打开打印机,更换纸张,然后合上盖子。此时,ERROR 指示器应会停止闪烁,READY 指示器应会亮起。



如果您尝试使收据窄于指定的 3 英寸宽度,请确保使用提供的分隔线。请勿将纸张折叠送入打印机。




Epson TM-m30II (Bluetooth) receipt printer

Model number: TM-m30II USB/ETH/BT (C31CJ27212)


To use this hardware with your Shopify store, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • use the Shopify POS app

  • have a compatible iPad or iPhone that is running iOS 12.2

Where to buy the Epson TM-m30II receipt printer

The Epson TM-m30II receipt printer is available from the Shopify Hardware Store for merchants in Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Spain,Australia and New Zealand.

Shopify merchants in other countries can use the Epson TM-m30II receipt printer, but it is not sold through the Shopify hardware store.

Buy printer paper

The Epson TM-m30II receipt printer paper is available from the Shopify Hardware Store for merchants in Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Spain,Australia and New Zealand.

For thermal roll paper specifications and an explanation of how to load the receipt printer, see the guide in the manufacturer's hardware manual.

Plug in your Epson TM-m30II receipt printer

Before you can use the Epson TM-m30II receipt printer, you need to connect your printer to the power supply.


  1. Remove the panel on the back of the printer.

  2. Plug one end of the power cable into the back of your receipt printer.

  3. Plug the other end of the cable into a power outlet and turn on the printer.

If the paper is loaded, then a diagnostic report prints.

Pair and connect the Epson TM-m30II receipt printer with your POS device

To use the Epson TM-m30II receipt printer with Shopify POS, you need to pair the reader with your device through Shopify POS. After the printer and device are paired, the printer connects to the device automatically whenever both are powered on and in range.


  1. Connect your printer to the power supply.

  2. In the Shopify POS app, tap the  button and then tap Settings.

  3. Tap Set up hardware.

  4. Tap Receipt printer > Epson > Bluetooth.

  5. Select Epson TM-m30II.

  6. Tap Connect and then Done.

  7. Confirm that your printer shows up as connected under Receipt Printers.

After connecting your printer, don't forget to:

  • Set it as the default printer (optional)

  • Print a test receipt

  • Test the connection to the cash drawer (if applicable).

ERROR indicator is blinking red

This is caused when there is no paper present in the printer. Open the printer, replace the paper, and close the lid. The ERROR indicator should stop blinking and the READY indicator should light up.

Paper jams

If you feed the paper into the receipt printer at an angle, then a paper jam is likely to happen. If this happens, then turn off the printer, open it up, and feed the paper in again.

If you're trying to make your receipt narrower than the specified 3 inch width, then make sure that you use the divider provided. Don't fold the paper when you feed it into the printer.

Customize receipts

You can customize both the basic receipt layout and the transaction description.

