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  • 首饰袋必须单独装在塑料袋中,并且条形码应在首饰袋的外侧以免被灰尘损坏。在表面积最大的一侧粘贴商品描述标签。

  • 袋子的尺寸应适合首饰袋的尺寸。不要将首饰袋强迫装入太小的袋子里,或者装在太大的袋子里以致于首饰袋四处移动。大袋子的边缘更容易被抓住和撕裂,导致内部物品暴露在灰尘或污垢中。

  • 开口为 5 英寸或以上的塑料袋(至少 1.5 密耳)必须具有一个“窒息警告”。示例:“塑料袋可能造成危险。为避免窒息危险,保持包装材料远离婴儿和儿童。”

  • 所有塑料袋都必须透明。





  • 如果盒子由易清洁的材料制成,则不必袋装。套筒可以充分防尘。

  • 由容易受到灰尘或撕裂影响的类织物材料制成的盒子必须独立装袋或装箱,并在醒目位置显示条形码。

  • 防护套筒或袋子仅应稍大于商品。

  • 盒子套筒应该足够贴合或固定以免滑落,而且套上套筒后条形码必须可见。

  • 如可能,条形码应贴在盒子上;如果牢固固定,也可贴在套筒上。


由于高价珠宝可能不会很快售出,我们建议您使用防护袋包装这些商品,以便在运营中心帮助保护它们。如果您向亚马逊物流发送赔偿金超过 2,000.00 美元的商品,请了解 亚马逊物流已丢失和已残损商品赔偿政策。


  • 塑料袋

  • 箱子

  • 标签


Packaging jewelry

Important: Failure to comply with FBA product preparation requirements, safety requirements, and product restrictions may result in the refusal of inventory at the Amazon fulfillment center, disposal or return of inventory, blocking of future shipments to the fulfillment center, or charging for preparation or for noncompliance at the fulfillment center.

Any jewelry unit that can be damaged by tearing, dirt, dust or liquid during the fulfillment process must be packaged following these guidelines. Jewelry must be packaged so that the unit cannot be damaged or cause unsafe conditions by having the material exposed during the fulfillment process.

Watch these brief videos for examples of how to prep your products for shipment to and storage in Amazon fulfillment centers.

  • Bagging

  • Taping

  • Labeling


  • Pouches must be packed individually in plastic bags with the barcode on the outside of the pouch to avoid damage from dust. Place a product description label on the side with the greatest surface area.

  • The bag should be appropriate for size of a pouch. Do not force a pouch into a bag that is too small or place it in a bag where it can easily shift around. The edges of large bags are more likely to get caught and tear exposing contents to dust or dirt.

  • Poly bags (minimum 1.5 mil.) with a 5" opening or larger must have a "suffocation warning." Example: "Plastic bags can be dangerous. To avoid danger of suffocation; keep this bag away from babies and children."

  • All poly bags must be transparent.

Examples of pouches properly packaged one per bag with barcode inside the bag for protection against dust. The bags are slightly larger than the pouches.

Example of pouch that is exposed, unprotected, and improperly packaged. The contents of the pouch are bagged, but the barcode is inside the pouch and cannot be scanned without removing it from the pouch.

Boxed Jewelry

  • Boxes made of material that is easily cleaned do not have to be bagged. Sleeves are sufficient protection from dust.

  • Boxes made of fabric-like material that is susceptible to dust or tearing must to be bagged or boxed individually with barcode displayed prominently.

  • Protective sleeve or bag should be only slightly larger than unit.

  • Box sleeves should be snug enough or secured in such a way that they will not slide off and the barcode must be visible with the sleeve in place.

  • Barcodes should be attached to box if possible; they can be attached to sleeves if secured properly.

This example shows a fabric-like box properly stored in a bag slightly larger than the box. This is properly packaged.

This example shows a box stored in a bag that is much larger than the unit and the label is not on the box. This bag is more likely to be punctured or torn and the barcode separated from the unit. This is improperly packaged.

This example shows a box poorly protected by a sleeve that is not secured enabling the box to slip out and become separated from the sleeve and the barcode. This is improperly packaged.

Best practice for high-value jewelry

As high-value jewelry may not sell quickly, we recommend that you package these Units in protective bags to help protect them while they are at the fulfillment center. If you are sending products to FBA that have a Replacement Value greater than $2,000.00, please be aware of the FBA Lost and Damaged reimbursement policy.

Permitted packaging materials:

  • Poly Bags

  • Boxes

  • Labels

