

  1. 提及“在线商店”,“官方商店”

  2. 包括国家→人们会搜索“在新加坡购买iPhone的地方”

  3. 包括用户感兴趣的信息:客户服务时间,运营时间,促销更新

  4. 上传相关的图像和视频,以获得更好的视觉效果

此外,鼓励您在商店中评论产品。 评论不仅被视为可靠的卖家,还可以更新您页面的内容,从而使其在搜索引擎上的排名更高。 继续阅读以获取更多有用的提示,以优化您的店铺页面


Update shop description for users search intent

  • Mention terms like ‘online shop’, ‘official shop’

  • Include country → People will search ‘where to buy iphone in Singapore’

  • Include information users are interested in: customer service hours, operation period, promo updates

  • Upload relevant images and videos for a better visual representation

In addition, encourage product reviews on your shop. Besides being seen as a reliable seller, reviews update your page’s content, allowing it to rank higher on search engines. Read on for more helpful tips to optimise your shop page

