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如何支付wish FBW仓储费、订单履行费和运费?


1. 如何支付仓储费、订单履行费和运费?

您可以在商户平台的 FBW > 费用页面查看您的账户应支付的费用明细。如需了解如何浏览此页面,请点击此处。


2. 我的所有 FBW 订单是否都有物流单号?

是的。所有 FBW 订单采用的配送方式都提供物流跟踪信息。包裹从发货到妥投全程可见。wish商户平台要去 FBW 仓库按照 Wish Express 的服务水平配送包裹。

3. 履行订单之后发生的退款责任由谁承担?

对于与物流无关的退款,商户需承担退款责任Wish 将承担所有与物流相关的退款责任。


9. How do I pay for the warehousing cost and order fulfillment and shipping cost?

You can view the detailed fees issued and charged to your account on the Merchant Dashboard FBW > Fees page. Learn more about navigating this page here.

The system will automatically deduct occurred charges every billing cycle from your account balance. So you don’t need to front this part of the cost.

10. Do I get tracking numbers for all of my FBW orders?

Yes. All of your FBW orders are fulfilled with tracking-enabled shipping methods. Your package will have visibility from origin to destination. The FBW warehouse is required to ship packages in accordance with the Wish Express service level.

11. Who will be responsible for the post-fulfillment refunds?

Merchants are responsible for non-logistics-related refunds. Wish is responsible for all
logistics-related refunds.

