
无论产品在参加降价赋能活动之前的原始状态是什么(促销或非促销),一旦wish商户为其创建降价赋能活动,该产品就会变成促销产品。请注意,商户不能为正在等待 Wish 审核或未通过 Wish 审核的产品创建降价赋能活动。


自太平洋时间2021年8月11日起,在商户平台的“降价赋能活动”页面上,对于状态显示为“待处理”或“正在进行”(即 Wish 正在分析或已经批准)的降价赋能活动中包含的产品,商户将不能再更新产品的价格。也就是说,虽然降价赋能活动中包含的是促销产品,但商户也不能更新它们的价格(这是商户政策3.1的一个例外情况),但这些产品仍受商户政策3中所有其他产品促销政策约束。


随着降价赋能活动规模的不断扩大,我们强烈建议商户选择最畅销的产品,通过创建新的降价赋能活动来降低这些产品的价格,以便提供更具竞争力的价格,同时获得潜在的 GMV 和曝光量增益。



Promoted status for products included in Price Drop campaigns

Regardless of a product’s original status (promoted vs. unpromoted) before being included in a Price Drop campaign, the product will become promoted once merchants create a Price Drop campaign for it. Note that merchants cannot create a Price Drop campaign for a product that is pending Wish review or has failed Wish review before listing.

In addition, note that a product will return to its original status (promoted or unpromoted) over time after its corresponding Price Campaign ends.

Starting August 11, 2021 Pacific Time, merchants can no longer update product prices for products included in Price Drop campaigns with a “Pending” or “On-going” status shown in Merchant Dashboard Price Drop Campaigns page (i.e., the campaign is being analyzed or is approved by Wish). That said, even though products included in Price Drop campaigns are promoted, merchants cannot update product prices of these products (as an exception to Merchant Policy 3.1), but are still subject to all other Product Promotions policies listed under Merchant Policy 3.

The price update restrictions for product price and shipping price will be enforced independently and separately, so merchants may still update shipping prices of these products. 

With an ever-expanding Price Drop program, we strongly encourage that merchants select their top-selling products and drop their prices by creating new Price Drop campaigns, so that they can offer more competitive pricing, and receive potential GMV and impression gains for their products in the meantime.


If you have any questions about the Price Drop program, please reach out to your Account Manager.

