如果您在亚马逊上销售商品,您有责任确保您的商品符合所有 当地、州和联邦法律以及亚马逊政策 。如果不遵循适用法律和亚马逊政策,可能会导致亚马逊取消您的销售权限。
我的 ASIN 因受限商品违规而从网站中移除,现在该怎么办?
请查看我们的受限商品政策。我们的受限商品 政策页面提供了有关亚马逊准售商品和禁售商品的信息。
如果您认为某件商品被错误移除,请联系销售伙伴支持并提供 ASIN 编码和详细的理由以申请恢复。请先确保您遵循了受限商品通知中的所有说明,然后再联系销售伙伴支持。
我已将受限商品的商品信息更改为缺货 (OOS) 状态,那么我的商品是否符合亚马逊的受限商品政策?
在亚马逊上进口、出口和销售商品时,您必须遵循所有适用法律,其中包括美国、 、 、 、 、 、或任何其他相关司法管辖区的贸易管制法律。特定司法管辖区的贸易管制法律是否适用取决于您所在的国家/地区、出口的国家/地区、进口的国家/地区、商品的原产国家/地区及其他因素。您有责任确定贸易管制法律是否适用并获得所有必要的政府授权,同时还应承担不合规行为所导致的所有处罚。
Restricted Products FAQ
What are my responsibilities when listing a product for sale on Amazon?
If you supply goods on Amazon, you are responsible for ensuring that your listings comply with all local, state, and federal laws and Amazon policy. Failure to comply with applicable laws and Amazon policy may result in the removal of your selling privileges.
If I see a listing that violates Amazon's policies or applicable law, where can I report it?
Refer to the Report a Violation Help page for complete instructions.
My ASIN was removed from the website for a restricted products violation—now what?
Review our policies on restricted products. Our Restricted Products policy pages serve as an informational guide to products that are permitted and prohibited on Amazon.
I reviewed the Restricted Products policy pages and believe my product was removed in error. What can I do?
If you believe a product has been removed in error, contact Seller Support and provide the ASIN number and a detailed justification for reinstatement. Ensure that you follow all instructions in the Restricted Products notification prior to contacting Seller Support.
Amazon is continually making adjustments to the systems we use to detect restricted products. Occasionally, the system may remove products that are allowed on the site. This may be due to incomplete or inaccurate product information, or simply a system error.
I have moved a restricted product listing to Out of Stock (OOS) status. Is my listing compliant with Amazon’s Restricted Products policy?
No. Please note that moving a listing to OOS does not make the listing compliant. Failure to properly close or delete all restricted product listings from your inventory may result in the removal of your selling privileges. If you think your product was incorrectly identified as a restricted product on Amazon, close the listing immediately to ensure compliance while you appeal the restriction with Seller Support.
I do not see the exact product I am selling on the Restricted Products policy pages, but I see something similar. Can I go ahead and list my product?
You should not assume a product is permitted simply because it isn't on our Restricted Products policy pages. You should also check to make sure the product is compliant with all applicable federal, state, and local laws.
What is Amazon's policy on recalled products?
Listings for any products recalled by the manufacturer or any government agency or regulatory body are prohibited.
What are my responsibilities if my product will be exported/imported to another country?
You must comply with all applicable laws when importing, exporting, and selling products on Amazon. That includes the trade control laws of the United States or any other jurisdiction in question. Whether the trade control laws of a particular jurisdiction applies will depend on your location, the country of export, the country of import, the country of origin of your product, and other factors. You are responsible for determining the applicability of the trade control laws and obtaining any required government authorizations, and will be liable for any penalties resulting from non-compliance.
I sell many different products. How can I ensure I don’t accidentally violate Amazon’s restricted products policies?
There are few things you can do:
Assign an employee to review each product you plan to sell. They should have current knowledge of the products, the industry, and laws.
Review the restricted product policy, examples of prohibited listings, and your product catalog on a regular basis. This includes anything you upload using an automated system.
If you are buying from a source other than the manufacturer, be certain about the origin of products you sell and if they are compliant in the location you intend to sell them.
Will Amazon pre-approve my listings?
Amazon will not pre-approve listings. It is your responsibility to carefully review Amazon policies and applicable law before listing a product. Laws change frequently, so sellers should monitor regulatory changes and take appropriate action. We encourage you to consult with legal counsel if you have questions about the laws and regulations concerning your products.
How do Restricted Products violations impact my ability to sell on Amazon?
Restricted Products violations can result in the removal of your selling privileges. To ensure that your account remains in good standing, you should make sure that you are aware of any policies or restrictions that apply to the products you sell and respond quickly to notifications that you receive.
How do I handle customer returns for restricted products?
Follow the standard return process including international return policy, to handle return requests.
I am a FBA seller. How does this impact my shipments and existing inventory?
We do not accept inbound shipments of restricted products to FBA. Please see our FBA Policies and Requirements and Required Removal policy.
I have orders that were placed prior to the policy change. What will happen to my performance metrics if I fulfill or cancel those orders?
You are able to fulfill the orders that were placed prior to the policy change without an adverse impact to your account health.