



  1. 如果您想要下载所有广告组合的数据,或者选择单个广告组合,请转到所有广告活动视图,然后点击“广告组合”。

  2. 点击导出。


您可以采用 Excel 格式导出带有广告组合列的营销活动和关键词数据,以便轻松创建数据透视表。

  1. 转到广告活动管理,然后选择广告报告选项卡。

  2. 定义您的报告设置,然后点击创建报告。

  3. 生成报告后,点击下载。

  4. 广告组合数据将显示在广告组合名称列部分。

注意: 广告活动业绩历史记录始终保持在广告活动级别。


View your portfolio reports

You can download portfolio data from your portfolios page or from the Reports tab.

Portfolios page:

You can create a report from any campaign or portfolio view to download your performance metrics to a spreadsheet. This will include all data currently filtered in the table.

  1. Go to the All campaigns view and click Portfolios if you want to download data for all portfolios, or select the individual portfolio.

  2. Click Export.

Reports tab:

You can export campaigns and keyword data with a portfolio column in Excel for easy pivot table creation.

  1. Go to the campaign manager and select the Advertising Reports tab.

  2. Define your report settings and click Create report.

  3. Once the report is generated, click Download.

  4. The portfolio data will display under the Portfolio Name column.

Note: The campaign performance history always stays at campaign level.

