


2.2严禁在 Wish 平台销售仿品

严禁在 Wish 上架仿品。若商户上架仿品,这些产品将被移除,且相应账户将面临赔款,可能还会被暂停交易。





2.4产品详情页不得引导用户离开 Wish

如果商户上架的产品鼓励用户离开 Wish 平台或联系 Wish 平台以外的店铺,产品将被移除,且其账户将面临被暂停的风险。







作为 Wish 商户,您有责任确保您的产品符合发货和收货地区的法规。如果产品被发现违反 Wish 的禁售产品政策,商户将被处以赔款,且产品可能会被下架。根据违规的严重程度,赔款金额范围为 a).每件违规产品$10.00至 b).每件违规产品$250.00,外加违规产品累计所有订单的订单金额总额。此外,如果销售禁售产品,商户账户可能会被暂停。







2Listing Products

Last updated on May 11, 2021

2.1Information provided during product upload must be accurate

If a merchant provides inaccurate information about the product they are listing, the product could be removed and the account could face penalties or suspension.

2.2Counterfeit products are strictly prohibited on Wish

Listing counterfeit products on Wish is not tolerated. If a merchant lists counterfeit products for sale, the products will be removed and their account will face penalties and possible suspension.

2.3Products and listings may not infringe on the intellectual property of others

Products and listings may not infringe on the intellectual property of others. This includes, but is not limited to: copyright, trademarks, and patents. Merchants are responsible for ensuring that their products and listings do not infringe and are encouraged to do an IP clearance check before listing products. If a merchant repeatedly lists products that infringe on others’ intellectual property, the products will be removed and their account will face possible penalties of $500.00* or more and/or suspension.

If a merchant continues to repeatedly infringe on the intellectual property rights of others, their account is at risk of higher penalties, suspension and/or termination.

The penalty can only be disputed and approved within 90 calendar days from when the penalty was created. If the penalty dispute is not approved within the 90 calendar day period from when the penalty was created, the penalty will not be reversed.

2.4Product listings may not refer customers off of Wish

If a merchant lists a product which encourages customers to leave Wish or contact a store outside of Wish, the product will be removed and the account risks suspension.

2.5Listing duplicate products is prohibited

Listing the same product multiple times is prohibited. Products of the same size should be listed as one product. Duplicate products should not be uploaded. If a merchant uploads duplicate products the products will be removed and the account risks suspension.

2.6Modifying a product listing from its original product to a new product is forbidden

If a merchant changes a product listing into a new product, the product will be removed, the account will be penalized up to $20.00*, and the account will be at risk of suspension.

The penalty can only be disputed and approved within 90 calendar days from when the penalty was created. If the penalty dispute is not approved within the 90 calendar day period from when the penalty was created, the penalty will not be reversed.

2.7Prohibited product listings will be penalized

As a merchant on Wish you are responsible for ensuring the legal compliance of your products in the regions you ship to and ship from. If a product listing is detected to not comply with Wish’s Prohibited Product Listings policies, the merchant may be penalized and the product listing may be taken down. Penalties range from a). $10.00 per violating product to b). $250.00 per violating product plus the total order value for all orders generated by the violating product during its lifetime, depending on the severity of the violation. In addition, the merchant’s account may be suspended for selling prohibited products.

Order value is defined as 'quantity * (merchant price + merchant shipping)'.

If a package is found to contain a product that does not comply with all applicable laws, including customs regulations for the origin country (i.e. location of export) or destination country (i.e. location of import), merchants may be penalized for the actual costs incurred by the carrier to destroy the product.

The penalty can only be disputed and approved within 90 calendar days from when the penalty was created. If the penalty dispute is not approved within the 90 calendar day period from when the penalty was created, the penalty will not be reversed.

Learn more about prohibited items

See the full list of prohibited products, penalty amounts, and examples

