
重要: 注册在亚马逊上销售商品后,您将自动注册加入专业销售计划。

在专业销售计划中,不管您是否发布或销售商品,都要支付一笔不可退款的 $39.99 月服务费。您无需在商品售出时支付按件收取的费用。所有其他费用将根据适用情况收取。



注意: 如果您想从专业销售计划降级为个人销售计划,可以登录您的卖家平台账户,然后在我的服务页面切换计划。有关更多信息,请参阅切换到个人销售计划。





Professional selling plan

Important: When you sign up to sell on Amazon, you are automatically enrolled in the Professional selling plan.

In the Professional selling plan, you pay a nonrefundable monthly subscription fee of $39.99 regardless of whether you list or sell anything. You don't pay a per-item fee when an item sells. All other fees are charged as applicable.

The Professional selling plan gives you access to inventory tools to upload batch files and manage your orders through feeds and reports. These tools are beneficial to most medium- to large-size businesses.

For more information on what features are included in the Professional selling plan, see Selling plan comparison.

Note: If you want to downgrade from the Professional selling plan to an Individual selling plan, you can login to your Seller Central account and switch you plan on the My Services page. For more information, see Switch to an Individual selling plan.


If you do not want to switch your selling plan, you can cancel at any time. For more information, see Close your seller account.

