您可以添加要突出显示的产品系列列表。您最多可以向产品系列列表中添加 16 个产品系列块。
设置 | 描述 |
标题 | 分区的标题 |
图片比 | 产品系列的配图的图片比:
配色方案 | 产品系列列表分区的背景色。可在“强调色 1”、“强调色 2”、“背景 1”、“背景 2”或“反转色”之间选择。 |
在移动设备上启用滑动功能 | 将移动设备上的显示方式从列更改为行,使客户可以横向滑动以查看更多产品系列块。 |
如果列表中的产品系列未全部显示,请启用“查看全部”按钮 | 显示"查看全部"按钮,将客户带至产品系列的完整列表。 |
分区填充 | 将间距添加到收集列表的顶部或底部。使用范围滑块在产品系列分区上方或下方添加 0px 到 100px 之间的空间。 |
您的联系表会将所有提交发送到您商店的发件人邮箱。您可以在 Shopify 后台的商店详细信息设置页面中更改发件人邮箱。
设置 | 描述 |
标题 | 分区的标题 |
配色方案 | 联系表分区的背景颜色。在“主题色 1”、“主题色 2”、“背景色 1”、“背景色 2”或“反转色”之间选择。 |
分区填充 | 将间距添加到联系表的顶部或底部。使用范围滑块在联系表分区上方或下方添加 0px 到 100px 之间的空间。 |
自定义 Liquid
您可以添加自己的 Liquid 代码以创建自定义分区。
直接在编辑器中添加自定义 Liquid 代码。
设置 | 描述 |
自定义 Liquid | 添加应用代码片段或其他自定义 Liquid 代码以创建高级自定义。 |
配色方案 | 联系表分区的背景颜色。在“主题色 1”、“主题色 2”、“背景色 1”、“背景色 2”或“反转色”之间选择。 |
分区填充 | 将间距添加到自定义 Liquid 分区的顶部或底部。使用范围滑块在自定义 Liquid 分区上方或下方添加 0px 到 100px 之间的空间。 |
设置 | 描述 |
背景图片 | 电子邮件注册横幅的背景图片。点击更改可替换或删除图片。删除图片后,将显示模板随附的图片。取消选中显示背景图片复选框可隐藏此图片。 |
编辑替代文本 | 点击后可设置用于搜索引擎优化的图片替换文本,还可用于为使用屏幕阅读器的客户描述图片。 |
图片叠加不透明度 | 利用叠加使电子邮件注册横幅图片变暗。使用滑块设置叠加的不透明度。默认为 0%。 |
显示背景图片 | 选中此框可在电子邮件注册横幅上显示背景图片。 |
横幅高度 | 使用下拉菜单设置电子邮件注册横幅图片的高度。可在“适应图片”、“小”、“中”(默认)或“大”之间选择。 |
台式设备内容位置 | 设置台式电脑上电子邮件注册横幅的位置。可在“顶部”、“中间”或“底部”以及“右”、“左”或“居中”之间选择。“中间居中”是默认选项。
在台式设备上显示容器 | 对于使用台式电脑进行购物的客户,将电子邮件注册横幅图片文本放置在图片上方的文本框中。 |
台式设备内容对齐方式 | 设置台式电脑上的图片横幅文本的对齐方式。可选择右对齐、左对齐或居中(默认)。 |
配色方案 | 电子邮件注册横幅分区的背景颜色。在“主题色 1”、“主题色 2”、“背景色 1”、“背景色 2”或“反转色”之间选择。
移动设备内容对齐方式 | 设置移动设备上的图片横幅文本的对齐方式。可选择右对齐、左对齐或居中(默认)。 |
在移动设备上的图片下方显示内容 | 在移动设备上,内容将显示在电子邮件注册横幅图片下方。 |
设置 | 描述 |
标题 | 分区的标题。 |
设置 | 描述 |
描述 | 分区的描述。 |
文本样式 | 更改电子邮件注册分区中的文本样式。可在“正文”(默认)和“副标题”中进行选择。 |
您可以添加一个分区,供客户在其中输入他们的邮箱并订阅您的新闻通讯或营销信息。当客户订阅时,系统会在您 Shopify 的后台中创建客户账户。
设置 | 描述 |
配色方案 | 电子邮件注册信息分区的背景色。可在“强调色 1”、“强调色 2”、“背景 1”、“背景 2”或“反转色”之间选择。 |
使分区展示全宽 | 使分区按浏览器窗口的全宽显示。 |
设置 | 描述 |
标题 | 分区的标题。 |
设置 | 描述 |
描述 | 分区的描述。 |
设置 | 描述 |
产品 | 您希望在分区中作为特色产品显示的产品。 |
配色方案 | 选择特色产品的配色方案。 |
显示辅助背景 | 在辅助背景色上显示特色产品。 |
隐藏其他多种媒体文件 | 选择此选项以在选择多选项后隐藏其他多变种的媒体文件。 |
启用视频循环 | 允许视频再次播放。客户必须点击才能开始重新播放。 |
分区填充 | 将间距添加到特色产品分区的顶部或底部。使用范围滑块将 0px 到 100px 的空间添加到分区的顶部或底部。 |
块 | 设置 |
文本 | 输入用于特色产品的文本:
标题 | 此块没有可自定义设置。 |
价格 | 此块没有可自定义设置。 |
多属性选择器 | 在椭圆形框或下拉菜单之间选择。 |
数量选择器 | 此块没有可自定义设置。 |
Buy Button | 选中显示动态结账按钮框,以显示在 Payments 设置中启用的任何动态结账选项。 |
分享 | 可供客户将产品分享到其社交媒体的可点击文本。 |
产品评分 | 用星星图形显示平均产品评分,并在括号里注明评论次数,例如 ★★★★★ (8)。还需要产品评论应用(例如 Shopify Product Reviews)以及元字段定义(用于 reviews.rating_count和 reviews.rating)。 |
自定义 Liquid | 添加<a href="/manual/online-store/themes/extend/>自定义 Liquid 或 HTML 代码。 |
应用 | 添加一个与 Online Store 2.0 兼容的应用。 |
设置 | 描述 |
标题 | 分区的标题。 |
收藏 | 要在其中显示产品的产品系列。 |
要显示的最大产品数 | 要在产品系列中显示的产品数量。必须是偶数。最小值:2。最大值:12。 |
配色方案 | 特色产品系列分区的背景颜色。在“主题色 1”、“主题色 2”、“背景色 1”、“背景色 2”或“反转色”之间选择。 |
如果产品系列中的产品未全部显示,请启用“查看全部”按钮 | 如果产品系列中的产品数超过了可显示的最大产品数字段中设置的值,此时会显示“查看全部”按钮,该按钮可将客户定向到产品系列页面。 |
在移动设备上启用滑动功能 | 将移动设备上的显示方式从列更改为行,使客户可以横向滑动以查看更多产品。 |
图片比 | 产品图片的图片比:
在悬停时显示第二张图片 | 在客户将光标悬停在产品图片上时,显示第二张产品图像(如果产品有第二张图片)。 |
显示厂商 | 显示产品的厂商。 |
显示产品评分 | 用星星图形显示平均产品评分,并在括号里注明评论次数,例如 ★★★★★ (8)。还需要产品评论应用(例如 Shopify Product Reviews)以及元字段定义(用于 reviews.rating_count和 reviews.rating)。 |
分区填充 | 将间距添加到特色系列分区的顶部或底部。使用范围滑块在特色产品系列分区上方或下方添加 0px 到 100px 之间的空间。 |
Collection list
You can add a list of collections that you want to highlight. You can add up to 16 collection blocks to a collection list.
Section settings
Setting Description Heading The title of the section Image ratio The image ratio for the featured images of the collections:
Adapt to image - Uses the aspect ratio of the images. This prevents the images from being cropped.
Portrait - Crops the images to use a 2:3 ratio.
Square (default) - Crops the images to use a 1:1 ratio.
Color scheme The background color of the collection list section. Choose between Accent 1, Accent 2, Background 1, Background 2, or Inverse. Enable swipe on mobile Changes the mobile display from a column to a row, where customers can swipe sideways to see more collection blocks. Enable "View all" button if list includes more collections than shown Displays a "View all" button that takes the customers to the full list of collections. Section padding Add spacing to the top or bottom of the collection list. Use the range slider to add between 0px and 100px of space above or below the collection section. Choose collections
From your theme editor, click the Collection block that you want to add a collection to.
Click Select collection.
Click a collection, and then click Select.
Contact form
Your contact form sends all submissions to your store's Sender email address. You can change the sender email address in the Store details settings page of your Shopify admin.
The form has the following fields:
Email (required)
Phone number
Section settings
Setting Description Heading The title of the section Color scheme The background color of the contact form section. Select between Accent 1, Accent 2, Background 1, Background 2, or Inverse. Section padding Add spacing to the top or bottom of the contact form. Use the range slider to add between 0px and 100px of space above or below the contact form section. Custom Liquid
You can add your own Liquid code to create a custom section.
Add app snippets provided in the instructions from your downloaded apps to easily introduce apps to your pages.
Add custom Liquid code directly in the editor.
Section settings
Setting Description Custom Liquid Add app snippets or other custom Liquid code to create advanced customizations. Color scheme The background color of the contact form section. Select between Accent 1, Accent 2, Background 1, Background 2, or Inverse. Section padding Add spacing to the top or bottom of the custom Liquid section. Use the range slider to add between 0px and 100px of space above or below the custom Liquid section. Email signup banner
You can add a section to your password page, where customers can enter their email address to be informed when your store is open. Each email subscription creates a customer account.
The section comes with three default blocks:
Email form
Section settings
Setting Description Background image The background image for the email signup banner. Click Change to replace or remove the image. When the image is removed, the image that comes with the theme is shown. Hide this image by deselecting the Show background image checkbox. Edit alt text Click to set image alt text for search engine optimization and to describe the image for customers using screen readers. Image overlay opacity Dims the email signup banner image with an overlay. Use the slider to set the opacity of the overlay. Defaults to 0%. Show background image Check this box to display the background image on your email signup banner. Banner height Set the height of your email signup banner image using the drop-down menu. Choose between Adapt to Image, small, medium (default), or large.
Desktop content position Set the position of the email signup banner for desktop computers. Choose between top, middle, or bottom, and right, left, or center. Middle center is the default option.
On desktop, the text box partially covers the image. On mobile, the text box displays below the image.Show container on desktop Places your email signup banner image text in a text box over the image for customers shopping from a desktop computer. Desktop content alignment Set the alignment of the image banner text for desktop computers. Choose between right, left, or center (default). Color scheme The background color of the email signup banner section. Choose between Accent 1, Accent 2, Background 1 (default), Background 2, or Inverse.
On desktop, the color scheme selected is visible only when the Show container on desktop option is selected. On mobile, the color scheme selected is visible only when Show content below image on mobile is selected.Mobile content alignment Set the alignment of the image banner text for mobile devices. Choose between right, left, or center (default). Show content below on mobile Content will appear below the email signup banner image on mobile devices. Heading block
Setting Description Heading The title for the section. Subheading block
Setting Description Description The description for the section. Text style Changes the style of text in the email signup section. Choose between Body (default) and Subtitle. Email signup
You can add a section where customers can enter their email address and subscribe to your newsletter or marketing. When a customer subscribes, a customer account is created in your Shopify admin.
The section comes with three default blocks:
Email form
Section settings
Setting Description Color scheme The background color of the email signup section. Choose between Accent 1, Accent 2, Background 1, Background 2, or Inverse. Make section full width Makes the section the full width of the browser window. Heading block
Setting Description Heading The title for the section. Subheading block
Setting Description Description The description for the section. Email form
The email form block displays a field where a customer can enter an email address to sign up to opt into your marketing materials. The block has no customizable settings.
Featured product
You can add a section that features a specific product.
Section settings
Setting Description Product The product that you want to feature in the section. Color scheme Select the color scheme of the featured product. Show secondary background Displays the featured product on your secondary background color. Hide other variants' media Select this option to hide the media for other variants once a variant has been selected. Enable video looping Allows the video to be played again. Customers must click to start the replay. Section padding Add spacing to the top or bottom of the featured product section. Use the range slider to add between 0px and 100px of space to the top or the bottom of the section.
Section blocks
You can add the following blocks in your Featured product section.
Block Settings Text Enter text for your featured product:
Text: Accepts text or dynamic source.
Text style: Choose between Body, Subtitle, or Uppercase.
Title This block has no customizable settings. Price This block has no customizable settings. Variant picker Choose between pills or a drop-down menu. Quantity selector This block has no customizable settings. Buy buttons Check the Show dynamic checkout buttons box to display any dynamic checkout options that you've enabled in your Payments settings. Share Clickable text that allows customers to share the product to their social media. Product rating Displays the average product rating in stars with the number of reviews in parenthesis, for example: ★★★★★ (8). Also requires a product review app such as Shopify Product Reviews, and metafield definitions for reviews.rating_count and reviews.rating. Custom Liquid Add Apps Add an Online Store 2.0-compatible app.
Featured collection
You can add a section that displays products in one collection.
Section settings
Setting Description Heading The title of the section. Collection Which collection you want to display products from. Maximum products to show The number of products from the collection to display. Must be an even number. Minimum: 2. Maximum: 12. Color scheme The background color of the featured collection section. Choose between Accent 1, Accent 2, Background 1, Background 2, or Inverse. Enable "View all" button if collection has more products than shown If the collection has more products than set in the Maximum products to show field, then this displays a "View all" button that takes the customers to the collections page. Enable swipe on mobile Changes the mobile display from a column to a row, where customers can swipe sideways to see more products. Image ratio The image ratio for the product images:
Adapt to image - Uses the aspect ratio of the images. This prevents the images from being cropped.
Portrait - Crops the images to use a 2:3 ratio.
Square - Crops the images to use a 1:1 ratio.
Show second image on hover When the customer hovers their cursor over the product image, displays the second product image if the product has one. Show vendor Displays the vendors of the products. Show product rating Displays the average product rating in stars with the number of reviews in parenthesis, for example: ★★★★★ (8). Also requires a product review app such as Shopify Product Reviews, and metafield definitions for reviews.rating_count and reviews.rating. Section padding Add spacing to the top or bottom of the featured collection section. Use the range slider to add between 0px and 100px of space above or below the featured collection section.